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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-25

HUMAN centred design for Information Society Technologies

Exploitable results

The research areas covered by the Humanist Network of excellence (NoE) are dealing with the identification of the driver needs in relation to Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), evaluation of ITS potential benefits, joint-cognitive models of driver-vehicle-environment for user-centred design, impact analysis of ITS on driving behaviour, development of innovative methodologies to evaluate ITS safety and usability, driver education and training for ITS use and use of ITS to train and to educate drivers. This set of research areas were complementary and allowed to cover the knowledge required to investigate all the various aspects of human-centred design. A set of 'integrating activities' was created in order to manage and to consolidate the NoE research structure: - by promoting the mobility of researchers inside the network; - by optimising the pool of existing experimental infrastructures through sharing; - by setting up an electronic internal network in order to share easily and quickly the knowledge inside the network (forum, web-conference, common database) and in order to set up e-learning initiatives. A set of 'spreading activities' has been created in order to spread widely the knowledge from the NoE towards the relevant stakeholders: - by organising debates and transfer of knowledge through identified activities with other FP6 projects on eSafety and relevant stakeholders and by promoting harmonisation with other networks as standardisation and pre-normative bodies; - by setting up training programmes towards European students and young researchers in the area in addition to professionals of industries, governmental bodies and other organisations in the automotive domain; - by promoting and disseminating concepts, activities and results of the NoE to a wide audience. Out of the scientific outcomes of Humanist project, it is possible to highlight valuable outputs such as: - a edited book on 'Modelling driver behaviour in automotive environments: Critical issues in driver interactions with intelligent transport systems', - a matrix of methods for the assessment of Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and In-vehicle information system (IVIS), - a multimedia tool for the training of drivers on ITS use, - a software for the analysis of traces of activity for cognitive modeling of the car driver, called 'Abstract'.

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