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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

A novel, autonomous and REVersible Inflow control VALve to increase oil production and reservoir recovery rate by stopping the production of unwanted water and gas locally in the reservoirs

Final Report Summary - REVIVAL (A novel, autonomous and REVersible Inflow control VALve to increase oil production and reservoir recovery rate by stopping the production of unwanted water and gas locally in the reservoirs)

Executive Summary:
REVIVAL has focused on the challenge of increasing recovery of oil from wells and prolonging their productive life; a commercial imperative for the industry and a response to EU policies to secure Europe’s energy supply in respect to oil.
Globally only 32% of available oil reserves are extracted from oil fields. A 5% increase in the recovery factor would yield as much oil as is expected from all future exploration efforts.
The reason for low recovery rates is the breakthrough of water or gas in the well. The industry has addressed this by developing inflow control devices (ICD & AICD) that choke oil production both at start up and when gas or water incursion occurs; but do not stop these entering the system.
Our innovative solution utilises the properties of fluid dynamics to create an Autonomous Inflow Control Valve (AICV) that, whilst remaining simple in concept, eliminates the weaknesses of AICD and ICD products. By comparison, proof of concept tests on our AICV show it will increase recovery, does not choke initial oil production, can stop gas and water completely, is autonomous, reversible, reliable and price competitive.
We have during the REVIVAL project established the concept, designed, tested and qualified the novel technology. These involved developing an innovative laminar flow element, new turbulent flow elements, new filters and seals that can withstand the harsh environments in wells.
The primary objective of the REVIVAL project was to develop an innovative low cost high performance inflow control valve that will enable increased recovery of oil by preventing the breakthrough of water and gas in the well pipe. This has been successfully performed.

Project Context and Objectives:
Development of the new AICV technology required an interdiciplinary effort, and a consortium of four small or medium size enterprices (SMEs), one large enterprice (LE) and three research organizations (RTDs) collaborated in the REVIVAL project to do this.
The partners were:
InflowControl (NO)
HP Etch (SE)
International Syalons (UK)
Seal Engineering (NO)
RT Filter Technike (GE)
Anglia Ruskin University (UK)
Heriot Watt University (UK)
Norner (NO)

Project Objectives
The primary objective of the REVIVAL project was to develop an innovative low cost high
performance inflow control valve that would enable increased recovery of oil by preventing the
breakthrough of water and gas in the well pipe.
Scientific Objectives (SO):
SO 1. Achieving laminar flow in a pilot channel. Whilst detailed knowledge existed with respect to
creation of laminar flows we needed a deeper scientific understanding of achieving laminar flow in
down well conditions within the constraints of the AICV body. Also a turbulent flow element needed to be developed in connection with the laminar flow element.
SO 2. Material interactions in oil wells. Understanding of the complex interactions that occur
between the physical and chemical environmental conditions present in wells on component materials
and parts.

Technical Objectives (TO):
The development of an AICV capable of operating reliably in harsh well conditions that include a wide temperature range, high pressure, and harch chemicals (e.g. H2S). Furthermore increased rate of extraction >25% (compared to state of the art):

TO 1. Production of a suitable laminar and turbulent flow elements. This included:
• Different flow rates
• Oil viscosities varying, depending on well geology and conditions (between 1 and 500 cP).
• Pilot channel flow.
• Laminar and turbulent flow elements.
TO 2. Creation and formulation of a reliable elastomeric piston seal
The seal had to perform reliably in the environmental conditions in the well and also
• Exhibit a low coefficient of friction to allow the subtle changes in pilot pressure to operate the
• Operate reliably when called upon to move (even after >10 years static position).
• Be resistant to aging and swelling.
• Withstand high differential pressures without rupture or breakage.
TO 3. Design and manufacture of a pilot flow filter element. For reliable operation of the AICV there was a need to filter our particles down to 10-80 microns furtheremore the filter had to be implemented in such a way as to achieve:
• No blockage, fouling or caking during its operational life Self-cleaning / cross flow
• Precision design and manufactured to closely repeatable tolerances

TO 4 Reservoir Recovery Model. A reservoir simulation model had to be to established in order to show the impact of the AICV on recovery rate. This model should allow customers to model the additional cost/benefits the new system will offer under various input device options [ICD, AICD, AICV] and oilfield characteristics [e.g. high/low reservoir permeability, oil recovery mechanism, fluid properties].

Project Results:
The main results of the REVIVAL project has been Development of the innovative low cost high performance inflow control valve that will enable increased recovery of oil by preventing the breakthrough of water and gas in the well pipe.

Specific results:
Scientific Objective 1: Achieving laminar flow in a pilot channel.
Whilst detailed knowledge existed with respect to creation of laminar flows we needed a deeper scientific understanding of achieving laminar flow in down well conditions within the constraints of the AICV body. Also a turbulent flow element needed to be developed in connection with the laminar flow element. Our computational fluid dynamics (CFD) research and modelling focused on this and in particular design solutions that could achieve wanted flow.

Scientific Objective 2. Material interactions in oil wells.
Different work was made to gain an understanding of the complex interactions that occur between the physical and chemical environmental conditions present in wells on component materials (ceramics, metals and polymers) and parts (flow element, filters and piston and seals). Simulations as well as lab scale testing in pressure chambers at temperatures upto 280°C were performed. Additionally, work was done both theoretically and experimentally to understand and document properties necessary to ensure reliable operation of a piston seal used in a bellows construction that may remain inactive for long periods (10 years), as well as in the case of particulates (eg. sand) entering the flow.

Technical Objective 1: Production of a suitable laminar and turbulent flow elements:
Both Ceramic casting and steel parts with sacrificial inserts, etched holes and laser cutting were amongst several options that
was studied and developed.
Technical Objective 2. Creation and formulation of a reliable elastomeric piston seal:
Four different elastomeric materials was tested and different materials showed to be reliable under different conditions. In particular one fluoinated elastomer material showed to be very versitile for most well conditions.
Technical Objective 3. Design and manufacture of a pilot flow filter element:
The filter design and the CFD modelling was carefully considered in combination and not in isolation. Several filter designs was tested and modeling showed flow patterns consistent with the filtering.

Technical Objective 4 Reservoir Recovery Model
Extensive reservoir simulations were made showing the excelency of the new AICV technology under different oil well conditions and operational modes.

Project results
A complete prototype of AICV® was designed and tested under different conditions and validated in view of the the complete design. The individual components were tested according to valve functionality, plugging, erosion and exposure to reservoir fluids and conditions. The most suitable design and materials for the individual components were selected for the final construction of the prototype.
The design and dimensions of the laminar and turbulent flow elements (LFE and TFE) together with the effective areas, control the functionality of the AICV®. Different design and dimensions of the flow elements were tested and good combinations were found for different types of oils. The combinations ensure the functionality of the AICV®, which is to keep open for the actual oil and close for water and gas. The individual components were tested regarding resistance to reservoir conditions, plugging and erosion.
The assembled prototype AICV was tested on different fluids and the physical phenomena, forces and function were studied in detail. Single phase flow performance tests were carried out with silicon oil (3, 10 and 60 cP), water and pressurized air. In addition tests with real crude oils (2 cP, 12 cP, 115 cP and 500 cP), formation water and hydro carbon gas were performed. The prototype AICV was adjusted for the different applications. All the tests confirm that the project has succeeded in developing prototypes of AICV that are suitable for light , medium viscous and heavy oil production.
To verify the AICV functionality, the valve was tested in a multiphase flow test loop. The results showed that when the oil concentration is higher than 2%, the valve will keep open and when the gas or water content exceeds 98%, the valve will be activated to close. This is also explained by studying the closing sequence in an isolated production zone including five AICVs. An important conclusion here is that AICV® is able to produce the “good water” and close for the “bad water”.
Erosion tests are performed, and it is found that the most exposed components of the AICV should be produced in hard metal to withstand high concentration of particles produced together with oil or formation water. Plugging tests were performed by circulating oil based drilling mud through the laminar and turbulent flow elements. No plugging of the flow elements was observed, and the results indicate that the flow elements and thereby the functionality of the AICV will not be critically affected by the drilling and completion fluids. Exposure tests with real reservoir fluids containing acidic or alkaline components were carried out showing AICV® flow performance and functionality were not affected. This confirmed that the AICV® prototype can withstand reservoir fluids and conditions.

Based on the results from the Revival project, the performance and the functionality of the AICV are compared to competitive solutions. The great advantage of the AICV compared to the others is that it can close completely for unwanted fluids when breakthrough occurs.

Impact of Reservoir Recovery Model
The reservoir simulation modeling established has showen the impact of the AICV on the production and recovery rates. This will allow full economic justification and payback to be clearly provided for different reservoirs/customers.

Potential Impact:
Globally only 32% of available oil reserves are extracted from oil fields. A 5% increase in the recovery factor would yield as much oil as is expected from all future exploration efforts. This means that the global potential of the technology development in REVIVAL is huge. The expected increased recovery with the AICV technology in different reservoirs is between 5 and 50 %.

The primary aim and benefit of REVIVAL was to realise an AICV that generates reliable increased
oil recovery from any oilfield. This has been done, and with its potential, this will support European
energy security and strategies.
The oil will remain a major energy source in Europe in the decades to come, especially for transport.
The EU imports around 40% of its oil from the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) . Security of energy supply is Europe’s single biggest objective
Given the importance of oil in the EU's energy mix, the EU's strong external dependence for supply
of petroleum products and the geopolitical uncertainty in many producer regions, it is vital to
guarantee consumers continuous access to petroleum products.
Based on the REVIVAL development InflowControl’s AICV has now been sold to oil companies in
Norway, Romania, China, Canada and Saudi Arabia.

List of Websites:

Contact information,
Vidar Mathiesen
Porselensvegen 18
3920 Porsgrunn
Cell: +47 93 09 61 93+47 93 09 61 93