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Volcanoes' Night III. - Researchers' Night of the Canary Islands

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Volcanoes Night III (Volcanoes' Night III. - Researchers' Night of the Canary Islands)

Período documentado: 2014-12-01 hasta 2015-12-31

VOLCANOES NIGHT III Researchers’ Night in the Canary Islands actually consists of the continuation of 2 previous successful events, on which the current project was relying.
The rapid development of technological areas, such as informatics, material science or space research multiplied our knowledge of earth processes and created some highly specialised fields within volcanology. Scientific breakthroughs have, however, also generated a dramatic gap between the professionals and the public, which led the volcanologists’ work to seem as mythical as the work of volcanoes in ancient times.
The main objectives of the action consisted of enhancing public recognition of researchers and their work, of its impact on citizens’ daily lives and well-being, as well as of showcasing the researchers as ordinary people whose work is fascinating and fun, in such a way to stimulate young people’s interest for science and science careers. In this context, the project relied on the fascination and respect that volcanoes always exerted over the public.
Beyond the objectives referred to above, the project consequently also aimed at addressing this issue and bridging the gap between science and the general public of different ages, so as well intended to provide first-hand information about volcanoes and geo scientific topics to improve the understanding of the volcanoes’ world surrounding the inhabitants of the islands.
Amongst the numerous activities offered to the attendees, after several excursions allowing the participants to “live” the life of a volcanologist, presentations, hands-on experiments, shows, science cafés, movie theatre, live connections with scientists from all over the world, kids’ programme, poster session, contest rewarding ceremonies, live music, European Corner and similar actions were organised, addressing the public at large with a strong focus on kids and young people.
Participating scientists did not only talk about their field of research, but also shared their experiences on how students can approach science and research institutions, providing a perfect scenario to attract young people to science careers. As a backdrop to the Night, volcanoes were used not only to explain the work of volcanologists but also what science is about and what scientists and researchers do during their daily work.
Tasks undertaken
Target audiences:
o Public at large, regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid to kids and young people, especially those about to face or facing a career choice;
o Campaign addressed to the 7 Canary Islands, the population of mainland Spain (informative level), Europe and world Spanish speaking community (informative level);
Messages conveyed:
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o Researchers share with others passions, hopes, problems, concerns, dreams…;
o Researchers’ job is important for citizens’ daily lives and well-being;
o Research is fun and fascinating;
o Research is an amazing career choice;
o Obtain first-hand information about volcanoes and geo scientific topics;
o Improve your understanding of the volcanoes’ world surrounding you;
o Europe cares for its researchers;
o Researchers’ mobility in Europe is an existing opportunity;
Main communication tools to rely on:
Off line:
o Publication of articles, announcements, advertisement in local and regional newspapers;
o Airing of promotional spots, programmes, interviews on national and regional TV and radio (weekly announcement on Planeta Viva Radio run by INVOLCAN and broadcasted world-wide) plus further regional programmes;
o Preparation of press communiqués , press materials and videos footages;
o Organisation of a joint press introductory conference, followed by a series of local press conferences;
o Announcement of school competitions in secondary schools during e.g. the “Window to the Atlantic” educational programme managed by INVOLCAN (posters with QR codes reference);
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website;
o Revamping, updating and maintenance of social profiles networks (Facebook);
o Setting up of a website blog;
o Cooperation with other EU-funded Spanish nights (sharing info, banners , links..) links with institutional and popular websites;
Promotional material
o Posters, programmes, folders;
o Ads, banners, websites;
o Mention of "This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at:

Overview of the results:
o Conception, realisation and display of promotional material: flyers, agendas, posters displayed in museums, libraries, bars, restaurants as well as at all venues, including touristic places in the Canary islands;
o Public advertising: big raod banners;
o Publication of articles and announcements in both local and regional newspapers and magazines such as El Día, La Opinión, El Apuron, Diario de Avisos, La Palma para to, Disfruta!, D'Ocasión, Fuerteventura Hoy, La Brujula ….;
o Publication of of promotional article in Binter Canarias onboard flight magazine;
o Airing of promotional announcements, spots, interviews, talks and notices on several national and local radio stations (Radio Nacional de España (Canary Islands), Radio Hola FM Fuerteventura, Radio San Borondón Norte in Tenerife, Radio Mulagua in La Gomera,
Cadena SE La Palma, Radio Murion, Cadena SER Lanzarote, Radio Onda Puerto de la Cruz, Radio Ecca Puerto de la Cruz and on Radio Televisión Canaria (RTVC - regional);
o Airing of a special programme dedicated to "La Noche de los Volcanes” on Radio Nacional de España (national);
o Orgnaisation of 5 press conferences, and publication of related press releases in different venues of the Canary islands;
o Annoucements during public events, such as invited talks, conferences at University of La Laguna and Las Palmas, meetings as European Geophysical Union, EGU....);
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website, namely (main page, programme, participating researchers, collaborators, competitions, surveys, volcano tours and press corner);
o 9.793 unique visitors, 32.368 pages during period August/September;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter);
o 50.000 interactions, and 1.418 likes on Facebook, 51 tweets on Twitter
o 58.300 search results in Google for: “la+noche+de+los+volcanes”;
o About the whole population of the islands (namely about 2 million) and 150.000 people in Ciudad Real province and Olot made aware of the Researchers'Night and its objectives.


Tasks undertaken
List of locations and venues involved:
o El Hierro, La Frontera, Cultural Centre, City hall;
o Fuerteventura: Pajara: Morro Jable Cultural House, City hall, secondary education institute;
o Gran Canaria: Ingenio, Playa El Burrero;
o La Gomera: Hermigua, Plaza de Encarnacion;
o Lanzarote: Yaiza: City Hall, Cultural Centre El Molino;
o La Palma, Fuencaliente: San Antonio Volcano Centre, City hall, Town Cultural Centre;
o Tenerife: Puerto de la Cruz: INVOLCAN/ITER headquarters at Casino Taoro, Plaza de Europa, Puerto de la Cruz City Hall and nearby museums;
o Almagro in Ciudad Real province: Visitors Centre;
o Argamasilla, Ciudad Real province: Town Hall;
o Piedrabuena, Ciudad Real province: Marin Rodriguez Cultural Centre;
o Valverde, Ciudad Real province: Social Centre;
o Olot in Gerona province: Patio de LHospici;
Main types of activities planned:
Presentations, scientific experiments, shows, simulations, excursions, science cafés, movie theatre, live connections all over the world, kids’ programme, poster session, contest rewarding ceremonies, live music, European corners…

Detailed programme of activities
Preparatory events:
o Competitions, announced on-line, mainly addressing teenagers from secondary schools: photography and writing (collection of ancient and recent stories related to volcanoes and scientific background);
o Excursions presenting various difficulty levels, with departure time established as allowing arrival at the same time:
o La Palma Volcan Tenguia;
o Tenerife: explosive volcanoes, Montana Pelada;
o Tenerife: La Orotova Landslide;
o El Hierro: El Lajial;
o Lanzarote: Pico DRedondo loop;
o Gan Canaria: Bandama Volcano;
o La Gomera: The valley of Hermigua;
o Fuerteventura: Cofete Barlovento;
o Almargo, Ciudad Real: Yezosa Volcano;
o Argamasilla: Volcanoes of Argamasilla de Calatrava;
o Piedrabuena: The volcanic material of Piedrabuena;
o Valverde: Crater of Fuentilejo;
o Olot, : Natural Park of La Garrota: Croscat Volcano;
o Additional routes to be defined in the framework of the 2015 event;

Programme of the day:
o My day presentations: set of presentations (photos and videos notably), followed by interactive discussions about the work and typical day of geologists and volcanologists, with a part dedicated to “Ask a scientist”, such as "How on Earth did I become a volcanologist?";
o Science cafés led by geologists, both from academia and research circles, in bars, restaurants, theatres, introduced by a short talk and followed by questions/answers sessions;
o Movie theatre:
o Volcanologists around the World: release of video footage of their trip by researchers (field trip, research lab work, activities carried on);
o Premiere of 2 new documentaries about volcanism, involving some other event venues;
o GeoNight:volcanoes for kids; Geodough (build your own volcano), science magicians, chemistry and physics experiments;
o Poster session about national and international projects related to volcanoes, involving at least 20 foreign institutions from Europe and beyond;
o Contest rewarding ceremonies;
o Volcano fiesta: live music with popular bands;
o Connection in real time with other islands;

Specific activities to some islands and locations:
o Activities enhancing the knowledge of the crucial role played by natural parks/geoparks for sustainability;
o Scientific experiments and field demonstrations;
o Live broadcasting from the night on Planeta viva Radio;

Side events:
o Wine tasting with volcanologists, presentations of good wines;
o Star gazing with telescopes;

European corners:
Number: 2
Location: Tenerife, Gran Canaria;

Activities planned:
o Display of informative and promotional information;
o Testimonials from MC fellows and researchers having benefited from EU support about their research and mobility experience;
o Presentation/demos about at least one EU-funded project;
o Connection with EU relevant websites, interactive activities, quiz and games;
o European Researchers' Night MSCA roll-up (entrance of the event) complying with the following content and format requirements: 200X85 cm, and the mentioning: "European Researchers' Night", "Marie Skłodowska-Curie: an inspiration to follow";
o An image provided by the European Commission;

Overview of the results:
o Orgnaisation of about 100 different activities as described in the Annex I part B to the Grant Agreement, namely:
o Pre-event competitions (awareness campaign): drawing, writing, with respectively 739 and 37 entries;
o 25 excursions;
o 17 "My day" presentations;
o 33 scientific talks;
o Display of science movies (volcanologists around the world, documentaries) and 7 science posters' sessions;
o Special kids'programme: artistic activities (such as rock painting);
o 2 star gazing sessions;
o Live recording of Planeta Vivo Radio Show (Tenerife)
o Active involvement of 46 researchers in the implementation of the activities, amongst which:
o 3 researchers having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes;
o 2 researchers having benefitted from another EU support;
o About 14.500 people estimated to participate at the night at 12 locations, distributed as follows:
o Fuencaliente, La Palma: 850 visitors;
o Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife: 5.200 visitors;
o La Frontera, El Hierro: 800 visitors;
o Yaiza, Lanzarote: 1.000 visitors;
o Hermigua, La Gomera: 400 visitors;
o Ingenio, Gran Canaria: 3.000 visitors;
o Pájara, Fuerteventura: 1.200 visitors;
o Ciudad Real province (Almagro, Argamasilla, Piedrabuena, Ciudad Real) and Olot: 2.000 visitors.


Tasks undertaken
Description of the current situation:
o Relying on on-site surveys undertaken in the framework of the previous Researchers’ night events;
o Conduction of a pre-event survey for determining the current interest expressed for geosciences and for career science, through a targeted questionnaire addressing secondary school students (aged 15-19);
o Conducting a post-event survey by telephone among those participants, who participated in at least three activities.
o Questionnaires administered during the event (comparison with previous surveys regarding public opinion on scientists and interest for research careers);
o Flash questionnaire (choice and scale questions only) on typology of visitors, reason for participating, most successful awareness raising methods, information about best practices);
o Contacts with most enthusiastic participants (upon agreement) after the event via mail or phone;
Indicators and parameters to be applied:
o Qualitative: public opinion on researchers and their work, associations with the word “researcher”, characteristics of actual and desired researchers, interest expressed for science, interest expressed for research careers, media coverage, most successful and preferred activities…;
o Quantitative: number of attendees, participation in various activities offered, typology of attendees, number of hits on the website, of friends and followers through social networks, display of promotional items…
Selection of the sample:
o Method: random selection;

Overview of the results:
o Collection, analysis and processing of 1.003 feedbacks, namely pre-event questionnaires, interviews of teachers prior to the event, questionnaires filled in in situ, interviews post-event;

Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: over 64 % aged over 35, over the half living in a place counting as a maximum 50.000 inhabitants, over 46 % having a university
degree, over 54 % accompanied by family, over 44 % having an interest in the topics dealt with before participating, over 84 % newcomers;
o Knowledge about the events: over 30 % public advertising (posters and leaflets in public places, libraires, bars, restaurants, tourist offices…), over 19 % word of mouth (family, friends), over 11 % through social networks (Facebook);
o Overall positive feedback regarding the events themselves (over 82 % satisfied or very satisfied) (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, scheduling, concrete organisation, venues, locations);
o Most successful activities: scientific talks, documentaries, "ask a scientist", live concert, excursion, star gazing, wine tasting;
o Improved public opinion about scientists and their work (over 78 % responders and 75 % of new comers) after having taken part in the events; (worth noting that about 15 % of responders stated that they already had a good opinion of scientists and their work before participating in the event);

Suggestions for further improvements by attendees:
o Choice of another day than Friday (working day);
o Reinforcement and extension of the promotional actions;
o Inclusion of more practical, interactive and entertaining programme elements (e.g. more hand-on experiments, science shows or workshops for adults);
o Broadening of the scope of topics covered through the inclusion of other scientific disciplines in the programme (such as astronomy, oceanograpgy, robotics, nanothechnology etc.);
o Reinforced multi-linguism of the programme (English, other languages);
o Reinforced schools' involvement, multiplication of activities specficially addressing children.
Collection, analysis and processing of 1.003 feedbacks, namely pre-event questionnaires, interviews of teachers prior to the event, questionnaires filled in in situ, interviews post-event;
Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: over 64 % aged over 35, over the half living in a place counting as a maximum 50.000 inhabitants, over 46 % having a universityd degree, over 54 % accompanied by family, over 44 % having an interest in the topics dealt with before participating, over 84 % newcomers;
o Knowledge about the events: over 30 % public advertising (posters and leaflets in public places, libraires, bars, restaurants, tourist offices…), over 19 % word of mouth (family, friends), over 11 % through social networks (Facebook);
o Overall positive feedback regarding the events themselves (over 82 % satisfied or very satisfied) (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, scheduling, concrete organisation, venues, locations);
o Most successful activities: scientific talks, documentaries, "ask a scientist", live concert, excursion, star gazing, wine tasting;
o Improved public opinion about scientists and their work (over 78 % responders and 75 % of new comers) after having taken part in the events; (worth noting that about 15 % of responders stated that they already had a good opinion of scientists and their work before participating in the event);
Suggestions for further improvements by attendees:
o Choice of another day than Friday (working day);
o Reinforcement and extension of the promotional actions;
o Inclusion of more practical, interactive and entertaining programme elements (e.g. more hand-on experiments, science shows or workshops for adults);
o Broadening of the scope of topics covered through the inclusion of other scientific disciplines in the programme (such as astronomy, oceanograpgy, robotics, nanothechnology etc.);
o Reinforced multi-linguism of the programme (English, other languages);
o Reinforced schools' involvement, multiplication of activities specficially addressing children.
Dibujo1 2015
Student measuring CO2 emission in Fuencaliente 2015
Helicopter equipped with scientific instruments presented in Pajara, Fuerteventura
Dibujo2 2015
Online banner - Fuencaliente 2015
Digital version of event poster of Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife
EU Corner, Gran Canaria
Telescopic observation in La Palma
Variety of project promotional material
Dibujo3 2015
Release of turtles in Morro Jable beach, Fuerteventura
Banner for Fuencaliente, La Palma
Exhibition of scientific posters in Pajara, Fuerteventura
Children in front of their drawings in Fuencaliente, La Palma
"Geo-dough" in Pajara, Fuerteventura