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Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

Tailormade high performing liquids - enabling competitive and sustainable growth (TAILORLIQUID)

Final Report Summary - TAILORLIQUID (Tailormade high performing liquids - enabling competitive and sustainable growth)

The TAILORLIQUID project addressed new technologies for development of liquid chemical formulations with the objective to develop a new toolbox for easy product development. The expected benefit of positive project results is to make it possible for the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) partners to stay competitive on markets that are seeing an increasing pressure for reduced development times. For the TAILORLIQUID SME partners, as for many other European formulation industries, it is crucial to reduce the time-to-market with novel formulated products.

In the course of the project SME and research and technological development (RTD) partners worked together in activities defined by four work packages (WPs):
WP1: project management;
WP2: formulation methodology;
WP3: formulation development system;
WP4: development of evaluation methods.

The project activities resulted in, among other things, the development of novel formulation methods and prototypes for both liquid cleaners and food products. The project strategy, which was pursued according to plans, was to explore the application of a new instrument prototype for high trough-put characterisation of liquid formulations, the so called MPS-1.

Given that successful applications can be established this instrument performs automated formulation characterisations, and thus have the potential to strongly rationalise development work. The use of this instrument was combined with the parallel exploration of a new methodology the so-called SAD concept, as a smart formulation concept in product development. The scope of the project thus included, in addition to formulation prototype development, also the development of instrument applications and formulation methods. Therefore the novel established instrument applications and new methodology also represent important project results.

Work directed towards development of liquid cleaning products was the dominating application topic in the TAILORLIQUID project. Naturally this was the main interest of the SME project partner WACK as a manufacturer of cleaning products. But also the RTD performers YKI, CSIC, and PK allocated the major proportion of their work to this topic.
1) Model systems
Model systems were explored and developed in work performed mainly by YKI. The model systems proved useful for both the characterisation of ingredients and the design of novel microemulsion prototypes for liquid cleaners. Project results were thus according to objectives.
2) Ingredient characterisation
Much research effort was invested in the characterisation of novel ingredients in terms of solvents and detergents (surfactants). WACK, PK, YKI, and CSIC were all active on this topic and project results were on this topic according to objectives. This is said with respect to the fact that the most promising liquid cleaner prototype developed in the project was the result from a novel solvent-surfactant combination explored in the project.
3) Instrument applications
The MPS-1 was intensively used by PK for automated phase studies of solvents aimed for liquid cleaners. The instrument proved to be very useful for this type of application. Project achievements successfully met the objective to obtain automated data that harmonised with manual results and to rationalise characterisation work.
4) Evaluation methods
An improved version of WACK test methodology for liquid cleaners was developed in collaboration between WACK, YKI, and CSIC.
5) Formulation prototypes
Two different kinds of formulation prototypes for novel liquid cleaners were developed in the course of the project. The most promising formulation corresponds to a novel solvent-surfactant combination, which represents a fairly simple product with an attractive performance in cleaning. The second prototype was a more complex microemulsion formulation. This prototype had a very impressive cleaning performance, but its ingredient composition was not according to the technical specification defined by WACK. Project objectives specified an increased cleaning efficiency of 10 %-80 % of novel formulation prototypes. These performance criteria were fulfilled by the mentioned formulation prototypes.
6) Formulation protocols
The development work leading to the design of the formulation prototypes were summarised with emphasis to the methodology used. But the nature of the results did not motivate the compilation of specific formulation Handbook as described in the project plans. In this respect there was some deviation from project objectives.

Food formulations represented the second application topic of the Tailorliquid project. Work towards developments of this application was performed at first hand by SOF, the producer of food additives, and YKI.
1) Model systems
The use of the model systems developed in the first half of the project found an important application when oat oils were characterised in the second half of the project period.
2) Ingredient characterisation
Two food additives produced by SOF, beta-glucanes and oat oil, were characterised using both automated MPS- 1 studies and traditional methods. With the characterisation results at hand it was chosen to focus further work on formulations the oat oil. This decision was not according to the original project plans, but it was a natural choice with respect to SOFs need to obtain methods for studies of oat oil product quality.
3) Instrument applications
The MPS-1 instrument was successfully employed in the development of a titration method for studies of oat oil quality, and in formulation protocols for characterisation of oat oil phase behaviour.
4) Evaluation methodology
Most research efforts on this topic concerned a novel methodology for simple evaluation of oat oil quality. The original project plan defined methodology for formulation development as the primary objective, but it was realised during the course of the project that the primary need of SOF was methodology for evaluation of product quality. A novel simple titration method was developed and evaluated as potentially useful. Project objectives as described in the project plans were thus not followed in detail.
5) Formulation prototypes
As described above, less attention were given to the formulation development topic for activities under the food application heading. Nevertheless, the general characterisation of the oat oil led to the suggestion that oat oil fractions produced by SOF could be used as formulation ingredients for water-in-oil products. To verify the feasibility of this suggestion emulsion prototypes formulated with oat oil were explored. These studies led to the development of formulation guidelines, rather than formulation prototypes, for the use of oat oil as emulsifiers were developed. Project results thus partly fulfilled the original objectives.
6) Formulation protocols
Again this topic was down prioritised with respect to the focus on characterisation and evaluation methods. Project results were consequently not according to the objectives on this specific topic.

Pharmaceutical formulations represented a minor application topic in the project, and were consequently not given the same broad approach as the cleaning application. The work was mainly performed by CAM, the SME directly involved with pharmaceutical formulations, and PK.
1) Model systems
The model systems did not find applications for the type of formulation studies performed with the pharmaceutical application.
2) Ingredient characterisation
CAM performed fractionation trials to isolate specific polar lipids from the oat oil produced by SOF. These lipids fractions were given a quick evaluation in terms of their potential as formulation ingredients. With respect to the project ambition with this topic the results were according to the objectives.
3) Instrument applications
This was the focus of the project work with pharmaceutical formulations. The MPS-1 instrument was explored for its applicability in studies of concentrate dissolution. The studies showed mainly useful results, but it is concluded that the MPS-1 need to significantly reduce cell volumes in order to be an practical instrument for studies of pharmaceutical formulations were realised. This up-grade of the instrument was not within the scope of the project.
4) Evaluation methodology
Activities here with pharmaceutical formulations correspond to the studies made under 'instrument applications'.
5) Formulation prototypes.
6) Formulation protocols
Work with formulation prototypes and protocols were not within the project scope for the pharmaceutical application.