"Nowadays, we can observe a rapid transition of the knowledge society to the ""society of global competence"", in which both the global economy and the education systems are undergoing changes. It is evident, that without an active implementation of innovative forms and methods of education, and above all, distance learning at all levels of education these objectives cannot be successfully achieved. At the same time we should identify an existing problem - the fact that e-learning methodology is not yet fully developed and specified, both within the EU and in Ukraine. Developing and implementation of the system designed to develop IT competences of contemporary specialist, in particularly the future teachers, current teacher, leadership, based on the systematic use of selected Internet technologies, such as some LCMS systems (as Moodle), Massive Open Online Courses, ""virtual classroom"" technology, social media, other selected Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. technology positively contributes to the development of skills in the area of IT and intercultural competences.
The IRNet project aims to set up a thematic multidisciplinary joint exchange programme dedicated to research and development of new tools for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, distance learning and intercultural competences in EU (Poland, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia) and Third Countries (Australia, Russia, Ukraine. The programme will strenghteen existing collaboration and establish new scientific contacts through mutual secondments of researchers.
The main objectives of the project are:
1.to exchange expertise and knowledge in the field of the innovative techniques of education between EU and Third Countries and suggest effective strategies of implementing new tools in their profession;
2.to analyze and evaluate social, economic, legal conditions, as well as methodologies and e-learning techniques being developed in the European and Third Countries involved."
Call for proposal
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