“Q-Tales” is a Collaboration Ecosystem, specifically designed to serve the needs of the European Children e-book industry, where European Creative SMEs, Experts and Parents, co-create new or transform existing Children Literature into high quality e-books & Apps using innovative ICT solutions provided by European ICT SMEs along with a Curation Framework provided by European Academic experts in the field of Pedagogy, Children Psychology and evolutionary Psychology. The specific objectives of the project are summarized below:
• Objective 1: Build the Q-Tales Collaboration Platform and respective ecosystem, including Gamification Aspects, where European self-publishers, authors, illustrators, voice actors, animators and other related SMEs & professionals will find & submit industry news, communicate, offer & receive services and collaborate.
• Objective 2: Develop the Q-Tales Authoring Tool, featuring an easy-to-use interface with powerful and sophisticated authoring features which will be used to create the Q-Tales e-books and apps, incorporating the Q-Tales Ontology and utilizing gamification techniques.
• Objective 3: Launch the Q-Tales Store where the authored e-books and apps will be offered worldwide.
• Objective 4: Define the Technical and Pedagogical Q-Tales Curation Frameworks, in order to ensure that every single item sold is, technically perfect and better connected with current academic developments in the fields of child / evolutionary psychology while offering a scent of “Europeanness”, whilst incorporating nation- and country-specific literacy cultural and linguistic elements.
• Objective 5: Develop a new breed of in-app analytics services.
• Objective 6: Identify & Connect with established European Children Literature Content Providers and Sources.
• Objective 7: Establish Q-Tales as a Brand Name with European Publishing Industry.
• Objective 8: Introduce the Q-Tales Awards as an annual creativity competition.
Fields of science
Funding Scheme
IA - Innovation actionCoordinator
The organization defined itself as SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) at the time the Grant Agreement was signed.