Final Report Summary - LSH-ACC-MENTOR (Mentoring of LifeSciHealth-Multipliers in the Accession Candidate Countries)
LSH-ACC-Mentor has attracted considerable attention in the 11 participating MAS, as evidenced by an over subscription of capable and promising candidate LSH-Multipliers. The round of three regional mentoring workshops was very successful from the viewpoints of both the mentors (from the participating EU Member States) and the attendees. This was reflected by anonymous assessment questionnaires completed by the attendees, as well as by the considerable improvements in the knowledge of the participants (as indicated by the difference between the questionnaires completed at the start and the end of the regional training workshops).
The bilateral one-to-one mentoring has been particularly successful and useful - manifested by the friendly and lasting interaction of the multipliers with the mentors, and the feedback of the NCPs (based on responses of the multipliers).
The second joint workshop was concluded with many compliments from the multipliers and NCPs on the in-depth exposure to the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and the networking created during it. The unanimous acceptance of the proposal to initiate steps for joining the East-West connection network attests to that.
The LSH-multipliers that have been trained have utilised their newly acquired knowledge by supporting entities involved in proposals with NMAS participants that were submitted to the last calls of the LSH workprogramme and the SSP call. They received assistance in this from their counterpart EU mentors.
The methodology adopted from IST Mentor, Tristan-East and IST Mentor+ has been fully developed, adapted and was implemented on time (for the call deadlines), in the project.
The partners have found LSH-ACC-Mentor to be received at a level high above their expectations. The EU mentors and the NCP partners are all pleased by the impact that is already seen as a result of the project.
All partners have been very involved in the project. Cooperation among the consortium members has been very good and especially the NCPs see the results as very beneficial for their respective countries. The creation of a database containing information on RTD organisations within the NMAS that are potential candidates for the LSH programme is a significant step towards opening of East to West.
The multipliers have benefited of their own private databases of clients, thanks to which they have proceeded in supporting their clients with successful partner searches or finding good contact in other countries. Moreover, the clients' databases have been the basis and starting points for the marketing and dissemination activities carried out by multipliers. The database was introduced within the private section of the LSH-ACC-Mentor website.