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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-16

Multi-wavelength searches of the elusive population of obscured AGN


We propose to use X-ray data from two pioneering in their kind and complementary multi-wavelength surveys, in order to perform a systematic study of obscured AGN. These leverage substantial investments of space- and ground-based telescope time, yielding a unique dataset to study the obscured Universe. The elusive population of obscured AGN most likely dominates the population of accreting super massive black holes, however, it remains mostly undetected.

The impact of multi-wavelength observations for the study of AGN is crucial and the only way to obtain accurate demographics of obscured AGN at high red shift. If our findings will show substantial and widespread obscuration, this will have important implications for the cosmic accretion history of black holes. The pro posed collaboration will promote the professional reintegration of the proposed researcher and will help expanding the activities of the X-ray group of the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Observatory of Athens, by blending the fields of expertise of the researchers involved and by combining the unique datasets to which each party has access.

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