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REgeneration MOdel for accelerating the smart URBAN transformation

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - REMOURBAN (REgeneration MOdel for accelerating the smart URBAN transformation)

Période du rapport: 2018-07-01 au 2020-06-30

The main objective of REMOURBAN is to develop and validate a Sustainable Urban Regeneration Model (URM) based on the joint transformation energy, mobility and ICTs. This model has been designed to offer holistic integrated approaches in order to accelerate the transformation of European into more sustainable and smarter places of advanced social progress and environmental regeneration. The developed model consists on the following key concepts:
• It is aimed at the decision makers, investors, public authorities and industry stakeholders, obtaining specific benefits according to their interests.
• It provides technologies and business cases to leverage the convergence area among energy, mobility and ICTs, aimed at improving the sustainability and smartness of existing cities.
• It is a citizen-centred model, where citizens become cornerstones for the implementation of Smart and Sustainable City strategies.
• Its replicability will be ensured by means of a detailed replicability potential analysis in European Cities that will allow adapting the model to the different cities’ characteristics.
Thus, the three axes in which the project is divided (innovation, demonstration and dissemination cascade) have allowed the achievement of this main objective, which has finalized with the delivery of this Sustainable URM.
The Sustainable URM provides solutions in both technical and non-technical fields addressing the temporal goals, the main Smart City enablers within the transformation process and innovations in the above mentioned key priority areas of energy, mobility and ICTs.
REMOURBAN has been aimed at providing these innovations that are part of a holistic and replicable URM, which can be grouped into six main groups: innovations to reduce the energy consumption, to implement strategies towards a more sustainable and efficient mobility, to integrate the existing infrastructures in cities, to improve the decision making processes and the Smart City enablers towards the implementation of energy, mobility and ICT actions, to provide business models and financial schemes and to evaluate and share knowledge focused on defining the metrics and protocols that allows a credible analysis of the benefits of these actions.
The deployment and validation of this sustainable URM have been carried out through three large scale demonstrations in the REMOURBAN lighthouse cities (Valladolid (Spain), Nottingham (United Kingdom) and Tepebaşı (Turkey)), which committed to deploy very ambitious interventions, well balanced in terms of actions on energy, mobility and ICTs, which have been fully monitored and properly assessed.
With regards to replication, exploitation and dissemination, the REMOURBAN dissemination cascade establishes the overall strategy for ensuring the target oriented exploitation of its results in order to achieve an early and broad uptake.
During the period under evaluation all pending tasks have been completed within the three main axes of the project:
• Regarding the Urban Regeneration Model (URM), the work has been focused on improving its first release which collected guidelines and methods to implement a city regeneration strategy. The URM has been conceived as a holistic process to be used by other cities to become smarter and more sustainable.
The Evaluation Framework has had a key role during the fourth period of the project. The main impacts after the implementation of the interventions have been evaluated both at city and at project level. The evaluation of the results has allowed knowing how the expected impacts have been achieved but also it brings an essential mechanism to foster replication of the solutions developed.
• Under the demonstration axis, the activities have been focused on the evaluation and analysis of the results achieved after the implementation of the interventions. The deployment of the actions was carried out during the previous period but during this period, the supervision of the data collection has been done to ensure that enough data is collected to measure the impact achieved by the actions. All monitoring data has been gathered in the local and global platforms and the results have been analysed from different points of view, from the economic side to the analysis of social acceptance or the performance.
• With regards to replication, exploitation and dissemination, during this period many results have been obtained because REMOURBAN has had the opportunity of presenting results, best practices and exploitable results generated during the implementation of the interventions and the development of the other technical and non-technical activities. The follower cities have presented their replicability plans and the five cities of the project have developed their Integrated Urban Plans, applying the URM and demonstrating its usefulness and its possibilities of replication in other cities. The D&C and exploitation strategies have continued and some supporting materials have been created in order to maximise the impact of the project and publicize the experiences, lessons learned and exploitable results generated during these five and a half years.
The REMOURBAN main impact is to provide a Sustainable Urban Regeneration Model focusing on reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, implementing innovative strategies to renovate buildings at district scale, deploying very efficient heating and cooling solutions, integrating the performance of infrastructures as smart grid of traffic management by means of ICTs and mobilising resources to replace a relevant amount of vehicles, private and public.
All activities related to the innovations that have set the basis for the demonstration activities have been implemented and monitored, allowing thus the quantification of the impacts after the completion of the monitoring period.
Some of the main impacts are presented below:
• Number of dwelling in the retrofitted districts: 920
• Total area retrofitted: 63,316.4 m2
• Average of energy savings in the retrofitted districts: 92.63 kWh/m2·yr (39%)
• Average of CO2 emissions avoided in the retrofitted districts: 34.02 kgCO2/m2·yr
• Average of renewables in the retrofitted districts: 47% of thermal consumption and 42% of the electricity (74% of thermal consumption for heating and DHW in Valladolid and Tepebaşı and 100% of the electricity in Tepebaşı)
• Total number of electrical vehicles deployed in the three lighthouse cities: 73 cars, 22 buses and 30 e-bikes
• Average of energy savings due to the mobility actions: 45% (1,267 MWh/year)
• Average of CO2 emissions avoided due to the energy savings by the mobility actions 66% (505.7 TonCO2/year)
• Average reduction of 40% the energy consumed in the households and 59.3% of the CO2 emissions associated
• Average reduction of 54% in the energy bill of the households and 43% in the energy bill of the electric vehicles
• 45% of the energy spent in transportation has been reduced due to the use of electric vehicles
• TOTAL: 60% of CO2 emissions avoided and 40% of energy savings among retrofitted districts and electric vehicles
REMOURBAN main innovations that integrate the Urban Regeneration Model
REMOURBAN timeline and progress RP1-RP4
REMOURBAN main concept
Sustainable Urban Regeneration Model
Links among REMOURBAN WPs