Periodic Reporting for period 4 - AEDMOS (Attosecond Electron Dynamics in MOlecular Systems)
Período documentado: 2019-11-01 hasta 2020-04-30
The purpose of this project is to to get insight into intra- and inter-molecular electron dynamics by extending attosecond spectroscopy to these processes. AEDMOS will allow control and real-time observation of a wide range of hyperfast fundamental processes directly on their natural, i.e. attosecond (1 as = 10-18 s) time scale in molecules and molecular structures. In previous work we have successfully developed attosecond tools and techniques. By combining them with our experience in UHV technology and target preparation in a new beamline to be created in the framework of this project, we aim at investigating charge migration and transport in supramolecular assemblies, ultrafast electron dynamics in photocatalysis and dynamics of electron correlation in high-TC superconductors. These dynamics – of electronic excitation, exciton formation, relaxation, electron correlation and wave packet motion – are of broad scientific interest reaching from biomedicine to chemistry and physics and are pertinent to the development of many modern technologies including molecular electronics, optoelectronics, photovoltaics, light-to-chemical energy conversion and lossless energy transfer.
To test the beamline we made measurements in the gas phase (M. Ossiander et al, Nature Physics doi:10.1038/nphys3941 (2017)) and on layered systems (M. Ossiander et al., Nature 561, 374 (2018). Many further gexperiments have been performed on verious samples giving insight into attosecond electron dynamics in solids, layered systems, molecules on surfaces.
We established many collaborations for target preparation Prof. Kisch, Erlangen, Germany; Prof. Domen, Japan), simulations (Prof. Ebert, LMU, Germany; Prof. Lemell, TU Vienna, Austria), target characterizytion (Prof. Schiffrin, Monash University, Australia) and evaluation software: We implemented a new method for streaking evaluation based on deep learning algorithms together with the group of Prof. Cremers, IT, TUM. Also, We developed a new evaluation method for streaking method by using a ptychographic ansatz.