Final Report Summary - AIDPATH (Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology)
Advances in digital pathology are generating huge volumes of whole slide and tissue microarray images which are providing new insights into the causes of some of today’s most devastating diseases. They also present tremendous opportunities for developing and evaluating new and more effective treatments that may revolutionize the care of patients.
The challenge is to exploit the new and emerging digital pathology technologies effectively in order to process and model all the data. This requires joint research projects and collaborative programmes between academia and industry. Thus, biomedical scientists will be equipped with broad knowledge and processing tools, whereas engineers will have an understanding of the disease processes and the clinical needs. This will help developing efficient and innovative products to fulfil the needs of digital pathology. AIDPATH will research and develop medical image display technology for digital pathology, novel image analysis solutions to deal with the whole slide images (WSI) and therefore to help the pathology diagnosis and solutions for biomarker evaluation and quantification.
Thus, four technical work packages (WP) are:
• WP1: Optimizing, calibrating and standardizing digital pathology image display.
• WP2: Advances image analysis for whole slide images.
• WP3: Evaluation and quantification of biomarkers.
• WP4: Clinical evaluation of the processing tools.
The AIDPATH project has addressed this challenge through a focused research, including research training aiming to knowledge sharing and career development in this emerging multidisciplinary field. The joint research project and collaborative programme between academia and industry has helped to develop efficient and innovative products to fulfil some needs of digital pathology. Furthermore, a total of 14 activities including academia and industrial workshops, training schools and conferences have been done. These events are listed below:
- 1st Workshop: Hands and Eyes on Digital Pathology, 28-30 April 2014, ES
- 2nd Workshop: Information Technology in Digital Pathology, 26th May 2015, ES
- 3th Workshop: New Trends in Digital Pathology, 23rd June 2015, IE
- Summer School: Stereology and Image Processing, 7th – 11th September 2015, LT
- 4th Workshop: Optimizing, Calibrating and Standardizing Digital Pathology Image Display, 25th – 26th April 2016, BE
- 5th Workshop: Advances in Digital Pathology. AIDPATH Project. 28th June 2016, UK
- 6th Workshop: Medical Image Understanding and Analysis in Digital Pathology, 6th – 8th July 2016, UK
- International Summer School on Digital Pathology, 12th – 16th September 2016, IT
- 7th Workshop: Emerging Trend – In vitro translation to the Clinic. Drug Discovery, 14th October 2016, UK
- Autumn School: Course on Digital Pathology, 26-28th October 2016, ES
- Marie Curie NetWorks Symposium: Optics, Algos & Ice, 17th - 20th November 2016, AT
- 8th Workshop: Digital Pathology: Cancer Microenvironment Image Analytics, 21st June 2017, UK
- Summer School: Molecular Diagnostics and Digital Pathology, 18th – 22th September 2017, UK
- Final AIDPATH Symposium, 25th October 2017, ES
Outreach of this project:
- The consolidation of ESDIP (European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology)
- The development of standard DICOM for WSI and its interoperable with several slide scanners and PACS systems from other manufacturers. This was shown at “DICOM Digital Pathology Connectathon”, that took place in San Diego, October, 2017.
- The development of a web WSI viewer to display all WSI with different formats including DICOM.
- The creation of a database of WSI with clinical cases. This database will be populated with new cases and clinical information/annotations.
- The implementation of a Her2 challenge open to the international digital pathology community.
- The development of several software tools, some of them patent pending.
Finally, all the work done at AIDPATH project has been disseminated with 21 journal papers, 35 conference papers, 7 PhD Thesis (5 still on-going) and 7 Master Thesis.