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Protein-based functional nanostructures

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - ProNANO (Protein-based functional nanostructures)

Période du rapport: 2020-07-01 au 2022-06-30

The overall objective of ProNANO was to generate devices with tailored complex structures and properties based on bottom-up self-assembly that relies on highly specific biomolecular interactions of small and simple components. ProNANO proposed an alternative to the previous “trial and error” experimental approaches to overcome the lack of precision at the nanoscale of these strategies.
As observed in Nature, protein assemblies govern sophisticated structures and functions, which are an inspiration to engineer novel assemblies by exploiting the same set of tools and interactions to create nanostructures with numerous potential applications in synthetic biology and nanotechnology. However, it was still challenging to develop such bio-inspired technologies at the laboratory.
ProNANO aimed at the rational assembly of a variety of functional nanostructures by the logical combination of simple protein building blocks with specified properties.
The main achievements of the project are the establishment of a general and robust strategy and the guidelines for the rational and efficient fabrication of novel biocompatible, biodegradable and cost-efficient materials and nano-devices based on biomolecules, in particular proteins, for a wide range of applications: from technology to biomedicine. These accomplishments have been illustrated by relevant proof of concept examples of the application of protein-based nanostructures and materials in catalysis, energy production, bioelectronics, therapy and diagnosis.
Towards the rational design of protein based functional nanostructures, ProNano achieved significant progress in different areas.
As a first step we explored the potential of particular protein modules to set the basis as a versatile scaffolding platform. In this sense we showed that the selected scaffold presented ideal properties as a robust and versatile building block. Using these blocks we achieved their control assembly into protein nanofibers, ordered monolayers, and self-standing and 3D-printed protein materials. In addition, we developed soft nanolithography methodologies to nanopattern these protein materials. Overall, we achieved good control over the structure of the protein building blocks, their supramolecular assembly and the generation of a collection of protein-based materials.
After this achievement we targeted the application of these protein scaffolds as templates for the organization of different functional elements at the nanoscale, in order to expand the functionality of the protein assemblies. As a first step, we established a methodology to integrate non-natural amino acids in the designed protein scaffold, which opened the door to the use of multiple orthogonal chemistries to achieve complex multifunctional assemblies. Secondly, we developed numerous proof of concept examples that resulted in the nanometric organization of gold nanomaterials, photoactive molecules, and metallic nanoclusters, among other functional elements. Thirdly, for device fabrication we developed methodologies to stabilize those protein-based functional elements for different applications, including conductive biomaterials and illumination devices among others. Additionally, we implemented advanced protein-nanomaterial hybrids in biomedical applications and demonstrated that the systems are not only useful for technology but also for biomedicine in both therapy and diagnosis.
ProNANO’s research not only contributed to our understanding of the development of the protein design field and the bottom-up assembly of specific protein-based hybrid nanostructures, but also provided a modular versatile platform for the fabrication of multiple protein-based hybrid functional nanostructures and biomaterials.
ProNANO developed innovative methodologies to achieve protein-nanomaterial hybrids by design, thus encoding novel functionalities within the protein frameworks. In this approach, numerous unprecedented protein-hybrids were generated with relevant functionalities, that go beyond the functionalities that can be achieved by protein-only systems.
Altogether, the achievements of this project established the general strategies and guidelines for the rational and efficient fabrication of novel biocompatible, biodegradable and cost-efficient materials and nano-devices based on biomolecules, in particular proteins, for a wide range of applications: from technology to biomedicine.