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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Support for European aeronautical SMEs - phase V


AeroSME V will provide continued European wide support for aeronautic SMEs in surviving in a rapidly changing global market, and encouraging participation in ED R&TD projects, which will develop much needed pan-European co-operation in the Aeronautics supply chain. AeroSME V is supported by AECMA, the European Association of Aerospace Industries representing the aerospace industry in Europe in all matters of common interest. Due to the privileged communication channels with large companies (represented in the Industrial Management Groups - IMG3), research establishments, Universities, National and Regional Associations, the project will provide a proactive interface between SMEs and aeronautics related bodies and will represent a point of reference for S ME issues. The coverage of all the countries associated with FP6, including the Associated Candidate Countries, will ensure a truly pan-European approach. Building on the previous experience, AeroSME V will strengthen and improve the support and guidance c ontinuously needed to increase the SME participation in ED R&TD Programmes. Through tailored services such as the Helpdesk, the website, the SME database and the Newsletters, the project will continue to improve the communication within the Aerospace I ndustry and provide SMEs with information and individual consulting support needed. Specific actions will be undertaken in co¬ operation with IMG3 to facilitate the integration of SMEs in IPs and the set up of SME-led STREPs. Workshops addressed to aeronau tic SMEs will be organised to raise awareness on European research issues and Industry's future needs, as well as to facilitate contacts with large companies in the supply chain. A very pro-active approach will be applied in the Associated Candidate Countr ies. Finally, AeroSME V, based on an analysis of the SME role in FP6 projects, will provide an overview of SME research needs and an evaluation of the FP6 instruments in order to propose #'

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
No data