Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EURO-SEQUENCES (Monomer sequence control in Polymers : Toward next-generation precision materials)
Período documentado: 2017-01-01 hasta 2018-12-31
The scientific objectives of the project are listed below:
Objective 1 (Polymer Chemistry): an important goal of the project will be the development of new synthetic routes for preparing sequence-controlled copolymers. In particular, an emphasis will be put on non-biological methods such as iterative chemistry, template chemistry, and chain-growth polymerization. One important target is the development of high-molecular weight sequence-defined polymers using fast and easy chemical protocols. In order to reach that goal, automatized chemical protocols will be used in several individual sub-projects.
Objective 2 (Characterization and sequencing): The analytical methods that are currently used to analyze sequence-controlled macromolecules (e.g. NMR or mass spectrometry) do not allow, in general, a full molecular description of the chain microstructures. Inspired by methods used for the sequencing of proteins and nucleic acids, new approaches will be studied in this project for the analysis of synthetic macromolecules. In particular supramolecular read-outs and nanopore analysis will be developed.
Objective 3 (Self-assembly and folding): As learned from biopolymers such as proteins, the primary structure of synthetic macromolecules has a direct influence on their folding and supramolecular self-organization. Hence, an important objective of the project will be to use controlled comonomer sequences for preparing folded macromolecular origami. In particular, an emphasis will be put on the folding of individual polymer chains into discrete functional nanoparticles (i.e. single-chain technology).
Objective 4 (Materials and properties): The correlation between primary structure and materials properties will be studied in this project. In particular, the influence of ordered monomer sequences on thermal and mechanical properties (e.g. tensile strength, rupture) of synthetic polymer materials will be examined in detail. The ultimate objective will be the development of precision polymer materials for the plastics industry.
Significant advances have been also made in this project for the sequencing of unnatural macromolecules. For instance, high molecular weight ester-imide homopolymers and copolymers have been synthetized and their sequences have been analyzed by NMR. In addition, significant research has been devoted to the nanopore sequencing of sequence-coded non-natural polymers. For instance, tailor-made poly(phosphodiester)s were specifically synthesized for nanopore sequencing. This topic is highly challenging and sequencing conditions haven’t been discovered yet. However, the threading of these macromolecules through the pore has been already evidenced, thus paving the way for sequencing.
The folding and self-assembly of sequence-controlled polymers was also examined in order to understand the correlation between controlled primary structure and higher levels of organization. For example, the self-assembly of new types of siloxane-BTA derivatives was studied. Moreover, an artificial molecular machine based on a [2]rotaxane (a track mechanically locked with a macrocycle) architecture and building blocks containing side reactive functions (selenol and thiol moieties) was synthetized. The synthesis and the supramolecular properties of these complex molecules have been studied.
The impact of monomer sequence control on materials properties has also been investigated during the period covered by this report. For example, sequence-defined oligomers have been tested as precision compatibilizers for high-performance composites used in automotive industries. Interesting properties have been already observed for the reinforcement of Kevlar-based composites. Other types of sequence-defined polymers were also synthesized and tested as molecular barcodes for the labelling of different kind of commodity plastics. Regarding the potential biomedical application of sequence-controlled polymers, new types of star initiators and three different glycol-monomers has been synthesized.