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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-16

Sign language recognition from real-time video


Our aim is to produce a computer-based Sign language translation system which can translate Irish SignLanguage (ISL) to English. The system will be implemented on a standard personal computer connected to acolour video camera. Hand, face and body gestures will be recognised using image processing techniques basedon Principal Component Analysis and multi-resolution hierarchical search. The system will have a vocabulary ofover 1000 gestures and incorporate ISL grammar and syntax. The system will be trained an d tested by native ISLsigners.We are proposing to recruit a highly talented Chinese researcher who has shown great promise in the field ofpattern recognition in video images. His new knowledge and perspective will enrich European research in thisarea. The project addresses the 1ST strategic theme of Multi-modal Interfaces. It also addresses the objective ofelnclusion by making computers more accessible to a disadvantaged group in society, viz. the Deaf.

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