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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-16

Networking and Integration of National Programmes in the Area of Wood Material Science and Engineering


The development of sustained cooperation between the national research activities in the area of wood material science will enable the development of new innovative, eco-efficient, cost-competitive prod-ucts, processes and services and thus promote the competitiveness and sustainability of European for-estry and forest-based industry. At present, European research resources in the area of wood material science are scattered in the form of a number of uncoordinated activities. There are highly specialised research groups in wood material science especially in wood rich countries, but the coordination at European level is missing. Since re-search priorities are set independently by the involved actors there is no systematic approach to achieve complementarity. Sustained collaboration between key research funding and managing organisations is needed to enable broader strategic analyses as a basis for management decisions, and could also for-ward a more efficient implementation of research results. The main activities of the WOODWISDOM-NET are: " Building an information exchange system (research programmes) " Benchmarking and dissemination of good practices " Identification of complementary research activities " Identification of practical networking and opening mechanisms for future cooperation " Implementation of joint evaluation and foresight activities " Implementation of transnational research programme to improve competitiveness and sustainability of the forest cluster. In the WOODWISDOM-NET consortium are participating 18 partners from 8 countries.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data

Participants (17)