CAREMAR focuses on the identification and development of mechanisms to link the expertise within European universities with the research, education and technological requirements from companiesworking in the area of marine technology and related sciences . CAREMAR addresses the delivery ofinnovative scientific research and Research Based Education (RBE) in the context of a changingglobal market where European growth and competitiveness depends upon industry' s ability to beflexible and efficient and to d evelop innovative marine products. CAREMAR seeks to make aneffective contribution to sustainable marine surface transport and marine tasks for the benefit ofEuropean society. The EU is investing heavily in research, training, and European maritimecluster ing to respond to the fierce competition by Far-East industries. CAREMAR will be a platformfor the coordination of European university expertise and the delivery of this expertise in a waythat responds to European maritime industry needs in both the shor t term and the medium to longterm. No attempt has been made thus far to mobilise the greater part of this university expertisein one coordinated programme. This has been demanded by European industry to seek solutions forsustainable transport and competi tive businesses through mobilising the skills and resources of theentire European marine technology academic community in areas prioritised by the European maritimeindustries themselves.'
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