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Contenido archivado el 2024-05-29

Flexible electricity networks to integrate the expected 'energy evolution'

Periodic Report Summary - FENIX (Flexible Electricity Networks to Integrate the eXpected 'energy evolution')

The objective of FENIX was to boost Distributed energy resources (DER) by maximising their contribution to the electric power system, through aggregation into Large scale virtual power plants (LSVPP) and decentralised management.

The project was organised in three phases:
- analysis of the DER contribution to the electrical system, assessed in two future scenarios (northern and southern) with realistic DER penetration;
- development of a layered communication and control solution validated for a comprehensive set of network use cases, including normal and abnormal operation, as well as recommendations to adapt international power standards;
- validation through two large field deployments, one in the United Kingdom (UK, northern scenario) and another one in Spain (southern scenario).

The work that was performed during the project, was divided into five work packages (WPs).

Primary role of WP1 (System solutions for DER integration and demand response through LSVPP) was to develop the theory and concept behind the Virtual power plant (VPP), which was subsequently implemented, tested and demonstrated by other WPs. Also, within WP1 specific hardware and software components have been designed and developed to enable the large-scale integration of DER in line with the FENIX vision. This resulted in a set of tools that combined both existing and new solutions in order to support real-life implementation of the VPP concept.

In the context of WP2 (Electrical and information system architecture adapted to the presence of LSVPP), the idea was to evaluate the developed FENIX architecture and agent software based on the experiences gained in WP1, WP2, WP3 and WP4 through the simulations, lab tests and demonstrators done in these WPs. Based upon the results of this evaluation, a revision of the architecture and FENIX agent software was done.

WP3 (Commercial framework for operation and control of power systems with LSVPPs) was devoted to two different activities. First, an assessment of regulatory and contractual conditions that would role the implementation of CVPP. The second line of activities was built around the cost benefit analysis and comparison of the business as usual and the FENIX scenarios, where a detailed analysis was made of the current UK and Spanish electricity markets and how the economics of wide-scale application of demonstrated FENIX concepts into these markets would work out.

In WP4 (Demonstration of LSVPP concept feasibility) the work started with the initial specification of the laboratory activities and both demonstrators. The laboratory activities were concentrated mainly into the preparation of ISET lab and the specification of the test for the VVC module developed by IDEA under against a real time network simulator.

WP5 (Stakeholders advisory group, dissemination and training) produced several issues of the newsletter disseminating different aspects of the project to registered users of the project website.