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Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ConnectinGEO (Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations)

Período documentado: 2016-02-01 hasta 2017-01-31

ConnectinGEO main lines of work are summarized in three basic topics: Create and maintain a European Network of Earth Observation Networks (ENEON), conduct a gap analysis in the European in-situ Earth Observation networks and coordinate and stimulate the European contribution to GEOSS.

The methodology for the gap analysis has been delivered to the project stakeholders a comprehensive list of gap has been delivered providing a rational to prioritize a short list of them. Gaps on geographical extend, temporal and altitudinal resolution and uncertainties are the most common. There are still some measurements missing and many data sharin and management issues detected.

The project created the ENEON. Initially working groups and ambassadors were defined. The ENEON networks activities and the supporting tools will be continued in the ERAPlanet programme.

ConnectinGEO established collaboration with several EC projects such as GEO-CRADLE, ECOPotential SWOS, ENVRIPlus, GAIA-CLIM, etc. ConnectinGEO participated in several tasks of the GEOSS work programme.
The outputs of ConnectinGEO are classified in five categories: Methodologies, Tools, Data, Networks and Outreach.

Gaps methodology: It collects gaps and recommends priorities and remedies in the EO data collection. The project methodology is divided in two phases: Gap analysis elicitation and prioritization. This methodology has been published in D6.1 ConnectinGEO methodology ( The continuous exploitation of this methodology is expected to happen in the GEO Foundational Task on User Needs and Gap Analysis.

Observations inventory tool: The information and parameters gathered are able for querying e.g. by spatial, temporal, and thematic coverage ( It will be used by the GEO Foundational Task on User Needs and Gap Analysis in the next 3 years of the 2017-2019 GEO work programme.

Socio-Economic and Environmental Information Knowledge Base (SEE IN KB) tool: Its functions include the identification and documentation of societal knowledge needs and resulting observational requirements, support of user access to existing observations and services meeting knowledge needs, and gap analysis. It will be used by the GEO Foundational Task on User Needs and Gap Analysis

Renewable energy SWE webservice tool: It allows access to in-situ measurements time series and metadata leveraging data sharing between companies and organisations. It is based on the open source solution developed by the 52° North SME. IT can be seen at Web based graphical user interface ( ARMINES is willing to continue the development of the tool in next projects for novel in-situ observation systems.

ENEON Commons tool: It is a collaboration environment offered through a Web portal. It offers a forum for debates and exchange of information, as well as, the queryable graphs. It accepts questions that are redirected to the appropriate network experts. ENEON Commons is a prototype and requires additional effort.

EO in-situ networks graph tool: It is a dynamic graph on existing European EO networks ( Each network is defined by a reduced set of properties, including links to other networks (with the role of the relation). The website will be maintained by CREAF, it will be updated and maintained through the ERA-PLANET programme and it be used in the GEOSS in-situ foundational task of the GEOSS 2017-2019 work programme.

Gap Analysis Table dataset: It contains all the identified gaps coming from the ConnectinGEO methodology ( It is foreseen the gap analysis table will evolved in the GEO Foundational Task on User Needs and Gap Analysis in the next 3 years of the 2017-2019 GEO work programme.

Prioritized list of gaps database: It has been published in the D6.3 Gap analysis final report including prioritization ( The aim is that the stakeholders (including the EC) will take measures to secure funding to cover the gaps detailed by this project in deliverables D6.1 D6.2 and D6.3.

List of EV database: The list of the current EVs as well as their status have been published in two deliverables: D2.2 and D2.3 ( It will be taken on board by the GEO Foundational Task on User Needs and Gap Analysis in the next 3 years of the 2017-2019 GEO work programme.

ENEON network: It is a common network of in situ Earth observation (EO) networks which shall provide an integrated and harmonized perspective on observation resources, helping to reduce redundancies and detect gaps in the European EO arena. Funding alternatives are needed to further develop the ENEON concept.

EO product of the year award outreach activity: Following the great success of the initiative of the product award started with ConnectinGEO, on 2017 EARSC has launched another award now established within EARSC structure ( The competition will run over a 3 month period (March 2017- May 2017).
ConnectinGEO improves our understanding of which observations are needed to improve monitoring, forecasting and projecting of environmental conditions related to GEO’s Strategic Targets, the SDGs, and provides a basis to identify and prioritize the gaps in the European EO networks that provide these observations. The need to developing a GEOSS Knowledge base was reinforced in the Ministerial Summit in 2014 and 2015.

The project has formalized a methodology to define the use of EV’s as “goal based approach” and worked for the extension of the current EV concept to other domains, such as agriculture, renewable energy and disaster impacts and prevention. Sustainability indicators, EV’s, and the associated observational requirements provide a unique basis for the assessment of the existing and planned observation networks, their coordination, and the utilization of their societal benefits.

ConnectinGEO contributes to GEOSS and to European observation networks by providing a comprehensive observation inventory and a gap analysis. ENEON contributed to a more comprehensive and harmonized observational networks in Europe, improved continuity, and focused on the variables and specifications. The results of the ConnectinGEO gap analysis and prioritization is now reported back to the EC and to ERA-Planet. We expect that the ERA-Planet call and future EC calls can include finance for addressing the reported gaps and the expected impact.

The portfolio of challenges for Industrial innovation helps to overcome these obstacles and to move the European industry to a better position, and SMEs to develop innovative products derived from (or based on) EO accessible through GEOSS and coordinated networks in Europe.
Elements describing EO gaps
ConnectinGEO official leaflet
ENEON results leaflet
ConnectinGEO results leaflet
ENEON official leaflet
Digital Document Repository
ENEON components and structure