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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-16

Assessment of the bilateral scientific co-operation (S/) between the European Union Member States (MS), Accession Countries (AC) Candidate Countries (CC) and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MP)

Final Report Summary - ASBIMED (Assessment of the bilateral scientific co-operation (S/) between the European Union Member States (MS), Accession Countries (AC), Candidate Countries (CC) ...)

This Specific Support Action (SSA) was planned to perform an analysis of the scientific and technical bilateral cooperations between the 25 Member States (MS) and Turkey and the Mediterranean Partners Countries (MP) on topics and instruments, with the objective of contributing to the strategic objectives of implementing the European Research Area (ERA) in the field of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and the MEDA Agenda in R&D cooperation.

The state of the art of the bilateral scientific and technical co-operation actions between the European Union and the Mediterranean Partners countries during the period 1998 - 2003 is starting to show its pattern and at the end of the first reporting period, there are interesting preliminary results coming out from the gathering of information from data provided by Member States an Turkey, data from Mediterranean countries, topics and instruments of cooperation, that project partners have been performing. By now there have been analysed 71 answers and we are expecting in the coming months to collect the maximum number of replies from the rest of contacted programme managers to be able to describe thoroughly how the bilateral scientific and technical cooperation has been carried out in terms of programmes. From now and onward, it's foreseen to request information about Projects too, contacting successful project managers to try to compile best practices. It's interesting to remark that, by number of programmes, France, Italy, Austria, Germany and Spain are, between Member States, the most active ones. Cyprus still appears in the table as a Mediterranean country with an active collaboration with Greece. Other interesting preliminary results obtained from the rest of the enquiry are that France is the country with more programmes of cooperation with MPC, followed by Italy, Austria, Germany and Spain. Managing institutions are mainly ministries, others than foreign affairs or research and / or education. The most common action is research project. Talking about subjects, the areas with more interest are technological sciences followed by natural sciences and health sciences. France is the country that contributes mostly and information about average funding was not provided in 42 % of the answers.

A bibliometric study based on an analysis of three components: scientific co-publications, fluxes of students and co-participations in the European Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) between 1998 and 2001 have been made by OST, partner 3. It's remarkable the Maghreb countries partnership (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) of collaboration with Member Countries, mostly with France. That clearly shows possibilities of progress for future European scientific cooperation with this area. Israel is the country with the most co-publications and stands out in number. A second group might be represented by Egypt and Morocco, followed by the rest of the countries. Fluxes of students from Mediterranean Partner countries had been mainly to France and Germany except students from Israel, Jordan and Egypt that went to English speaking countries. About FP5, results show a multilateral incentive process due to pre-existing bilateral relations, being either France or Spain, as member states, first partners in co-participations with Mediterranean partner's countries. Israel, as associated country, is the first partner for the most of them. Talking about priority areas, MPC participated mainly in international cooperation during FP5.