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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Financial and Institutional Reforms for the Entrepreneurial Society


Case Study on Swedisch Intrapreneurship
Pan European database with new REDI-indicators

Pan European database with new REDI-indicators resulting in: - Report describing and presenting the database - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Report - Policy Brief on REDI studies outlined in tasks 4.3-4

Report: Assessment of the political possibilities and constraints of the proposed reform agenda in D5.12

Report: Assessment of the political possibilities and constraints of the proposed reform agenda in D5.12. Manuscript submitted to a journal or magazine based on the Report.

GMR model for Europe linking Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Growth

Report on GMR model for Europe linking Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Growth including: - Consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 4.5 - Policy Brief on GMR-model simulations outlined in tasks 4.5 - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Report

Cross-sectional analysis of REDI and regional growth performance measures

Cross-sectional analysis of REDI and regional growth performance measures and Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on this Cross-sectional analysis.

Megatrends and the transition from a managed to an entrepreneurial economy in Europe

"Working paper ""Megatrends and the transition from a managed to an entrepreneurial economy in Europe"" includes: - Report on the consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 2.5, which will take place in M3 - Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 2.5 - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Working paper: ""Megatrends and the transition from a managed to an entrepreneurial economy in Europe"""

Patterns in global trade and EU labour markets

Report on patterns in global trade and EU labour markets based on Consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 3.6-3.8 and 3.9. Based on the report Manuscript will be prepared and submitted to peer reviewed journal.

Case Study on Stock Option Taxation and Entrepreneurship in Europe
Dissemenation Plan
An institutional reform strategy for Germany, for Italy and for the UK

- Report on an institutional reform strategy for Germany including Policy Brief on the reform strategy for Germany and Round Table with policy makers on the reform strategy for Germany - Report on an institutional reform strategy for Italy including Policy Brief on the reform strategy for Italy and Round Table with policy makers on the reform strategy for Italy - Report on an institutional reform strategy for the UK including Policy Brief on the reform strategy for the UK and Round Table with policy makers on the reform strategy for the UK

Venture capital in Europe

"Working paper on ""Venture capital in Europe"" includes: - Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 2.2 - Report on the consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 2.2-4, which will take place in M3. - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Working paper ""Venture capital in Europe"""

Time series and panel data analysis of GEDI and growth performance indicators

"Report on ""Time series and panel data analysis of GEDI and growth performance indicators"" using as input Consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 4.3-4. Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Report."

Middterm report

Midterm report: A summary of work progress, an explanation of the use of resources and an overview of expenses

Entrepreneurship and innovation - Report based on the study outlined in task 3.10 2

"Report ""Entrepreneurship and innovation"" based on the study outlined in task 3.10 2 includes: - Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 3.10 - Round Table on entrepreneurship and innovation in Europe - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Report"

The institutional evolution of knowledge creation in Europe and entrepreneurship

"Working paper ""The institutional evolution of knowledge creation in Europe and entrepreneurship"". Based on the Working paper Manuscript will be submitted to peer reviewed journal: ""The institutional evolution of knowledge creation in Europe and entrepreneurship"". Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 2.3 will be delivered."

Empirical analysis of the effects of related variety at national and regional level in EU

Empirical analysis of the effects of related variety at national and regional level in EU. Based on the empyrical analysis Manuscript will be prepared and submitted to peer reviewed journal.

An institutional framework for innovation and entrepreneurship

"Working paper on ""An institutional framework for innovation and entrepreneurship"" and manuscript submitted to a peer-reviewed journal based on the Working paper. Report on the consultation workshop with stakeholders on topics outlined in Task 2.1 which will take place in M3. Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 2.1 "

Entrepreneurship and inclusive growth in EU

Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Report Entrepreneurship and inclusive growth in EU.

Institutions, entrepreneurship and wellbeing

Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on Report Institutions, entrepreneurship and wellbeing. Round Table on entrepreneurship and sustainable growth in Europe.

Case Study on Dutch Solo-Self Employment
The institutional evolution of finance in Europe and entrepreneurship

"Working paper on ""The institutional evolution of finance in Europe and entrepreneurship"". This D includes: - Report on the consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 2.2-4, which will take place in M3; - Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 2.2; - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal: ""The institutional evolution of finance in Europe and entrepreneurship"" - Round table on the implications of deep institutions for an effective reform strategy "

A review paper from task 3.1 on indicators and growth effects of related variety at the national and regional level in the EU
A review paper on the extension of the GEDI-indicator with additional indicators on financial, labour and knowledge institutions

A review paper on the extension of the GEDI-indicator with additional indicators on financial, labour and knowledge institutions based on Consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 4.1-2.

Internationally comparative dataset on start-up processes and their institutional foundations in Germany, Italy, the UK and the US

Internationally comparative dataset on start-up processes and their institutional foundations in Germany, Italy, the UK and the US resulting in Sequence analyses that reveal country-specific typologies of start-up processes and their institutional foundations; and three different Manuscripts to be submitted to peer reviewed journals: - Manuscript based focusing on finance - Manuscript based focusing on labour - Manuscript based focusing on knowledge

Empirical analysis of drivers of related variety at national and regional level in EU- Report based on the study outlined in task 3.3

Empirical analysis of drivers of related variety at national and regional level in EU- Report based on the study outlined in task 3.3 includes: - Consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 3.3-5 - Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 3.3-5 - Round Table on the need for the transition to a more entrepreneurial economy - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on Empirical analysis

Superentrepreneurship in Asia, Europe and the US

"Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on Working paper ""Superentrepreneurship in Asia, Europe and the US""."

Quality Assurance Plan

Report on how Quality Assurance within the project will be organised.

Entrepreneurship Policy: a multi-dimensional and multi-level assessment

Report on Entrepreneurship Policy: a multi-dimensional and multi-level assessment using as an input Consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 6.1-3. Manuscript submitted to a journal or magazine based on the Report.

Policy Brief: Towards the Entrepreneurial Society: A Coherent Policy Reform Agenda

Policy Brief: Towards the Entrepreneurial Society: A Coherent Policy Reform Agenda. Round Table with EU policy makers on the reform strategy.

Social and corporate responsibility and governance in young SMEs

Report on Social and corporate responsibility and governance in young SMEs includes: - Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 3.7 - Consultation workshop for stakeholders on topics outlined in tasks 3.7 - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Report

Data Management Plan

Data management plan because to support the data management life cycle for all data that will be collected, processed or generated by the project.

Case Study on London’s Crowd Funding

Report on Case Study on London’s Crowd Funding

New job creation and entrepreneurship

Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the Report on New job creation and entrepreneurship. Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 3.6-3.8-9 and Round Table on entrepreneurship and inclusive growth in Europe will be included.

Preliminary report on dissemenation structure
Case Study on Greek Philantropy
Identification and assessment of the legal implications of an entrepreneurial reform agenda

Report on Identification and assessment of the legal implications of an entrepreneurial reform agenda; Manuscript submitted to a journal or magazine based on the Report.

Final report

Final report: A final report on the progress of the work towards the objectives of the project, including the achievement and attainment of any milestones and deliverables identified in Annex 1.

Case Study on Italy’s Young Innovative Companies Program
Pan European database with time series of new GEDI-indicators

Pan European database with time series of new GEDI-indicators includes preparation of: - Report describing and presenting the database - Manuscript submitted to peer reviewed journal based on the report on database - Policy Brief on time trends in GEDI outlined in tasks 4.1-2 - Practitioners Workshop on using GEDI/REDI to improve Europe’s entrepreneurial ecosystems

Case Study on Elderly Entrepreneurship in Portugal
Case Study on the Hungarian new tech entrepreneurial ecosystem
The institutional evolution of labour market institutions in Europe and entrepreneurship

"Working paper on ""The institutional evolution of labour market institutions in Europe and entrepreneurship"", which will be further worked on to eventually submit as a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal (M14). This D includes Policy Brief on studies outlined in tasks 2.4."

Case Study on German Active Labour Market Policy
Case Study on Belgian business succession practices


A Historical Perspective on the Varieties of institutions, Finance and Entrepreneurship

Auteurs: Dilli, Selin and Gerarda Westerhuis
Publié dans: Financial History Review, 2017, ISSN 1474-0052
Éditeur: Financial History Review

How institutions and gender differences in education shape entrepreneurial activity: a cross-national perspective.

Auteurs: Dilli, Selin and Gerarda Westerhuis 
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

Venture Capital in Europe: Social capital, formal institutions and mediation effects

Auteurs: Grilli, Luca, Boris Mrkajic and Gresa Latifi
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship in Europe Compared to Other Industrialized Regions

Auteurs: Henrekson, Magnus and Tino Sanandaji
Publié dans: International Journal of Small Business, 2017, ISSN 1741-2870
Éditeur: International Journal of Small Business

Assessing the Potential Impact of Automation and Digitical Economy for Innovation in Europe

Auteurs: Marx, Axel
Publié dans: European Journal of Social Science Research, 2017, ISSN 1469-8412
Éditeur: European Journal of Social Science Research

The Diversity of Labor Market Institutions and Entrepreneurship in Europe and the United States: Past and Present

Auteurs: Dilli, Selin, Magnus Henrekson and Gerarda Westerhuis
Publié dans: Socioeconomic Review, 2018, ISSN 1475-147X
Éditeur: Socioeconomic Review

Comparative advantage in routine production

Auteurs: Archanskaia, Lize, Johannes van Biesenbroeck and Gerald Willmann
Publié dans: Review of World Economics, 2016, ISSN 1610-2886
Éditeur: Review of World Economics

Does related variety foster regional entrepreneurship? Evidence from European regions. 

Auteurs: Content, Jeroen, Koen Frenken, Jacob Jordaan 
Publié dans: Regional Studies , 2018, ISSN 1360-0591
Éditeur: Regional Studies 

Entrepreneurial Satisfaction among Senior Entrepreneurs: the moderating effect of industry experience and unemployment

Auteurs: Seco Matos, Catarina and Miguel Amaral
Publié dans: Journal of Business Venturing, 2017, ISSN 0883-9026
Éditeur: Elsevier BV

Firm creation and post-entry dynamics of de novo entrants 

Auteurs: Geurts, Karen and Johannes van Biesenbroeck
Publié dans: International Journal of Industrial Organisation, 2016, ISSN 0167-7187
Éditeur: Elsevier BV

Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in Europe

Auteurs: Bosma, Niels, Jeroen Content, Mark Sanders and Erik Stam 
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

Self-Employment and Well-Being Across Institutional Contexts

Auteurs: Fritsch, Michael, Alina Sorgner and Michael Wyrwich
Publié dans: The Economic Journal, 2018, ISSN 1468-0297
Éditeur: The Economic Journal

Entrepreneurship, institutional economics, and economic growth: an ecosystem perspective 

Auteurs: Acs, Zoltan, Saul Estrin, Tomasz Miczkiewicz and László Szerb 
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: The moderating role of the system of entrepreneurship 

Auteurs: Szerb, Laszlo, Esteban Lafuente, Krisztina Horvath and Balazs Pager 
Publié dans: Regional Science, 2018, ISSN 1467-9787
Éditeur: Regional Science

The economic effects of entrepreneurship policy

Auteurs: Varga, Attila, László Szerb, Tamás Sebestyén and Norbert Szabó
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

Follow the Money: The Funding Acquisition Process of Nascent Ventures

Auteurs: Held, Lukas, Andrea Herrmann and Friedemann Polzin
Publié dans: Journal of Business Venturing, 2018, ISSN 0883-9026
Éditeur: Elsevier BV

Team Formation Processes in New Ventures 

Auteurs: Held, Lukas, Andrea Herrmann and Allard van Mossel
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

Whom do I search for? Variances of Linkage Formation Processes of Nascent Ventures in New Product Development

Auteurs: Held, Lukas, Andrea Herrmann and Susanne Stortz
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

Varieties of entrepreneurship: exploring the institutional foundations of different entrepreneurship types through ‘Varieties-of-Capitalism’arguments

Auteurs: Dilli, Selin, Niklas Elert and Andrea Herrmann
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

The evolution and adoption of equity crowdfunding: entrepreneur and investor entry into a new market

Auteurs: Estrin, Saul, Daniel Gozman, Susanna Khavul
Publié dans: Small Business Economics, 2018, ISSN 1573-0913
Éditeur: Small Business Economics

Institutional reform for enhanced innovation and entrepreneurship: A European agenda

Auteurs: Elert, Niklas, Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Springer Publishers

FIRES Reform Strategy

Auteurs: Elert, Niklas, Magnus Henrekson and Mark Sanders
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Springer Publishers

FIRES Reform Strategy for Italy

Auteurs: Sanders, Mark, Luca Grilli, Andrea Herrmann, Gresa Latifi, Balasz Pager, Laszlo Szerb and Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Springer Publishers

Opening Pandora’s Box. What does institutional reform imply for policy-makers? 

Auteurs: Marx, Axel
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Springer Publishers

FIRES Reform Strategy for Germany

Auteurs: Sanders, Mark, Michael Fritsch, Andrea Herrmann, Gresa Latifi, Balasz Pager, Laszlo Szerb, Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini and Michael Wyrwich
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Springer Publishers

FIRES Reform Strategy for the UK

Auteurs: Sanders, Mark, James Dunstan, Saul Estrin, Andrea Herrmann, Balasz Pager, Laszlo Szerb and Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Springer Publishers

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