TOPOLOGICAL has had a very successful start and is progressing more than planned. Before giving a more detailed overview I briefly summarize the major achievements to date. Staffing and training: I recruited four highly talented post-doctoral research assistants (Dr. Hongchao Liu, Dr. Wenlong Gao, Dr. Changxu Liu, Dr. Peng Mao). They have made tremendous contribution to working packages 1, 2, 3 and 4. Work Packages: Significant progress has been made in all working packages. Regarding work package 1, we have designed realistic topological metamaterials exhibiting type II weyl degeneracies. We have also theoretically proposed Weyl degeneracies could exist in magnetized plasma. Concerning work package 2, we have demonstrated dynamically tunable metasurface holograms, spin and wavelength multiplexed nonlinear holography. Regarding work package 3, we have developed large area fabrication of metasurfaces using microsphere lithography and metal cluster deposition. We have also demonstrated 3D fabrication of nanostructures. Finally, regarding work package 4, we have successfully measured Fermi arc like surface states on the surface of topological metamaterials at the microwave frequencies. We have demonstrated ideal Weyl metamaterials, and the associated chiral zero mode when a gauge field was applied. We have demonstrated non-abelian topological nodal links and non-abelian topological charges. We have demonstrated linked Weyl surfaces and Weyl arcs in synthetic 5D momentum space. Dissemination: The results produced during the period led to 76 journal publications including 3 in Science, 1 in Nature, 9 in Nature Communications, 9 in Physical Review Letters, 6 in Advanced Materials, 7 in Nano Letters, 5 in Light: Science & Applications, 1 in Nature Reviews Materials and 6 in Science Advances. In addition, we have 6 papers under review and many in preparation. The results of the project have been presented at many international conferences and workshop, as well as departmental talks by the PI.