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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Measurement-based dynamic control of mesoscopic many-body systems

Descripción del proyecto

Revolucionar el control cuántico

El control cuántico es un marco ambicioso para dirigir la dinámica desde los estados iniciales a los estados finales arbitrarios deseados. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los esquemas genéricos de control cuántico hasta la fecha se han visto limitados por fuertes requisitos de controlabilidad del sistema Hamiltoniano o de un conjunto de operadores de medida, lo cual dificulta la realización eficiente de estos esquemas en muchos escenarios realistas. El equipo del proyecto MECTRL, financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación, pretende superar estas limitaciones y hacer más eficiente y fiable el control cuántico de muchos cuerpos. En el proyecto se utilizará una combinación de evolución temporal fija de muchos cuerpos y un conocimiento preciso de la retroacción cuántica para diseñar la dinámica en sistemas de muchos cuerpos suficientemente pequeños, pero interesantes. Se intentará construir algoritmos informáticos de optimización de nueva generación con un mayor nivel de cognición.


Quantum control is an ambitious framework for steering dynamics from initial states to arbitrary desired final states. It has over the past decade been used extensively with immense success for control of low- dimensional systems in as varied fields as molecular dynamics and quantum computation. Only recently have efforts been initiated to extend this to higher-dimensional many-body systems. Most generic quantum control schemes to date, however, put quite heavy requirements on the controllability of either the system Hamiltonian or a set of measurement operators. This will in many realistic scenarios prohibit an efficient realization.

Within this proposal, I will develop a new quantum control scheme, which is minimalistic on system requirements and therefore ideally suited for the efficient and reliable optimization of many-body control problems. The fundamentally new ingredient is the total quantum evolution dictated by a combination of fixed many-body time evolution and the precise knowledge of the quantum back-action due to repeated quantum non-destruction (QND) measurements of a single projection operator.
The main focus of this proposal is theoretical and experimental quantum engineering of the dynamics in systems, which are sufficiently small to calculate the measurement back-action exactly and sufficiently large to have interesting many-body properties.
Recent experimental advances in single site manipulation of bosons in optical lattices have enabled the high fidelity preparation exactly such mesoscopic samples of atoms (5-50). This forms an ideal starting point for many-body quantum control, and we will i.a. demonstrate engineering of quantum phase transitions and preparation of highly non-classical Schödinger cat states.

Finally, using the results from an online graphical interface allowing users of the internet to solve quantum problems we will attempt to build next-generation optimization computer algorithms with a higher level of cognition built in.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 499 406,00
8000 Aarhus C

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Danmark Midtjylland Østjylland
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 499 406,00

Beneficiarios (1)