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Science@Aveiro, General public and researchers – Closing the Gap.

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Science at Aveiro (Science@Aveiro, General public and researchers – Closing the Gap.)

Período documentado: 2015-01-01 hasta 2015-12-31

The European Researchers’ Night 2015 “Science at Aveiro” was dedicated to the theme “materials”.
It intended enhancing the public recognition of the researchers and their work, pointing out the impact of research achievements on the citizens’ daily lives and well-being, presenting researchers as “ordinary people with an extraordinary job” and consequently stimulating young people‘s interest for science and for science careers.
The activities addressed the public at large in all its components, with a strong focus on kids and young people, in particular those about facing a career choice.
Activities offered took place in the city of Aveiro, centre of an industrial spot, diversified in terms of sector of activity and one of the most dynamics in Portugal. It is furthermore known as the city of research and innovation, as a consequence of the projects that have been developed in different areas and to his Innovative University (University of Aveiro).
An intensive awareness campaign was undertaken, including the launch of an entitled “Competition 10th anniversary of Researchers’ Night”, involving categories on drawing, photography and video on the theme “Research is everywhere”; such competition addressed the general public but was mainly participated by students.
A broad range of activities was offered to the attendees, amongst which hands-on experiments, interactions with researchers, science challenges, science quizzes, scientific cultural urban activity, scientific performances, presentations, interactive games, exhibitions, European corner… Although addressing, as referred to above, the general public, the programme offered specific aspects targeted at categories such as kids, teenagers, adults, teachers, parents, “ordinary people”, researchers, entrepreneurs, tourists, policy makers…
The project was conducted by the University of Aveiro, Fábrica Ciência Viva Science Centre and Globaz, SA, with the support of Municipality of Aveiro, Association for Education and Valorisation of Aveiro Region and Group of Schools of Aveiro.
Tasks undertaken
Target audiences
o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid to kids and young people, especially those facing or about to face a career choice;
Messages conveyed
o “A noite é sua, a ciência é para todos!” “The night is yours, the science is for all!”
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o Researchers is fun and fascinating;
o Researchers’ work is everywhere and has an impact on citizens’’ daily lives and well-being;
o Europe cares for tis researchers and research and supports them;
o European and international cooperation are of utmost importance in current research;
Main communication tools to rely on
Off line
o Publication of articles, announcements and advertisement in press;
o Publication of various press releases;
o Launch of photo, drawing and video competitions, notably through education entities of north and Centre regions (at least 500 schools);
o Conception and realisation of a promotional video;
o Airing of promotional spots and radio sketch on national and local radio stations;
o Display of promotional material (informative and promotional, folders etc., gadgets);
o Setting up of stands in several schools and universities in the region;
o Direct contacts with universities and schools (students, teachers, parents,) businesses community and associations, media, senior associations, public authorities, VIPs…
On line
o Setting up of a dedicated website (info on programme and activities);
o Links with partners’, institutional and popular websites;
o Setting up of social networks profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram);
o Mass mail marketing;
o Sending o electronic newsletters (one each three months);

Promotional material
o Posters, brochures, folders, programmes;
o Ads, banners and websites;
o Mention of "This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at

Overview of the results
o Conception, realisation and display of promotional material: flyers, brochures including programme, displayed in cafes, bars, schools, universities and frequented places of the Aveiro city and surrounding cities;
o Public advertisement at outdoors and Mupis (4) around the City of Aveiro;
o Street marketing in several cities of Aveiro region (namely Aveiro, Oliveira de Azeméis, Santa Maria da Feira, São João da Madeira, Oliveira do Bairro and Ovar).;
o Direct contacts with universities and schools, business community, associations, media, senior associations, public authorities, VIPs…;
o Publication of several articles in newspapers such as Noticias de Aveiro, Boas Noticias, Diário de Aveiro;
o Publication of several press releases displayed to both national and regional media;
o Publication of advertisement in written press (magazines, newsletter);
o Airing of promotional spots, interviews on Radio Terra Nova;
o Launch of several competitions (namely drawing, photo and video) addressing 500 schools through the educational establishments of North and Centre regions;
o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of project website, namely (information on programme, detailed activities);
o 8180 page views, 3747 unique visitors, 1:31 average visit duration
o Links with popular and institutional websites;
o Posting of adds an banners on numerous websites;
o Setting up of social networks profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram);
o 649 likes on Facebook, 150 visualisations on YouTube
o Mass mailing through Fábrica Ciência Viva Science Centre newsletter (4.000 subscribers);
o About 300.000 people made aware of the Researchers' Night and its objectives.

Tasks undertaken
List of locations and venues involved
Aveiro: Fábrica Ciência Viva Science Centre, university of Aveiro premises, Troncalhada eco-museum,, municipal assembly building, City downtown and squares, City park, Rossio garden, “Misericórdia Church”;
Main types of activities planned
Hands-on experiments, interactions with researchers, science challenges, science quizzes, scientific cultural urban activity, scientific performances, presentations, interactive games, exhibitions, European corner
Detailed programme of activities
o Common theme: light (after the International year of light 2015 of the UN);
o Special activity for the 10th anniversary of the Researchers ‘night: reward of the competition launched in 2014 on the theme “research is everywhere, and related to drawing, video, pictures, addressing general public;
o Official opening session with short welcome speech;
o Science treasure hunt:
o Route including important city points;
o Allowing exploration of scientific and cultural topics, involving researchers from different areas;
o Organised in 2 sessions;
o Including: interaction with researchers, hands-on experiments, science challenges, science quizzes, scientific cultural urban activity, scientific performance, interactive games;
o Stamps set on passport each time a point is reached;
o Topics: chemistry, biology, science and technology of saline (point 1), biology, history of science (point 2), food chemistry, sweets (point 3), physics (point 4), scientific cultural urban activity , history of science and heritage, architecture (point 5), chemistry and geology, conservation and restoration of monuments (point 6), history of science, theatre performance (point 7), mathematics and physics (point 8);
o Science Party
o Outdoor activities
o Science show, laser show, hands-on experiments (materials), portable planetarium, astronomical observations, molecular food and scientific drinks,
musical moment, science and art performance, face painting and balloon modelling, exhibition stands of partners;
o Indoors activities ciencia viva science centre
o Open day and night at Fabrica Ciencia viva Centre, science and technology fair (demos and simulations on the theme light), magic and science performance (magic tricks in interaction with audience), science speed dating (chats with researchers), science play, open labs (science lab, kitchen is a lab, robots lab, hololab: holography laboratory), robotics workshop, open exhibition, Music workshop, stand up researchers (artistic drawings of remarkable scientists, funny picture with scientists), display of science movies and documentaries, display of 12 episodes of the Tv science magazine “Playing science””, sounds of science corner (hearing of 13 episodes of the stories with science “once upon a time”, addressing young public);
European corners
Number: 3
Location: Rossio garden highly frequented, Fabrica Ciencia Viva Science centre, main event and Oliveira do Bairro
Activities planned:
o Display of informative and promotional material;
o Permanent presence of personnel likely answering on the audience’s questions about EU policies and programmes;
o Connection to all relevant EU websites;
o Testimonials by researchers having benefited from EU support and MC fellows about their research, experience and career mobility;
o Demonstration/illustration of at least one EU funded research project;
o European Researchers' Night MSCA roll-up (entrance of the event) complying with the following content and format requirements: 200 X 85 cm, and the mentions: "European Researchers' Night", "Marie Skłodowska-Curie: an inspiration to follow";
o An image provided by the European Commission;
Overview of the results
o Offer of the activities as planned in the Annex I part B to the Grant agreement, namely:
o Display of films and science documentaries;
o Stand-up researchers;
o Interactive workshops (robots), interactive exhibitions (hands-on it);
o Scientific paddy paper;
o Informal talks with researchers, science speed dating, Guided visits and workshops in labs (Fabrica Ciencia Viva: didactic lab, the kitchen is a lab, hololab, demos and simulations;
o Science shows;
o Tasting food and molecular scientific drinks…;
o Laser show and various artistic performances (fanfare, magic and science, music workshop);
o 46 Researchers actively involved in activities amongst whom:
o 5 having benefitted from Marie Curie Schemes;
o 16 having benefitted from EU support under FP 7 or HORIZON 2020;
o About 5.500 visitors having actively taken part in the activities offered.

Tasks undertaken
Description of the current situation
o Current studies, surveys, enquiries to be identified;
o Survey ex-ante dedicated to public perception of researchers and their work;
o Questionnaires;
o Non-structured interviews (visibility of the event, relevance and interest of the activities offered, efficiency for raising awareness about researchers and their work /impact);
o Suggestions boxes placed on site (opinion about the event, researchers, suggestions for improvements…);
Indicators and parameters to be applied
o Quantitative: number of attendees, participants to several activities, hits on websites, friends and followers on social networks, views and downloads friends and followers on social networks, promotional items displayed and media coverage…
o Qualitative: public perception of researchers (associations with the word “researchers”, characteristics of the actual and desired researcher, interest expressed for science and research, interest expressed for science careers, intention to take part in future similar events…)
Selection of the sample
o Method: random selection
o Absolute figures: at least 5 % of the attendees should provide feedback about the event.
Overview of the results
o Collection and processing of 61 filled in questionnaires
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of responders: 70,5 % male, 29,5 % female, 42,6 % aged under 20, 11,5 % aged between 21 and 25, 16,4 % between 26 and 11,5 % between 31 and 35, 6,6 % between 36 and 40 and 11,4 % over 41, 45,9 % graduate, 32,8% VET, 11,4
% basic education and 9,9% having a master degree, most responders having stayed between one and two hours;
o Overall positive feedback regarding the event (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, concrete organisation, scheduling, venues) (100 % responders very satisfied or satisfied);
o Increased awareness about researchers as "ordinary people";
o Increased awareness about the importance of research for society (important/very important for all responders);
o Rather general intention expressed to take part in future similar events (82,8 % responders);
o Suggestions by responders: reduction of the number of parallel activities with a view to allowing the visitors to take part in as large as possible a number of activities.
Overview of the results - Period 2
o Collection and processing of 61 filled in questionnaires
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of responders: 70,5 % male, 29,5 % female, 42,6 % aged under 20, 11,5 % aged between 21 and 25, 16,4 % between 26 and 11,5 % between 31 and 35, 6,6 % between 36 and 40 and 11,4 % over 41, 45,9 % graduate, 32,8% VET, 11,4
% basic education and 9,9% having a master degree, most responders having stayed between one and two hours;
o Overall positive feedback regarding the event (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, concrete organisation, scheduling, venues) (100 % responders very satisfied or satisfied);
o Increased awareness about researchers as "ordinary people";
o Increased awareness about the importance of research for society (important/very important for all responders);
o Rather general intention expressed to take part in future similar events (82,8 % responders);
o Suggestions by responders: reduction of the number of parallel activities with a view to allowing the visitors to take part in as large as possible a number of activities.

Final Report
Quantitative data:
o Overall number of visitors during the 2 events: 6100;
o Overall number of people having been made aware of the Researchers' night and its objectives (whether possible avoiding any overlap between the first and second event-related data): over 300.000 each year (possible overlapping not identified);
Overall number of activities offered: 76 activities during 2014 and 2015;
o 90 researchers actively involved in the activities, of which:
▪ Number of researchers having benefitted from Marie Curie scheme:
11 (eleven) researchers
▪ Number of researchers having benefitted from support under FP 7/HORIZON 2020;
36 (thirty six) researchers
o Number of European corners organised and if available number of people having visited them: 5, which have approximately been visited by about 80 % of the attendees each year, meaning about 4.800;
Qualitative data:
o General impact of the action:
▪ On public image of researchers and their job:
Science@aveiro events allowed demystifying the idea of the researcher as someone different and inaccessible. It allowed participants to interact with science and engage in informal activities with the researchers.
▪ On public image of science and its potential impact on citizens' daily lives:
The themes chosen for the 2 editions were Materials and Light. During all the program, we have showed that both topics (materials and light) have a strong impact in our daily life, even when we don’t notice that, and that the use of those resources are result of a strong investment in research.
▪ On interest expressed by young people for career sciences:
One of the main targets of the Science@Aveiro events were the young students and the main goal was to show them the benefits of embracing a scientific career. We believe that the use of hands-on experiences, demonstration, science shows and workshops contributed to raise the interest of the young people into science.
▪ Other potential impact: on policies, on cooperation between research-related entities having cooperated for the action, on researchers themselves (communication skills, way of perceiving interaction with the public at large, … ):
We felt that the involvement of different stakeholders like universities, researchers, policy makers, SMEs, Industry, associations, schools and population have contributed to emphasise that all of them are important to science and all of them has a role in the chain for making science attractive for young people.
o Specific impacts observed:
▪ Increased interest of young people for science and science careers (with indication of the parameters used for measuring such impact whether possible):
We had the total participation of 6.100 visitors, and we estimate the participation of 5.000 young people.
▪ Increased public awareness about science and researchers' work (with indication of the parameters used for measuring such impact whether possible);
We estimate that we reached 300.000 people with newsletters and press releases. All 6.100 persons directly involved in the event were engaged in science activities in a way proves the increased awareness about science and researchers in the region.
▪ Others
The Science@Aveiro initiative presented a multidisciplinary set of activities that engage visitors and researchers in an interactive approach. The involvement of schools and the strong dissemination and communication campaign guaranteed a strong participation of public from all ages and social levels.
In such a context, Science@Aveiro successfully achieved the purposed objectives despite a low participation during the first year; a very positive feedback was collected from the participants (as shown in the impact assessment questionnaires). As such the project without a doubt contributed to the:
o Promotion of the dialogue between researchers and the public in general and, consequently, the approach between science and society.
o Promotion of Science using two different approaches: Knowledge and fun;
o Raising awareness for the importance of the scientific careers and research for improving the citizen’s quality of life;
o Presentation of experiences and hands-on experiments with a clear added-value;

Conclusions of the action
The action reached the objectives pursued, namely the enhancement of the researchers' public recognition, the awareness-raising about the societal impact of their job, the bring closer to each other scientists and general public and the stimulation of young people to embark on scientific careers.
Possible modifications and improvement switch a view to similar future events
o More numerous venues within the City of Aveiro;
o Continuation of the selection of one theme per event;
o Reinforcement of the multidisciplinary character of the activities proposed;
o Further extension of the partnership, possibly through the use of third parties;
o National press could be called upon during the awareness campaign;

Socio-economic impact of the action
Clearly the Researchers' Nights will not as such have a measurable socio-economic impact. They nevertheless can have a certain influence about the relationships between research institutions, universities etc. operating in the area and having cooperated for the project, likely to go on after it and generate further synergies and positive impact for the territory concerned.
Researchers' night, when involving (whether directly within the partnership or through external cooperation) companies, including small and medium ones operating in the area, can ease the setting up of bridges between research and industry and, as such, lead to employment and innovation.
The involvement of industry and SMEs from the region was very important to raise awareness about those organisations but also to show that research can be made outside universities or research centres. During the 2016 event we had the presentation of 3 private companies that involved the participation of 4 researchers demonstration, their products and associated research.
In case of strong presence of research communities in the territory concerned, the Researchers' night could also have an impact on the social fabric, strengthening the links between scientific and non-scientific population.
The involvement of industry and SMEs from the region was very important to raise awareness about those organisations but also to show that research can be made outside universities or research centres.