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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Assistant for Quality Check during Construction Execution Processes for Energy-efficienT buildings

Resultado final

Market, Innovation and Applicability Watch I

Market, Innovation and Applicability Watch Task 2.2 will perform a market, innovation and applicability watch. This task will start by creating an analysis of the market by collecting existing approaches, products and research projects. The task will monitor ongoing innovations in the market. This “market and innovation watch” will allow the project to keep in sync with the outside world and will ensure that there is a structured way of feeding new information into the project.

Collaboration, Clustering and Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation II

Collaboration, Clustering and Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation

Standardization and Policy Issues I

Standardization and Policy Issues In this task all standardization activities of the project are covered. The goals in this task are to connect to standardization forums as well as to monitor the project to ensure a compliance of the project results in existing standards. During this task policy related aspects will be consolidated order to feed new policies and developments of the different EU member states into ACCEPT in case that they may have an impact to the project.

Market, Innovation and Applicability Watch III

Market, Innovation and Applicability Watch

Piloting Definition and Preparation

Piloting Definition and Preparation In this task details on the specifics and interactions of the pilots will be elaborated. This will be supplemented with relevant diagrams and low-fidelity prototypes to demonstrate and clarify various concepts and innovations of the ACCEPT project. This task will rely on results from WP2 and especially the user stories and the market watch. Among the pilot preparation, during this task guidelines and recommendations will also be specified. Those will be created in the first 6 months of this task. Another major output of T7.1 is a list of use case specific key performance indicators for ACCEPT. This list will be used in Task T7.2, T7.3 and T7.4 to assess whether the objectives of the corresponding task have been satisfied. Please note that this list will be different from the project wide success indicators listed at section 2.1.6 because the list created during this task will be use case specific.

Industrial and Scientific Dissemination III

Industrial and Scientific Dissemination

User Stories and Requirements Analysis

User Stories and Requirements Analysis This task aims at creating a requirement specification for the project and it is performed in sync with Task 2.1. In contrast to most projects, those requirements will not be created in a plain textual report. Instead of this, it will focus on the user input and will be strongly driven by users by allowing them to define “User Stories”. This approach is derived from the SCRUM approach . SCRUM is an agile development approach, which allows user-centric definition of user stories within a so called “product backlog”. Each user story will define a very small part of the requirements definition and may be as small as one sentence saying “As a [role], I would like to [...]”, e.g. “As a site manager, I would like to be alerted in case of a sick leave”. The requirement specification and user stories are defined together users and professionals in focus groups and interview, applying different methods to obtain end-user feedback, such as card sorting techniques, story-telling, storyboarding, drawing and visual thinking, brainstorming, role playing, etc. The outcome of T2.3 will be a collection of those user stories and may contain several dozen user stories. Those stories will then be used as input for the architecture definition as well as the specifications which will derive concrete tasks and technical aspects from the user stories.

Collaboration, Clustering and Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation III

Collaboration, Clustering and Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation

Market, Innovation and Applicability Watch II

Market, Innovation and Applicability Watch

Standardization and Policy Issues II

Standardization and Policy Issues

Sustainability: Open Platform Promotion and Publication

Sustainability: Open Platform Promotion and Publication One of the main benefits of ACCEPT is that ACCEPT will provide an open environment, which enables the extension of ACCEPET through additional assets which will be used in the visual wiki framework of T4.1. The open approach will contribute to the sustainability of the project as it will allow third parties to extend and adapt ACCEPT even after the project is ended. This task will promote this open approach of ACCEPT.

Industrial and Scientific Dissemination I

Industrial and Scientific Dissemination During this task a multi-channel dissemination for the project will be covered. This means, that various web channels will be used to promote and disseminate the ACCEPT project. Including Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube and other media related websites. Dissemination will include scientific and industrial dissemination activities. The consortium intends to survey the existing conferences and assemblies in order to select those that will be beneficial to ACCEPT as well as conducting predefined workshops and scientific dissemination. Publications in journals, books and conference proceedings are highly fostered and will be coordinated by partner AID as lead of this task.

Architecture Definition and Functional Specification

Architecture Definition and Functional Specification This task defines the global architecture of ACCEPT. This global architecture will define the components and their interaction. It will be based on the main components defined in this description of work but will be performed at a higher level of detail and will also involve the specification of sub-components and actors. Additionally, this task will perform a functional specification of all components providing an in-depth definition of their functionalities, behaviours and error handling capabilities. It will also contain an analysis and selection of technologies. The functional specification stems from the global architecture and will make use of it, but it provides also information necessary for the single functionalities to be realized.

Technical Specification and Mockups

Technical Specification and Mockups In this task, the technical specification is created based on the functional specification and the architecture of T3.4. It will define the interfaces, protocols and class/package structures including definitions of communication detailed between the components and their sequences. UML will be used as a language to define the components and their (sub-)structures.

Concept, Role Definition and Strategy Consensus

Within this central deliverable, the overall project vision in terms of its general positioning, the project’s business and its research and technological objectives will be revealed. For that, a story will be utilized to demonstrate typical use cases where different user groups can benefit; the logical structure and the theoretical structure of the ACCEPT system will be described, which will serve as basis for the different ACCEPT app's.

Industrial and Scientific Dissemination II

Industrial and Scientific Dissemination

Standardization and Policy Issues III

Standardization and Policy Issues

Collaboration, Clustering and Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation I

Collaboration, Clustering and Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation In this task collaboration activities with EU events, other research projects and activities are performed. In addition several clustering activities will be covert. This includes close collaboration with the H2020 projects from the EeB Call and the ICT domain but will also consider other related projects, e.g. from national research activities such as the BMBF driven projects.

Generic Promotion, Materials and Workshops I

Generic Promotion, Materials and Workshops During this task promotion material for ACCEPT (such as flyers, posters and brochures) are created. All material will be printed and distributed at various dissemination events. The creation and maintenance of the project website will be also covered in this task. Including a news corner and a mobile news app for keeping all interested parties informed. Additionally, two different workshops will be organised as result of this task. These workshops may take place in the course of a larger conference. The workshops will provide full-day presentations and promote the ACCEPT concepts and results. Workshops will be organised by partners ASC and FER, who have extensive experience in workshop organization and external stakeholder involvement. However, all other partners will of course also contribute to the workshop success even without explicit days in this task.

Generic Promotion, Materials and Workshops II

Generic Promotion, Materials and Workshops

Generic Promotion, Materials and Workshops III

Generic Promotion, Materials and Workshops


A digital master builder?

Autores: Edward Godden & Laura Mansel-Thomas
Publicado en: RIBA Journal, Edición 14-Jun-16, 2016
Editor: RIBA Publishing

Digital masterbuilders: modernising communication between designers and constructors

Autores: Edward Godden
Publicado en: CIBSE Symposium Proceedings, Edición 15-Jun-16, 2016
Editor: CIBSE

Introduction to ACCEPT: Development of an innovative product to tackle the performance gap through the construction process

Autores: Jason Page
Publicado en: Transition Zero Conference 2016, Edición 07-Apr-16, 2016, Página(s) Session 5 Upscaling: 5-P1 Improve energy perormance with ACCEPT
Editor: n/a

ACCEPT Project

Autores: Edward Godden
Publicado en: Sustainable Places 2015, Edición 17-Sep-15, 2015, Página(s) WS08: Closing the Energy Performance Gap
Editor: n/a

Digital Tools for the Construction Site. A Case Study: ACCEPT Project

Autores: Julia Ratajczak, Carmen Marcher, Michael Riedl, Dominik T. Matt, Nicolas Mayer, Javier Sánchez, George Georgiou, Anabelle Rahhal, Jason Page, Jesús Miguel Perez Alonso, Vadim Chepegin, Manon Brancart
Publicado en: Lean and Computing in Construction Congress - Volume 1: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction, 2017, Página(s) 981-988, ISBN 978-0-9565951-6-4
Editor: Heriot-Watt University
DOI: 10.24928/jc3-2017/0034

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