Final Report Summary - SAFETOW (Strategic aid for escort and salvage tugs at work)
The project was structured into 10 Work packages (WP), as follows:
WP 1: Accident scenario definition
WP 2: Data collection and analysis task
WP 4: Prototype specification
WP 5: Prototype implementation
WP 6: System installation and field test
WP 7: Revised specifications
WP 8: Final implementation
WP 9: Final system installation and test
WP 10: Project management.
The project yielded the following results:
- definition of a full set of requirements for SAFETOW systems;
- definition of a full set of specifications for SAFETOW systems;
- implementation of a first set of prototypes;
- evaluation of a first set of prototypes;
- revised set of specifications for SAFETOW system;
- final implementation of the revised SAFETOW system;
- end-user evaluations of the final prototypes.
It is the objective of SAFETOW to create a solution for effective and safe towing and manoeuvring solutions. The exploitation of such solutions will be approached through direct exploitation of results by the end-users and of the consortium of the system created in SAFETOW.