CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The PUDF will be fed continuously during the following 18 months to result in a final document which clarifies the rules for exploitation of the project results and Foreground generally speaking by the different partners. It will also set the rules of involvement of new stakeholders willing to get involved in replication initiatives on fair and reasonable grounds. For instance, a licensing agreement may be proposed or even concluded to get trained at the methodology and at making use of the developed online web platform, developed by E3D-Environnement. E3D-Environnement is lead beneficiary of this deliverable because as the coordinator of the project, he has a full visibility on the exploitation scheme in terms of scientific, business and public policies opportunities.
Draft Plan for Using and Disseminating the ForegroundStarting from Month 12, after launching the field operations, the partners will define the fundamental exploitation principles of the project exploitation scheme beyond the project end. They will be written in the draft Plan for Using and Disseminating the Foreground (PUDF) to be submitted at Month 15. E3D-Environnement is lead beneficiary of this deliverable because as the coordinator of the project, he has a full visibility on the exploitation scheme in terms of scientific, business and public policies opportunities.
Scientific publication on the effects of the program.The treatment effects will be analysed in depth using modern micro-econometric techniques allowing for heterogeneous treatment effects and spatial correlations.
Activity report n°1An activity report is a standardized report, created thanks to online reports, which makes a synthesis of the accompaniment phase (number of households participating, rate of participation, rate of answers following platform contact, efficiency of accompaniment...).
Activity report n°2An activity report is a standardized report, created thanks to online reports, which makes a synthesis of the accompaniment phase (number of households participating, rate of participation, rate of answers following platform contact, efficiency of accompaniment...).
Report on the measured and expected future impacts of projectThis report summarizes and analyses the impacts of the project regarding economic, environmental and behavioural aspects.
Activity report n°4An activity report is a standardized report, created thanks to online reports, which makes a synthesis of the accompaniment phase (number of households participating, rate of participation, rate of answers following platform contact, efficiency of accompaniment...).
Activity report n°3An activity report is a standardized report, created thanks to online reports, which makes a synthesis of the accompaniment phase (number of households participating, rate of participation, rate of answers following platform contact, efficiency of accompaniment...).
The website will be operational within 4 months after the official approval of the project. It will be kept online for at the least 2 years after completion of the project.
Educational kit dedicated to energy saving promotion. Contains simple goods and information. It will be distributed to 3150 households.
Mapping of 25 energy-saving actionsIt is the list of energy-saving actions that will be suggested to households during the intervention, organised by domains.
Martin Kesternich, Christiane Reif, Dirk Rübbelke
Published in:
Environmental and Resource Economics, Issue 67/3, 2017, Page(s) 403-411, ISSN 0924-6460
Kluwer Academic Publishers
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