The NMP Work program (FP7-NMP-2013-CSA-7 4.0-9) called for CSActions. Among the proposals received two actions were selected, showing a complementary nature. IndustryTech and InnoPro CSA projects will co-operatively support the organization of the Conference “Industrial Technologies 2014 - Smart Growth through Research and
Innovation ‐ Towards Europe 2020” in the context of the Greek EU presidency during the first semester of 2014. This co-operation of the two actions will allow to realise economies of scale and increase the impact in the target audience by proposing a more attractive event. The co-operative conference aims at facilitating a multi-perspective view
of European stakeholders on innovation for production in Europe, focusing on a regional perspective of innovation drivers for SMEs and the role that new NMP technology deployment is expected to play. The major topics of the conference will be:
• Innovation in SMEs: analysis of enablers & barriers, deployment / commercialization of NMP research results, the role of NMP skills for innovation, innovation through international & regional collaboration.
• The “Factories of the Future” research & innovation initiative for European manufacturing: a regional perspective, experiences from national/regional initiatives, relevance for Greek economy – challenges & priorities for Greek
industry and SMEs.
• Smart specialization for research & innovation: examples of synergies (FP7 and structural funds) & best practices. Planned synergies between cohesion policy and the NMP Horizon 2020 programme, regional policies in Greece, strengths
and assets of Greece.
• Key Enabling Technologies: Vehicles for Growth including risk minimization while developing demo and pilot lines through clustering activities within KETs.
• The Launch of Horizon2020 for Industrial Technologies, including a final report on FP7 success stories in Industrial Technologies and the presentation of the new work programme
In the context of the Conference organization, IndustryTech and InnoPro will be addressing in a complementary way all three major thematic fields of the NMP Workprogramme, namely Nano (IndustryTech), Materials (IndustryTech) and Production (Inno-Pro).
The CSA support activities will mainly include the co-operative overall organisation and preparation of the conference, the outreach activities and promotion assuring the dissemination of the conference effects among the research and innovation
community, policy makers and also among schools and universities, the follow-up activities, such as the elaboration of post-conference reports, providing recommendation for future actions and the dissemination of conference achievements.
Convocatoria de propuestas
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CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinador
70013 Irakleio