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Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Strengthening STI Cooperation between Korea and the EU, Promoting Innovation and the Enhancement of Communication for Technology-related Policy Dialogue (KONNECT)

Final Report Summary - KONNECT (Strengthening STI Cooperation between Korea and the EU, Promoting Innovation and the Enhancement of Communication for Technology-related Policy Dialogue (KONNECT))

Executive Summary:
1. Executive Summary

Following the call for bilateral coordination for the enhancement and development of Science and Technology (S&T) Partnerships, (BILAT) FP7-INCO-2013-2 launched in July 10, 2012 targeting the Republic of Korea (RoK), one of the world's most technologically advanced and digitally-connected countries. Seven organisations from the RoK and the EU established an active consortium in order to participate in the new BILAT project, with the general objective of enhancing the level of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) cooperation between the two parties.

For the accomplishment of these objectives, KONNECT has implemented a variety of activities based on the results of previous political projects (such as KESTCAP, KORRIDOR, and KORANET). According to the cooperation agreement in the fields of Science and Technology signed between the governments of the RoK and the European Community (EC) in November, 2006, joint committee meetings are to be regularly held every 2 years and KONNECT will support the Joint S&T Cooperation Committee (JSTCC) in developing agendas and providing cooperation strategies. As science, technology, and innovation play important roles in the consolidation and advancement of the economic revival of both the European Union (EU) and the RoK, KONNECT will play a pivotal role by providing a guideline of support for the governments involved. In addition, current STI-related issues encountered by both parties (as well as political strategies) will be analysed and discussed for making political decisions. A roadmap will be produced for the long-term cooperation between the RoK and the EU, and this will be extremely useful for the support of policy related dialogue.

As a new financial instrument implementing the tenets of the Innovation Union, Horizon 2020 will run from 2014 to 2020 with an €80 billion budget to support Europe 2020’s flagship initiative of securing the region’s global competitiveness. The EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth in Europe, and additionally, it represents an opportunity for Korean researchers and enterprises to participate in international research consortiums and contribute solutions to global issues. To this end, the KONNECT project can both bridge the gap between FP7 and Horizon 2020 and provide a smooth transition by assisting and guiding Korean and European researchers.

The main activities of the KONNECT project will work towards progressing research in these four central fields of mutual interest. However, the specific areas of focus will be further defined via research and analysis during the project period. Moreover, for long-term cooperation in the future, new cooperative thematic areas and territories will be developed during the project period.

To achieve the project’s objectives and ensure the proper conduction of its activities, a strong and efficient consortium has been set up consisting of eight internationally renowned organisations from five countries in total (The Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Turkey). This new consortium network plans to facilitate the objectives of the KONNECT programme through the organisation and execution of its Work Packages. The consortium will organise important activities within the set parameters of the project, including actions such as holding networking events to match Korean and European researchers and enterprises. More in-depth information regarding Horizon 2020 and the expected outcomes produced by the project will be disseminated after the events have been organised. It is crucial that researchers and enterprises have the possibility to work together through an appropriate programme, whether they participate in existing joint research programmes or newly developed programmes. Going one step forward, KONNECT will create opportunities for new bi-lateral (on the country-to-country level) and multi-lateral joint programmes through the utilisation of existing networks. In order to expand cooperation and networking opportunities, additional European Member States having interest in joint research and working with the Korean side are open to join the Joint Calls and conferences organised by KONNECT.

Eventual expected outcomes of the research and activities conducted through the KONNECT project include larger networks, more joint research, and stronger partnerships between the RoK and the EU.
Project Context and Objectives:
2. Project context and objectives

The KONNECT project arises from the need to enhance the level of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) between the Republic of Korea and Europe. The concept of KONNECT will build on a) a clear focus on common technological areas of interest along with associated societal challenges (Information and Communications Technology, Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials, and New Production Technologies, Biotechnologies, and Green Technologies including Energy), b) a multidisciplinary approach focusing on actors in research, innovation, and STI policy-making, c) previously funded projects supporting and coordinating bi-lateral STI relationships (e.g. KESTCAP, KORRIDOR, and KORANET). The overall objective is to improve research and policy communication and strengthen STI cooperation. A strong multidisciplinary consortium will ensure that the following specific objectives are met: 1) Develop Knowledge-based Infrastructure, 2) Improve Strategic Communication, 3) Raise Awareness to Facilitate Cooperation between the EU and Korea, 4) Enhance Networking between Science, Technology, and Innovation-focused Actors, and 5) Foster Innovation-focused Joint Activities. Activities to fulfill these objectives have been designed within five dedicated Work Packages.

2.1 Project overview and concept
Following the call for bilateral coordination for the enhancement and development of Science and Technology (S&T) Partnerships, (BILAT) FP7-INCO-2013-2 launched in July 10, 2012 targeting the Republic of Korea (RoK), one of the world's most technologically advanced and digitally-connected countries. Seven organisations from the RoK and the EU established an active consortium in order to participate in the new BILAT project, with the general objective of enhancing the level of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) cooperation between the two parties. The more clearly defined overall objectives of the KONNECT project are twofold:
• To improve and sustain communication at the research and policy level
• To increase the strength and scope of STI networks and activities
The fulfilment of these objectives will improve the overall level of prosperity in both Europe and Korea and contribute to the resolution of natural and societal issues and threats facing the world.
For the accomplishment of these objectives, KONNECT aimed to implement a variety of activities based on the results of previous political projects (such as KESTCAP, KORRIDOR, and KORANET). According to the cooperation agreement in the fields of Science and Technology signed between the governments of the RoK and the European Community (EC) in November, 2006, joint committee meetings were regularly held every 2 years and KONNECT supported the Joint S&T Cooperation Committee (JSTCC) in developing agendas and providing cooperation strategies. As science, technology, and innovation play important roles in the consolidation and advancement of the economic revival of both the European Union (EU) and the RoK, KONNECT has played a pivotal role by providing a guideline of support for the governments involved. In addition, current STI-related issues encountered by both parties (as well as political strategies) were analysed and discussed for making political decisions. A roadmap was produced for the long-term cooperation between the RoK and the EU, and this will be extremely useful for the support of policy related dialogue.
As a new financial instrument implementing the tenets of the Innovation Union, Horizon 2020 will run from 2014 to 2020 with an €80 billion budget to support Europe 2020’s flagship initiative of securing the region’s global competitiveness. The EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth in Europe, and additionally, it represents an opportunity for Korean researchers and enterprises to participate in international research consortiums and contribute solutions to global issues. To this end, the KONNECT project was assessed to be successful at both bridging the gap between FP7 and Horizon 2020 and providing a smooth transition by assisting and guiding Korean and European researchers.
Both the JSTCC and Horizon 2020 had shared common interests in a diversity of specific, thematic STI-based areas. Horizon 2020 proposed a number of ‘societal challenges’ and ‘industrial leadership’ areas, while the JSTCC chose four big areas for future cooperation: Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials, and New Production Technologies (NMP), Energy, and Mobility. Additionally, in 1999 the Korean government, through the ‘Korea Long-Term Vision for Science and Technology Development toward 2025’, picked six promising core technology fields for future growth. To discover areas of cooperation, these STI areas have been compared side-by-side, and the equivalent areas have been underlined:
Horizon 2020 3rd Korea-EU JSTCC (2011) Korea R&D 6 Technology Areas (6T)
1. Industrial Leadership
• Nanotechnologies
• Advanced Materials
• Biotechnology
• Advanced Manufacturing and Processing
• Space
2. Societal Challenges
• Health, demographic change and wellbeing
• Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy
• Secure, clean and efficient energy
• Smart, green and integrated transport
• Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
• Inclusive, innovative and secure societies 1. Energy Technology
• Hydrogen fuel cells (HFC)
• Smart grids
• Photovoltaics-PV (Solar)
• Wind Power
2. Nano sciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials, and New Production Technologies (NMP)
3. Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
4. Researcher Mobility a. Information Technology

b. Bio-Technology

c. Nano-Technology

d. Environment & Energy Technology

e. Space Technology
Culture & Contents

In addition, through several previous rounds of research based on developing cooperative areas and consideration of the suggestions made during the KESTCAP and KORANET projects, further critical subjects have been identified. Combined, these promising technological areas are:
- (ICT) Information and Communications Technology
- (NMP) Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials, and New Production Technologies
- (GT) Green Technology & Secure, Clean, and Efficient Energy
- (BT) Biotechnologies

The main activities of the KONNECT project will work towards progressing research in these four central fields of mutual interest. However, the specific areas of focus will be further defined via research and analysis during the project period. Moreover, for long-term cooperation in the future, new cooperative thematic areas and territories will be developed during the project period.
To achieve the project’s objectives and ensure the proper execution of its activities, a strong and efficient consortium has been set up consisting of eight internationally renowned organisations from five countries in total (The Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Turkey). This new consortium network has facilitated the objectives of the KONNECT programme through the organisation and managed the implementation of its Work Packages. The consortium has organised important activities within the set parameters of the project, including actions such as holding networking events to match Korean and European researchers and enterprises. In-depth information regarding Horizon 2020 and the outcomes produced by the project’s various activities have been continuously disseminated to the public and the stakeholders. It has been considered crucial that researchers and enterprises have the possibility to work together through an appropriate programme, whether they participate in existing joint research programmes or newly developed programmes. Going one step forward, KONNECT has created opportunities for new bi-lateral (on the country-to-country level) and multi-lateral joint programmes through the utilisation of existing networks. In order to expand cooperation and networking opportunities, additional European Member States that are interested in joint research and working with Korean researchers and businesses have been more than welcomed to join the Joint Calls and conferences organised under the KONNECT.
New actors including industry leaders in Korea (i.e. Samsung, SK, LG, etc.) have be invited to participate in the KONNECT project to contribute their experience, knowledge, and technical know-how with European participants. In addition, to improve the level of expertise within the KONNECT project, independent bodies/partners have been used for support in specific WPs and Tasks by injecting fresh ideas, providing better methods of quality control, and advancing progress.
Outcomes of research and activities conducted through the KONNECT project include larger networks, more joint research, and stronger partnerships between the RoK and the EU.
The key issues of focus for the KONNECT project are as follows:
• Strengthening communication for sustaining continuous policy-related dialogue
• Supporting the JSTCC
• Raising awareness for Horizon 2020
• Confirming strategic thematic areas Expanding joint activities under thematic areas
• Supporting collaboration between basic research and industrial technology sectors
• Advancing ‘Innovation’ as well as R&D
• Creating more opportunities for the involvement of the private sector
• Creating new programmes to expand joint research

2.2 Objectives
KONNECT is aimed to play a pivotal role in connecting Korea and the EU, the past and the future, the public and private sectors, and basic research and innovation. Due to the newly announced EU R&D Framework Programme (Horizon 2020) and Korea’s upcoming government changeover in 2013, initiating a fresh communication window to share and accumulate new information between the two sides takes on even greater importance. KONNECT is anticipated to support sustainable policy dialogue by promoting and enhancing Korea-EU cooperation in the areas of science, technology, and innovation at the governmental and non-governmental level for the economic and scientific improvement of both sides. KONNECT also aims to take into account the involvement of creative industries and innovation-driving enterprises, in-line with the objectives of Horizon 2020. Partnerships between the two parties, from the public to the private sectors, will be strengthened through the implementation of this project.
In order to improve and sustain communication and enhance STI networks and activities, specific objectives for KONNECT have been set in tandem with the 2013 EU FP Capacities Work Programme. The project will be committed to adhering to the following objectives:
① Develop Knowledge-based Infrastructure by:
• Identifying, monitoring, and analysing the evolution of the collaboration activities in FP7 and current STI challenges & issues (Task 1.1)
• Utilizing outside experts to improve expertise in research & analysis, project implementation, and feasibility studies (Task 1.1-1.3 Task 4.1 Task 4.3)
• Analysing and supporting fair practices in research and innovation between the two regions (Task 1.1)
• Strengthening industrial research by examining innovation-based best practices (Task 1.2)
• Developing a roadmap for future S&T cooperation strategies, including specific research areas for joint cooperation under KONNECT’s four thematic technology areas and provisions to support and coordinate with EU programmes and policies targeting Korea in the future (Task 1.3)
• Creating an integrated website for storing and communicating relevant EU-Korea STI cooperation information (Task 3.1)
• Producing tangible and intangible materials for dissemination purposes (Task 3.2)Set an evaluation methodology for participants for use in all joint programmes supported by the KONNECT project (Task 4.4)
• Utilizing an external review committee to supervise the quality control of deliverables (Task 5.4)

② Improve Strategic Communication by way of:
• Developing agendas, strategies, and roadmap-based action plans to support the JSTCC and its thematic technology areas (Task 2.1)
• Establishing a European-Korean Interest Group to recommend cooperative strategies for political communication to the JSTCC, SFIC, etc. (Task 2.2)
• Studying the feasibility of building a European liaison office in Korea to simplify dialogue processes (Task 2.3)

③ Raise Awareness to Facilitate Cooperation between the EU and Korea through:
• Disseminating important information and materials regarding the current state of STI and political issues (Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 3.3 Task 3.4 Task 3.5)
• Disseminating information on joint research programmes developed under Horizon 2020, KONNECT, etc. (Task 3.3 Task 3.4 Task 3.5)
• Training Korean NPC’s (FP Contacts) to support Horizon 2020 by enhancing their quality and effectiveness (Task 3.3)
• Analysing a number of key issues affected by the EU – Korean FTA (IPR, new market access, SMEs, etc.) (Task 1.1) and utilizing this information to increase support for promoting further cooperation and aiding the initiation of Joint Projects (Task 4.1-4.2)

④ Enhance Networking between Science, Technology, and Innovation-focused Actors via:
• Organising brokerage and networking events to encourage the expansion of STI networks between top level research and innovation actors in Europe and Korea (Task 3.4 Task 3.5)
• Utilising existing industrial events (such as EUREKA/Eurostars) as networking tools to attract the participation of innovative actors (i.e. enterprises) (Task 3.5)
• Promoting a twinning activity based on key areas of common interest between organisations, institutes, technology centres, enterprises, etc. (Task 3.6)

⑤ Foster Innovation-focused Joint Activities through:
• Designing a framework and implementation plan for a new Public-Private Partnership, utilizing information regarding best practices in innovation in both Europe and Korea (Task 4.1)
• Implementing a joint funding programme within the applicable thematic areas of the KONNECT project through refinement of successful programmes implemented by previous FP7 EU-Korean actions (i.e. KORANET) (Task 4.2)
• Supporting the expansion of joint programmes between KONNECT partners by performing a feasibility study on their existing international programmes and recommending potential partnerships (Task 4.3)
Project Results:
3. Main Scientific and Technical Results

3.1 KONNECT Project Overview

Figure 1: Overview of the KONNECT project

A description of the entities comprising the Advisory Board (including the External Review Committee) can be found in Section 2.1.1. The JSTCC EU-Korean Strategic Roadmap and the development of a Policy Dialogue Platform are described in WP 2. An overview of the Joint Funding Programme is given in WP 4 (Task 4.2). A description of Stakeholders can also be found under Section 2.1.1.

KONNECT aims to provide an integrated platform to facilitate better communication between Science, Technology and Innovation stakeholders in both the EU and Korea. Additionally, the project will initiate activities to lay the foundation for the production of fruitful outcomes in the future.

The KONNECT project also provides support for the JSTCC by formulating strategic roadmaps for future Korea-EU STI collaborative areas, while offering guidelines to establish and maintain policy dialogues. Several European and Korean governmental entities were involved in the project’s Advisory Board in order to provide strategic guidelines and contribute to decision making processes.

The project has and will continue to provide outputs for public stakeholders (including researchers, STI-related enterprises, institutions, universities, etc.) with regards to the current state of STI in Europe and Korea, new calls for proposals, networking opportunities, opportunities to join new international joint projects, and more. Moreover, both Korean and European NCPs have played an essential role in assisting European and Korean public stakeholders by providing services to facilitate a better understanding of STI affairs and issues related to Horizon 2020.

Furthermore, the KONNECT project has launched a Joint Funding Programme, inviting greater multi-lateral programme participation from both the European Member States, Associated Countries, and Korean sides.

3.2 Work Undertaken

Work Package (WP) WP Leader Task (T) Task Leader
WP1: RAM – Research, Analysis and Monitoring KIST-Europe T1.1: Analysing and Monitoring Current Issues KIST-Europe / KISTEP
T1.2: Studying and Sharing Innovation-based Best Practices CDTI
T1.3: Developing Political Strategies KIST-Europe / KISTEP
WP2: Dialogue – Policy Dialogue Platform DLR T2.1: Continuous Support for the JSTCC NRF
T2.2: Fostering EU MS-Korea Policy Dialogue through Establishment of EU-Korean Interest Group DLR
T2.3: Feasibility Study on Joint Liaison Office RVO / KIST-Europe
WP3: Networking – Networking and Communication TUBITAK T3.1: Building a Website as a Communication Window (and new networking tools) NRF
T3.2: Producing Tangible/Intangible Informational Materials for Dissemination NRF
T3.3: Regular Dissemination Events and Focused NCP Training RVO, KIAT
T3.4: Creating New Networks Under the KONNECT Thematic Technology Areas TUBITAK
T3.5: Expanding Networks in Industrial Technological Areas TUBITAK
T3.6: Encouraging Technology Driven Twinning Activities CDTI
WP4: Beyond – Programme Development KIAT T4.1: Feasibility Study for Opening New Public Private Partnership (PPP) Programmes KIAT
T4.2: Implementing a Joint Funding Programme DLR
T4.3: Feasibility Study for Expanding Joint Programmes in Europe and Korea NRF
T4.4: Setting Evaluation Models for Selecting and Evaluating Joint Programmes RVO
WP5: Management – Management and Coordination NRF T5.1: Project Activity and Implementation Management NRF
T5.2: Financial Management NRF
T5.3: Reporting to the EC and Korean Government Entities NRF / DLR
T5.4: Risk and Quality Management DLR
T5.5: Organising the External Review Committee RVO

Figure 2: KONNECT structure

The new KONNECT project have sought to meet the aims of the 2013 International Cooperation Work Programme by supporting S&T related institutional dialogue between the EU and Korea, strengthening cooperation between research and innovation actors (under the areas set down by the upcoming Horizon 2020 Programme), and monitoring progress in bilateral STI cooperation. Strengths and weaknesses of current and previous S&T related programmes between the two regions are discovered, and focusing common goals and priorities among programs and competency networks have been the prime objective of the Work Packages. Efforts have been made to increase efficiency in both coherence and coordination to meet these goals and strengthen joint research in new areas outlined by Horizon 2020 (such as particular societal challenges). In order to improve expertise in research & analysis, project implementation, and feasibility studies, the opinions and consultations of external experts were utilized during this project.

The objectives of the call were met under each Work Package. With the goal of understanding the current state of S&T and innovative approaches in both Korea and the EU (including potential collaboration needs in business markets), practical strategies for S&T collaboration were explored (WP1). To this end, an in-depth study of best practices have been initiated with information from previous cooperative programs and input from relevant stakeholders. A collaborative road map has been developed from the results of this analysis, and has been utilized to recommend S&T political strategies and extend the range of high potential technological areas of future cooperation. Additionally, analysis on the standards set by the EU-Korean FTA was conducted. (WP1). This analysis has been utilized to increase support for promoting further cooperation and aiding the initiation of Joint Projects (WP4).

Procedures have been undertaken to sustain and enhance policy dialogue between the two areas (WP2). These processes include arranging activity agendas and providing up-to-date STI information to support the Joint S&T Cooperation Committee, creating a European-Korean Interest Group to discuss and make recommendations regarding S&T cooperation and new thematic areas of cooperative development, and studying the feasibility of setting up a European joint liaison office in Korea for streamlining dialogue processes. These actions have strengthened dialogue and advanced collaboration between the RoK and the EU.

Networking and cooperation have been promoted with specific dissemination strategies for bringing the research and innovation communities of European countries and Korea closer together (WP3). To improve communication with partners and public stakeholders, on-line and off-line communication-focused infrastructures were designed and implemented. On-line infrastructure includes the development of a public website providing comprehensive project information and updates, which also provided a window of communication between the relevant stakeholders. Off-line infrastructures have been established in the form of dissemination materials designed to raise awareness about Horizon 2020, European and Korean research and innovation programmes, and the KONNECT project’s joint programmes. Networking activities, such as brokerage events and twinning activities will produce new networks and maintain a steady flow of STI-related information. Existing NCP systems of both sides have been used to disseminate information and promote networks between the two parties. These tasks have become the foundation for furthering cooperative activities.

Through the use of S&T and current issues (IPR, Public Procurement, etc.) analysis (WP1) and the guidance of enhanced policy dialogue (WP2), more concrete mechanisms were established to facilitate new innovation programs and project development between the EU and Korea (WP4). An implementation plan for new public-private partnership programmes in the four main technology areas of the KONNECT project has been designed. Based on the success of the KORANET joint calls, a Joint Call (focused on applicable thematic areas) was prepared during the project period. Moreover, existing joint programmes between European countries and the RoK have been analysed, and the possibility of expanding these programmes between partner countries were explored. Finally, an evaluation methodology for participants has been set for the initiation of the Joint Funding Programme, which was used to analyse the impacts of the subsequent joint projects.

For the successful administration of these disparate elements, various project management activities have been undertaken (WP5). These management activities aimed to: maintain communication between consortium partners and advisors (both on-line and off-line), support the project’s specific activities (WP1-4), define and manage risks, perform quality control, and handle administrative and financial procedures (including reporting to the project’s funders, i.e. the EC and Korean ministries). Additionally, an External Review Committee have been organised to oversee the quality of deliverables. The overall management of the project has played an integral role in its success.

Work package 1:

WP1: RAM – Research, Analysis and Monitoring (WP Leader: KIST Europe)

WP1 has facilitated a greater understanding of the current state of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Europe and Korea and associated strategies currently being implemented in both regions. Based on this information, practical strategies for future S&T collaboration leading towards Horizon2020 and beyond have been developed. Information presented in this WP have provided evidence-based knowledge for recommendations on the future design of funding and management programmes as well as policies that function as a pivotal foundation for long-term S&T collaboration between Korea and Europe.

WP1 has conducted a guiding role for all the other project activities and support the KONNECT project theoretically and strategically in achieving its ultimate objectives. Through WP1, a database of EU-Korean Science and Technology (S&T) Collaborative activities has been constructed and baseline reports for all the project’s other activities produced. Cooperative S&T activities supported by both European countries and Korea have been monitored and analysed using data provided by governments, funding agencies, and research institutions from both sides. An in-depth study has also been conducted of the best practices provided by stakeholders, including private enterprises, so as to understand the current state of research and innovation collaboration. S&T political strategies have been recommended for both sides based on a long-term collaborative roadmap which has been developed utilising the constructed database and results produced from analysis. Finally, in order to improve expertise in analysis and research activities, the opinions and consulting experience of external experts have been utilised during all three Tasks of this Work Programme based on necessity.

Task 1.1: Analysing and Monitoring Current Issues
Task leader: KIST Europe with support of KISTEP and other partners

Task 1.1 aimed to monitor and analyse the evolution of EU-Korea S&T cooperation, including cooperation in FP7, EUREKA, and Korean programmes, and also examine mutual interests existing between Korea and the EU by analysing potential collaboration needs in business markets. Previous EU-Korea INCO projects (KESTCAP, KORRIDOR, KORANET) contributed significantly to raising awareness of the R&D programmes of both regions, building collaborative R&D networks, and initiating joint research projects. While these efforts have prevailed throughout the KONNECT project, whereas previous projects focused more on strengthening basic collaborative capacities and building collaborative platforms, KONNECT has endeavoured to maintain sustainable R&D networks and extend collaborative territories into substantial business markets as well as specific thematic research areas such as ICT, NMP, Green Technology and Clean Energy, and Bio-technology. In-depth analysis of former collaborative projects, using a developed evaluation criterion for uncovering both successful and unsuccessful aspects, have been utilised to establish a proper sense of perspective for the new project and establish a further level of collaboration. Additional investigation of substantial technological needs have effectively connected the industries.

The mapping study is based on an expert analysis of the following information sources:
- Analysis of national innovation systems and policies of EU countries and Korea
- Domestically sponsored Korean projects which included the collaboration of European researchers and vice versa for European projects
- Direct interviews and discussions with Enabling Entities – both public and private – including industry and RTDI (Research, Technology, Development, Innovation) Performing Entities (R&D institutions, universities, and enterprises)
- Comparison of the level of technology, innovation resource investments, and cooperation potential of each technical domain, including current market status and prospects by section for both regions

Based on the results of this study, strategic recommendations were made for the improvement of collaboration, including needs priorities in thematic fields. This task has provided basic information to WP3 for the purpose of creating a successful communication platform (website), and provided support for fair practices in research and innovation between the two regions by analysing and monitoring current issues such as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection, standards, regulations, and innovative public procurement. Analytical investigation has also been carried out on the standards set by the EU. Korean FTA on a number of different R&D topics (IPR, new market access, SMEs, etc.) and the analysis of these treaties have also been utilised for increasing support for further cooperation, and initiating joint programmes (WP4). Finally, the results of IPR research undertaken through this task were shared and discussed with the relevant European IPR Work Groups.

Task 1.2: Studying and Sharing Innovation-based Best Practices
Task leader: CDTI with support of other partners

A study on best practices in Innovation (industrial research and experimental development) in the EU and Korea was conducted with input from the previous analysis in Task 1.1 complemented with information from different types of stakeholders from both the EU and Korean sides. The Task Leader has been responsible for gathering information from all types of stakeholders, both public and private that play a pivotal role in the EU and Korean innovation systems, including enterprises, research institutes, academia, funding agencies and consultants.

Stakeholders targeted for this task included any organisations that initiated successful joint technology cooperative activities in their respective areas of expertise. For example, representatives from: research institutes (also the members of clusters or technology platforms) and universities active in transnational joint R&D programmes (like Horizon2020, EUERKA/EUROSTARS, BILATERAL); enterprises also active in this collaborative programmes; funding organisations involved in the budgeting and programmes development as well as the financing of research activities; and consultants that facilitate and support activities in this area. They have been interviewed and invited to share best practices, including successful organisation/implementation practices and useful information regarding, among other issues, experience-based analysis and implementation difficulties. Based on previous experience producing similar forms and prepared as a list of questions arranged to elicit responses in a systematic method, a form was designed in order to collect relevant information regarding experience, strong areas of technological cooperation, nature of cooperation, achieved results, etc. Moreover, KONNECT partners have provided guidance by identifying valuable stakeholders in their respective regions who can supply best practices-based input. Through the efforts of this Task, the best actors in research and innovation in the EU and Korea were defined.

The study took a holistic approach, covering different regions of the EU and Korea, which have different innovation-based needs and therefore different policies, while also taking into account the particular needs of different industrial sectors.

Task 1.3: Developing Political Strategies
Task leader: KIST Europe with support of KISTEP and other partners

The aim of Task 1.3 was to formulate a roadmap for future S&T cooperation strategy encompassing the four S&T areas within this project’s scope, which represent high priority for EU-Korea cooperation, and investigating the possibility of extending their range to include additional high potential technological areas of future cooperation. The roadmap was prepared with a time frame for Horizon2020 and beyond, based, in part, on the Best Practices Report in Task 1.2. It has contributed to the definition and implementation of joint strategic agendas for research, development, and innovation by providing policy makers and other stakeholders in RTDI cooperation relevant information on expected future developments and framework conditions related to the prioritised areas. Measures outlined in the roadmap have included provisions for support and coordination with other EU programmes and policies targeting Korea in the future.

The main consulting groups utilised for developing political strategies included both the governments of the EU and Korea at the ministerial level, the EU-Korea Joint S&T cooperation committee (JSTCC), and the European-Korean Interest Group organised in WP2.

The road mapping process in this Task consisted of the following five steps:
- Identification and description of targeted areas
- Identification of the critical system requirements -.
- Specification of targets and drivers
- Identification of thematic area timelines
- Development of implementation strategies

Work package 2:

WP2: DIALOGUE – Dialogue Platform Development (WP Leader: DLR)

Work Package 2 was designed to sustain and support the future of Korean bi-lateral and multi-lateral cooperation on a policy level. Through the analysis of current and potential future agendas, policy exchange, and on-going cooperative dialogue, reports produced have recommended agendas for policy discussion and possible actions that can be taken to improve the collaborative level among EU Member States, Associated Countries, and Korea. Additionally, to streamline dialogue processes between European countries and Korea and create a long lasting impact, the potential for a European joint liaison office in Korea was investigated, together with feasibility studies.

European embassies in Korea, especially the Delegation of the European Union to the RoK, have been cultivated within all three tasks of this Work Package to enhance dialogue and information sharing processes. Data on researchers and companies, as well as up-to-date R&D and ST&I information were collected from the embassies.
Additionally, networks among diplomats and relevant attaches were established and fortified, which encouraged their involvement in the KONNECT events.
The Advisory Board contributed to and oversaw the development of the tasks within this Work Package.

Task 2.1: Continuous Support for the JSTCC
Task leader: NRF with support of other partners

To enhance policy dialogue between the EU and Korea, KONNECT provided support for the Joint S&T Cooperation Committee (JSTCC), held every two years. The JSTCC has been organised to promote scientific and technological cooperation between Korea and the EU based on the principles of mutual benefit and reciprocity. JSTCC reviews the current status of S&T cooperation between Korea and the EU, and develops relevant policies. Both governments have selected several thematic areas for strategic cooperation with each other based on the results of the previous JSTCC meetings.

KONNECT provided assistance to the JSTCC discussions by developing agendas and providing up-to-date STI information, as well as conducting agency level activities. The project contributed to the preparation of a JSTCC EU-Korean strategic roadmap, and also developed the action plans under thematic areas in-line with the strategic roadmap.

Utilising methodologies to evaluate the key issues analysed in WP1, input reports were prepared for the Committee, including action plans for the JSTCC roadmap, political suggestions, and recommendations for specific areas of cooperation. The Task Leader (NRF) participated in JSTCC events and present major issues, project outcomes, etc.

Task 2.2: Fostering EU MS-Korea Policy Dialogue through Establishment of EU-Korean Interest Group
Task leader: DLR with support of other partners

This task established continuous policy dialogue outside the scope of the JSTCC between the main STI stakeholders from both the EU Member States and Korean (such as research institutions, funding institutions, policy agencies, etc.)

For this task, a ‘European-Korean Interest Group’ composed of expert representatives from stakeholders of both sides was established to discuss developments in EU-Korean STI cooperation and to feed into discussions at the EU level. This group meet annually (3 successive years in a row), developing recommendations for future STI cooperation between the EU and Korea regarding issues such as programmatic approaches at the EU Member State level, new potential thematic areas of cooperative (EU/Korean) development outside the scope of the JSTCC, funding modalities (i.e. considering the Joint Funding Programme in Task 4.2) etc.

Recommendation reports were prepared after each annual meeting and shared with the relevant Korean ministries, the European Commission, the JSTCC, and the Member States organised in the Strategic Forum for International Cooperation (SFIC). The Interest Group has successfully promoted the creation of initiatives between Korea and the EU MS by interfacing with the SFIC.

Task 2.3: Feasibility Study on Joint Liaison Office
Task leader: RVO with support of other partners

The aim of this task was to perform a feasibility study for setting up a joint European liaison office in Korea to simplify dialogue processes between the two areas. Foreign branch offices of European organisations in Korea such as those of Fraunhofer and VTT and other networks like EURAXESS and INCO Houses were studied and reviewed. Based on these results, a recommendation for joint liaison office that fits the conditions in Korea was developed.

This task was based on a three-step approach:
- Map, study, and compare existing offices in Korea
- Preparation and discussion of initial structural blue print
- Preparation of detailed blue print, including potential leading organisations

Work Package 3:

WP3: Networking and Communication (WP Leader: TUBITAK)

Main goal of WP 3 entitled “Networking and Communication” was to promote cooperation and networking between the researches communities of Korea and European countries. KONNECT Project aims to maintain sustainable R&D networks in the fields of specific thematic research areas such as ICT, NMP, Green Technology and Clean Energy, and Bio-technology. To this end, NCP trainings, information days and matchmaking events were planned throughout the project. The events targeted universities, research institutes and industrial actors with the aim of triggering innovation opportunities.

Task 3.1: Building a Website as a Communication Window
Task leader: NRF / All partners

Communication between the consortium partners and relevant external persons has been made possible through a new website. This regularly updated portal will continue to exist as an integrated online platform (open to the general public), providing comprehensive information on Korea-EU cooperation. All information produced by the KONNECT project, and existing information produced by KESTCAP, KORANET, and KORRIDOR, has been archived in this website. The number of website visitors has been totalled and taken into consideration as a barometer for tracking dissemination. Use of these communication tools will continue to be promoted, and will remain valuable for sustaining continuous dialogue between relevant stakeholders, especially the research communities of the EU MS/AS and Korea, as well as for information accumulation.

Task 3.2: Regular Dissemination Events and Focused NCP Training
Task leader: NRF / All partners

This task included the production and dissemination of materials regarding: Horizon2020, up-to-date EU-STI information (political issues and thematic areas of focus), upcoming programmes (e.g. Horizon2020, KONNECT joint programmes) and programme application procedures, usage of local NCPs, and KONNECT website updates.
Both tangible and intangible materials have been produced and disseminated to pertinent stakeholders from the EU MS/AC and Korea. These materials were disseminated at all events and meetings throughout the KONNECT project. Brochures were prepared on an annual basis (three years in a row), and were disseminated on-line and off-line, along with promotional materials and Horizon2020-focused flyers.
Surveys targeting event participants have been utilised for internal evaluation and the improvement of dissemination materials, which were updated accordingly.

Task 3.3: Regular Dissemination Events and Focused NCP Training
Task leader: RVO, KIAT / TUBITAK, NRF

Task 3.3 entitled “Regular Dissemination Events and Focused NCP Training” aims to promote the dissemination of information on the developments on STI of Europe and Korea and the opportunities for the scientific cooperation especially within the framework of Horizon2020 for the European and Korean stakeholders. Task 3.3 is composed of two pillars of activities which are NCP trainings and information days. In order to maintain the sustainability of the scientific cooperation, there will be basic and advanced NCP trainings within the framework of KONNECT. The two information days are supposed to be targeted at the research communities.

Task 3.4: Creating New Networks Under the KONNECT Thematic Technology Areas
Task leader: TUBITAK / RVO

This task has provided opportunities to produce new networks between Korean and European researchers under the key thematic areas of KONNECT. Specific areas were narrowed down under the thematic areas of KONNECT with the outputs of the interest group within WP2, outputs of Task 1.3 Horizon2020, JSTCC, SFIC, etc.
An Annual Report on Events based on each year’s relevant activities have been produced, detailing their impacts on strengthening and driving cooperation and the success of relevant dissemination strategies.

Task 3.5: Expanding Networks in Industrial Technological Areas
Task leader: TUBITAK / KIAT, CDTI

Task 3.5 entitled “Expanding Networks in Industrial Technological Areas” has served to strengthen market-oriented technology and innovation-focused aspects of the cooperation between the EU and Korea by utilising existing networks and events. SMEs, large corporations, research institutes, industry representatives from Europe and Korea were designated as the targeted audience.

Work package 4:

WP4: BEYOND – Programme Implementation (WP Leader: KIAT)

Work Package 4 aimed to create and facilitate joint research at the researcher and enterprise level through preparing and developing new joint schemes between Korea and the EU MS/AC. Exploration and feasibility studies were enacted within this WP to aid both expanding the scope of existing bi-lateral and multi-lateral programmes, and initiating Public Private Partnership (PPP) Programmes based on existing modalities in Europe and elsewhere. New projects under Task 4.2 were evaluated and implemented during the project period by utilising the structure of the joint schemes developed by the KORANET project. Guidelines and evaluation plans have been developed hand-in-hand with projects to aid the future opening of new calls. A key strategy of this WP was the inclusion of more industrial sector participation. Existing networks were utilised to achieve the goals of the tasks, including those existing among the partners, the previous KORANET joint calls, bi-lateral collaborations between Korea and European countries, etc. Additionally, the guidance and oversight of the Advisory Board and External Review Committee were integrated into the planning and launching procedures of activities under this WP’s Tasks.

Task 4.1: Feasibility Study for Opening New Public Private Partnership (PPP) Programmes
Task leader: KIAT

With the goal of enhancing the number of public private partnerships (PPP) between Korea and the EU, a new framework and roadmap for potential avenues of future public-private cooperation have been explored in Task 4.1. Based on an understanding of different types of PPP programmes (and especially successful programmes) through analysis of case studies, new PPP programmes with the goal of attracting participation from entities in high innovation sectors, in-line with the innovation focused aims of Horizon2020, were suggested. This task discovered methods to incite the participation of industrial partners (including large corporations and conglomerates) and develop new, strategic PPP programmes through thorough analysis of the study on innovation-based best practices from Task 1.2. The opinions and consultation of external PPP experts were also utilised.

Task 4.2: Implementing a Joint Funding Programme
Task leader: DLR with support from other partners

A Joint Funding Programme was prepared during the project period based on the success of Joint Funding Programmes implemented during a previous FP7 EU-Korean action (the KORANET programme). Time and money was saved during this process by refining KORANET’s funding programme and joint call implementation schemes, and Task Leader DLR, a coordinator of KORANET, was uniquely positioned to apply the lessons and procedures learned from this programme. By utilising the research results of Task 1.3 to determine several applicable thematic areas among the KONNECT project’s main four, the consortium has developed the process of raising awareness and attracting financial support from Korean and European funding agencies and government entities, including EU MS/AC outside of the KONNECT partner countries. In order to overcome challenges encountered by the previous KORANET joint calls, a greater degree of enterprises from innovation-centric sectors, call information were disseminated through networking events, and matchmaking for prospective joint call participants was initiated in connection with the events organised under WP3. Additionally, tools to sustain the development of joint funding programmes after the end of the KONNECT project have been produced.

Task 4.3: Feasibility Study for Expanding Joint Programmes in Europe and Korea
Task leader: NRF

Task 4.3 aimed to support the expansion of joint programmes between KONNECT partners through analysing their existing international programmes and recommending potential partnerships. Further joint activities were initiated by:
- Analysing KONNECT partners’ international joint programmes
- Initiating a survey to gauge interest among the other partners
- Discovering opportunities and recommending relevant programmes to applicable partners (based on their interests and needs)
- Defining participation guidelines

Task 4.4: Setting Evaluation Models for Selecting and Evaluating Joint Programmes
Task leader: RVO

The aim of this task was to develop an evaluation methodology for participants to use in all joint programmes prepared under the KONNECT project: PPP programmes (Task 4.1) the KONNECT Joint Funding Programme (Task 4.2) and new joint programmes (Task 4.3). The best aspects of evaluation methodologies from both the EU and Korea were processed into this new development, from selection to final evaluation. Common and Customised Evaluation Systems for the implementation of Task 4.2 were developed during the project. Through this task, a better understanding of the different evaluation systems used in both Korea and Europe has been acquired, making it possible to develop and analyse high quality joint programmes and activities.

Additionally, methodologies have been created for evaluating scientific and political impacts of joint projects under joint programmes, which has been used to analyse the Joint Funding Programme in Task 4.2.

Work Package 5:

WP5: Management – Management and Coordination (WP Leader: NRF)

Work Package 5 has been designed to maintain sustainable communication among the project’s partners and relevant stakeholders, support the other four work packages, and report administrative procedures to the European Commission and Korean government entities (the project’s funders). Additionally, financial fail-safes have been built into the project to assure proper and timely use of project funds. Internally, all partners continued to communicate with each other by holding on-line and off-line meetings to share information generated within the project. To maintain the quality of activities and deliverables, an external review system has been introduced to inspect every outcome throughout the project. The principal objectives of WP5 can be summarised into two main sections as seen below.
- Project management
- Progress/Implementation management
- Time management
- Financial management
- Risk management
- Quality management
- Communication management
- Reporting to Supervisors (EC and Korean Government)
- Annual report including financial activities to EC and Korean Government
- Final report

Task 5.1 Project Activity and Implementation Management
Task leader: NRF with support of other partners

This task covered the technical processes of project implementation by the coordinator. Processes, Key advancements, and major outcomes have been checked regularly based on the basic plan of the KONNECT project. The General Assembly, which is composed of both the Consortium Committee and the Advisory Board, has served as a platform for maintaining communication. The Advisory Board has made use of external entities in order to fill in the gaps of expertise within the project consortium. Additionally, communication has been sustained during the project through different types of meetings between the members of the Consortium Committee and Advisory Board.

Among the KONNECT partners, five consortium meetings, including the first Kick-off meeting and final dissemination meeting, have been held in Korea and the EU. During the Kick-off meeting and two annual meetings, the Advisory Board with the External Review Committee reviewed the task procedures and deliverables ex-ante and made suggestions regarding the strategies, task procedures, and deliverables for the upcoming year. In order to save time and money, additional consortium meetings have been organised together with the networking events in WP3. Moreover, regular teleconference meetings were planned for every month. At the annual meetings, the Consortium Committee members gave presentations regarding previous activities, key outcomes, and challenges encountered, and followed by discussions on the issues raised and potential solutions. A KONNECT project ‘Fact sheet’ was prepared every 6 months, for disseminating key project outcomes to the public stakeholders, and uploaded onto the Haneurope portal.

Task 5.2 Financial Management
Task leader: NRF with support of other partners

This task includes activities concerning the financial management of the KONNECT project. The financial management role includes understanding and following the rules and guidelines set down by the EC, and appraising budget usage by consortium partners. KONNECT partners have managed their organisation-specific financial issues independently. The task leader was named responsible for providing an overview of projected versus actual spending from the partners and providing financial reports on three (M14, M26, M37) different occasions over the course of the project. Additionally, the task leaders have checked the status of consortium partner spending by producing mid-year internal reports (M6, M18, M24) and updating the consortium accordingly. This task have been utilised in providing information to the Advisory Board and External Review Committee during the annual meetings.

Task 5.3 Reporting to the EC and Korean Government Entities
Task leader: NRF, DLR with support of other partners

With the 6-month extension of the Project, the coordinator will produce 3 periodic annual reports (months 14, 26, and 43) and 1 final report (month 42+2) to the EC based on its guidelines. These reports will also be sent to relevant government entities on the Korean side. Reports will detail administrative and financial activities carried out during the course of the KONNECT project. Additionally, DLR will perform quality control checks of all partner cost statements with NRF before providing them to the European Commission. Moreover, DLR will provide its support to NRF for ensuring compliance with Commission reporting standards.

Task 5.4 Risk and Quality Management
Task leader: DLR with support of other partners

As per EC guidelines, risk management has been coupled with every process of the project. Potential risks existing through WP1 to WP4 have been assessed on a task by task basis. A SWOT analysis will be conducted to define internal and external obstacles and challenges faced by the consortium; a range of applicable solutions have been provided accordingly. Potential risks (such as fluctuation in foreign exchange rates, political system changes within partner countries, web-site technical problems, cancellation of planned events due to unexpected disasters, unforeseen/excessive project costs, miscommunication between consortium partners, etc.) have been listed along with possible solutions, and were examined carefully during the project period. A guideline for risk management was designed and distributed to external reviewers and consortium partners. Moreover, closer coordination was initiated with the International Learning Network (ILN), which allows the KONNECT consortium to discuss and overcome common dilemmas and risks faced by other Third Country coordinated INCO BILAT projects.

Task 5.5 Organising the External Review Committee
Task leader: RVO with support of other partners

The External Review Committee have been organised according to the guidelines of the Work Programme. The Committee is composed of four knowledgeable experts (two Korean, two European) who possess experience in EU-Korean S&T cooperation. Two experts from Korea, Professor Jae Yong Jung and Professor Chi Ung Song, and two experts from Europe, Dr. Jens Peter Vittrup and Professor Egbert-Jan Sol were selected. The quality of each deliverable produced was evaluated by the External Review Committee before being submitted to the EC and external entities. The Committee reviewed and provided feedback/comments for deliverables produced by the consortium, taking issues such as the quality of contents, language, and logicality concerns into consideration. Though the members of the External Review Committee usually reviewed outcomes separately, they sometimes meet together and discussed the outcomes and share ideas to enhance the quality of each deliverable. The External Review Committee presented rationalisations and conclusions regarding improvements in the quality of deliverables at the Annual Meetings.

Potential Impact:
4. The Impact of Work Packages and Main Dissemination Activities

The KONNECT project has re-established and reinvigorated the grounds on which Korea-EU STI cooperation has been built upon. Through in-depth analyses of where Korea-EU STI relationship stands, the project has enabled the comprehensive diagnoses of the relationship’s strengths and weaknesses, coupled by effective information sharing and dissemination activities. Insights acquired through the different Work Packages and Tasks of the project have made significant impacts on not only the short-term, but also on the long-term relationship of the two parties.

The key stakeholders and their benefits from the KONNECT project are as follows:
o Governmental entities (Korea, EU)
• Use of KONNECT outputs Better understanding of the current STI status in both their own countries and that of each other
• Establishment of more effective window of communication between Korea and the EU with regards to STI cooperation
• Utilisation of the KONNECT project Work Package (WP5) tasks in support of governmental level discussions on Korea-EU STI cooperation.

o Researchers
• Better accessibility to information regarding European research programmes like Horizon2020
• Increased understanding of the practicalities involved in participating in European research programmes, from searching for calls to the actual application and evaluation processes
• Better accessibility to funding information
• Increased opportunity for searching potential research partners through offline matchmaking events

o Private Entities
• Better understanding of the role of industrial actors in European research programmes like Horizon2020
• More opportunities to participate in international STI programmes involving Korea and European countries

The impact of the KONNECT project was maximized through the six-month prolongation of the project. In order to minimise the turn-over period from KONNECT to the next project, the consortium partners agreed to extend the official project period from September 2016 to March 2017. During this prolonged period, additional dissemination events like the 3rd Korea-EU R&D Fair (Mar. 2017), and support activities to promote policy dialogue between Korea and the EU like the Korea-EU Working Level Meeting (Oct. 2016) were organised.

The by-products of the KONNECT project including publications, minutes, and photos are all archived in the project’s website ( and will continue to remain accessible to the relevant stakeholders and the public in their future efforts to sustain, reinforce, and take part in Korea-EU STI cooperation.

4.1 Impact of WP1

Two main objectives are targeted by WP1 RAM-“Research, Analysis and Monitoring” were as follows:
1. To analyse the current and previous S&T-related programmes and the statistical characteristics of international cooperative projects of the EU and Korea
2. To provide suggestions to improve the status quo by formulating a roadmap for future S&T cooperation strategies

The statistical analysis of the EU Framework Programme shows that the collaboration partner countries of EU member states are diverse, and Korea is also a main partner of the EU. Despite efforts to increase EU–Korea S&T collaboration in the past years, there is still a scarcity of information related to fields with a high demand for collaboration. Especially, the participation in the European framework Programme is mainly realized by universities and research institutes in Korea, while participation of enterprises has been fluctuating, and inter-enterprise cooperation limited.
The results of WP1 provide the following suggestion for future EU–Korea S&T cooperation strategies: Mechanisms that allow efficient and effective implementation of international cooperation programmes should be developed. In order to develop collaboration strategies in a reciprocal way, a balanced approach from both sides is necessary. To improve the current communication channels, an effective mediation system needs to be established so that information regarding funding opportunities from both governments is organised and delivered to researchers. It is necessary to diversify participating entities to include more private actors.

The outcome of WP1 has had positive influences on other work packages, and it can be utilized to develop and strengthen R&D cooperation areas and strategies between EU and Korea.

4.2 Impact of WP2

There are three main results of WP 2 were as follows:
1. Preparation of input reports for the JSTCC meetings, including action plans for the JSTCC roadmap, political suggestions, and recommendations for specific areas of cooperation
2. Establishment of an European Interest Group Korea
3. Survey and blue print on a Feasibility Study on a Joint Liaison Office in Korea

The specific input and fundamental information given to the JSTCC regarding several issues on EU-Korean cooperation activities led to concrete actions to enhance the EU-Korean cooperation in the right fields. This task strengthened the EU-Korea relationship.

The establishment of the European Interest Group Korea will ensure continuation of the EU-Korean relationship on the level of stakeholders and organizations. It will strengthen and hold up the cooperational activities between Korea and European countries. Especially joint multilateral calls could help to solve global problems.

The blue print of a Joint Liaison office will help to understand its specific tasks, practical organization and needs of the stakeholders to establish the right kind of Liaison Office. This will also influence the EU-Korean partnership.

4.3 Impact of WP3

Main goal of WP 3 entitled “Networking and Communication” is to promote cooperation and networking between the research communities of Korea and European countries. KONNECT Project aims to maintain sustainable R&D networks in the fields of specific thematic research areas such as ICT, NMP, Green Technology and Clean Energy, and Bio-technology. To this end, NCP trainings, information days, matchmaking events and a twinning event are planned to be held throughout the project. The events will target the communities such as universities, research institutes and industrial sector with the aim of triggering innovation opportunities.

Within the KONNECT Project, having the aim of raising public awareness for Korea-EU cooperation and improving accessibility to EU R&D cooperation programmes, the website of KONNECT Project ( was opened and 2020 brochure & MSCA brochures were published. The website served as a communication tool between consortium partners and an integrated online platform open to general public which will provides comprehensive information regarding Korea-EU S&T cooperation.

In addition to these, three NCP Trainings, one NCP workshop, three information sessions, two matchmaking events, one twinning event and two brokerage events were held successfully. As a result of these dissemination and networking activities many Korean and European researchers from both academia and industry found the opportunity to discuss the possibility of collaboration.

The NCP Trainings and informative sessions, aid the dissemination of relevant STI-related information both for Korean NCPs and Korean stakeholders regarding, the collaboration possibilities in Horizon 2020.
The brokerage events were held in Korea and Europe to provide opportunities to produce new networks between Korean and European researchers under the KONNECT project’s key thematic areas (Green technology, NMT, ICT, and Biotechnology). In total 52 participants were provided the opportunity of collaboration through networking sessions.

The matchmaking events were organised to strengthen market-oriented technology and innovation-focused aspects of the cooperation between the EU and Korea. In total, 196 people took part in the first matchmaking event and 265 matchmaking meetings were held in the second matchmaking event.

Finally, one institutional Twinning Event was organised. Out of all of the networking events, a booklet is produced compiling basic information about the interested institutions with a total of 70 profiles and published at the

4.4 Impact of WP4

The main impact of Work Package 4 is the implementation of the joint funding program that resulted in the launching of the Joint Call on Resources and sustainability, and the additional under-EUREKA call, which also contributed to the increase in the number of projects between Korea and European partners. Eight projects have been funded under the mobility paradigm, which attracted countries beyond the KONNECT framework, namely Belgium, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which adds to the positive impact of the project. Under the EUREKA promotional call, we had five endorsed projects with participants from Korea, Germany and Turkey.

On policy and dialogue-improvement level, Tasks 4.2 4.3 and 4.4. contributed to the collection and sharing of useful information on potential ways how to expand Korea-Europe public-private partnerships, joint programs and eventually ways to select and evaluate joint programs. Concise and informative reports have been produced on the topics and they can readily serve as the backbone of future more in-depth research.

4.5 Impact of WP5

As described above, Work Package 5, “Management – Management and Coordination”, has been designed to maintain sustainable communication among the project’s partners and relevant stakeholders, support the other four work packages, report administrative procedures to the European and Korean government entities, and establish financial fail-safes to assure proper and timely use of project funds. The five tasks included in this particular Work Package allowed for an effective management of the other WPs from different aspects – information dissemination, financial management, risk and quality management – which subsequently ensured the project’s overall success.

Responsible for both the back- and front-end of the project, WP5 has had both internal (project-related) and external (non-project-related) impact. Internally, WP5 has allowed for strategic organisation and management of the KONNECT project, both practically and financially. Through comprehensive risk analysis and closely monitored financial administration, WP5 has contributed to the better internal and external window of communication and information exchange through public events like Korea-EU R&D Fair, and submission of regular reports to the relevant governmental entities of both Korea and Europe. It has maintained impartiality of the project process and outcome through External Review Committee constituted of experts, which has maximised the credibility and effectiveness of the project’s internal and external impact.

4.6 Dissemination Activities and Exploitation of Results

During the course of the three year project, various dissemination activities, such as EUREKA Day, Korea-EU R&D Fair, and Twinning Event were organised to share the project achievements among the relevant stakeholders and the public, depending on the occasion. While all materials produced from these events were disseminated through the Haneurope portal, the access to the uploaded information has been differentiated into ‘public’ or ‘restricted’, the latter being accessible only by the KONNECT consortium partners and designated stakeholders to the project.
KONNECT Event Table by Category
Category Date Venue Event
Management M1
(Oct. 2013) Korea Kick-Off Meeting
Information day M6
(Mar. 2014) Korea General Information day (NRF)
Information day M7
(Apr. 2014) Korea NCP Workshop 1 (NRF)
Information day M8
(May 2014) Europe (Norway) EUREKA 1 (KIAT)
Information day Information day 1 (TUBITAK)
Capacity building M9
(Jun. 2014) Europe (Belgium) Interest Group Meeting 1 (DLR)
Policy dialogue JSTCC Working level Meeting 1 (NRF)
Management M12
(Sep. 2014) Korea Annual Meeting 1 (NRF)
Information day M14
(Nov. 2014) Europe (Belgium) NCP Workshop 1 (TUBITAK+RVO)
Information day M16
(Jan. 2015) Europe (Belgium) NCP Workshop 2 (TUBITAK+RVO)
Information day M18
(Mar. 2015) Korea General Information day (NRF)
Capacity building Europe (Germany) Interest Group Meeting 2 (DLR)
Matchmaking M19
(Apr. 2015) Korea Brokerage Event 1 (TUBITAK)
Information day NCP Workshop 2 (NRF)
Information day M20
(May 2015) Korea EUREKA 2 (KIAT)
Matchmaking Twinning Event (CDTI)
Policy dialogue M21
(Jun. 2015) Korea JSTCC 1 (NRF)
Management Europe (Germany) Joint Funding Programme 1 (Evaluation) (DLR)
Management M24
(Sep. 2015) Europe (Turkey) Annual Meeting 2 (NRF)
Information day M30
(Mar. 2016) Korea Information day 2 (KIAT+NRF)
Management M33
(Jun. 2016) Europe Annual Meeting 3 (NRF)
Matchmaking Brokerage Event 2 (TUBITAK)
Capacity building Interest Group Meeting 3 (DLR)
Management M36
(Sep. 2016) Korea Final Dissemination Event (NRF)

Figure 3: KONNECT event table by category

List of Websites:
5.1 Website
The KONNECT website can be found at the following link:

5.2 Coordination
The project is coordinated by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

Myon Jung Kim

25, Heolleungno, Seocho-gu, Seoul
06792, Korea

Phone +82(0)2-3460-5730
Fax +82(0)2-3460-5729