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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Improving project & research management skills in third countries to stumulate their cooperatin with Europe for life- sciences

Final Report Summary - IMPRESMAN-COEUR4LIFE (Improving project & research management skills in third countries to stumulate their cooperation with Europe for life sciences)

The ultimate aim of the IMPRESMAN-COEUR4LIFE was to further stimulate international cooperation amongst Europe and third country organisations in the field of life sciences, genomics and biotechnology through the implementation of a coherent and interactive research and project management capacity building programme customised to the local needs.

The distinctive feature of the research and project management capacity building programme the project partners developed and delivered was that it was specifically designed to embrace the peculiarities of life-science research and specific training needs of each country. Standard off-the-shelves training courses were not provided, instead, the trainers worked with potential trainees to study the needs at first hand and then developed the training measures tailored to the expectations and needs of the target group.

The project employed the methodology of needs analysis which was based on a system of multi-level interviews with various life-science research players including national authorities and policy makers, middle and senior research managers, as well as research administrators. The overall objective of the study was to identify and assess the key factors which influence the design of the training measures for a target audience.

Furthermore, the information gathered in the course of the study had its own value and also contained recommendations for future actions and aimed at the stimulation of international cooperation. In total, the project team undertook five study tips to all third countries, visited more than 20 research organisations, national research agencies and other relevant institutions and interviewed more than 35 experts.

One of the main conclusions was that the research management culture differed significantly from country to country and along with other factors it played a key role in creating new joint partnerships. Further efforts aiming to foster research management culture and transfer best European practice in this field to third countries should complement other efforts regarding the stimulation of research cooperation amongst Life-science-health (LSH) communities in Europe and elsewhere.

IMPRESMAN-COEUR4LIFE developed and delivered 10 three-day long interactive workshops in Russia, Ukraine, Costa Rica, Brazil and South Africa. To address the needs of a particular target group, illustrative materials, content of practical tasks were adjusted to meet the expectations of participants.