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Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ELOXIRAS (Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry)

Période du rapport: 2014-10-01 au 2015-03-31

ELOXIRAS is an innovative electrochemical oxidation water treatment concept to be specially developed for marine Recirculated Aquaculture Systems (RAS). It is a growing market that requires innovation to overcome the current market threats coming from high culture densities to reduce costs (accumulation of toxic compounds, high fresh water intake consumption, managing waste water). ELOXIRAS deals with those and contributes to a more resource-efficient, sustainable, and competitive RAS industry by means of: high efficiency to remove all concerning pollutants; adaptable treatment capacity to contribute to a volatile market demand; and compact design to reduce land and installation requirements.
ELOXIRAS feasibility study has been focused in: explore its technical feasibility in close contact with different end-users from key countries; evaluate its commercial market potential by analysing the RAS market, analyse IPR in order to protect its exploitation; and define the business plan.
IPR analysis: Worldwide patent research on RAS technologies has shown no patent on the industrial use of electrochemical oxidation technology. As a result of the business plan and the market strategy defined, APRIA has decided to apply for a patent to the EPO.
Customer survey analysis: RAS market analysis shows a high volume with an estimated CAGR of 14%/year, mainly on 3 species selected within key European countries (gilthead, seabass, turbot). A customer questionnaire delivered to RAS European customers has identified KPIs of their process: water treatment, O&M costs, and needs. Investment and O&M costs are critical to be overcome with Eloxiras performances.
Demo studies: Two demonstration actions have been selected within two current production sites to be developed on phase 2, in order to reach a real condition tests (TRL 8).
Business plan: A gradual market introduction as 0.7% to 7% in six years projection within six countries over 3 species selected. Conservative business plan will reach more than 500 Eloxiras modules sold with revenues >11M€.
ELOXIRAS solves the main weaknesses of RAS market. The main advantages are: higher culture densities adjustable to the needs, higher production (30%), lower water exchange and consumption (20%), higher efficiency on unhealthy substances (99%), fully automatized control, lower environmental impact, quick response, and easy to integrate. New EU employments will be generated, as increasing fish safety and competitiveness of RAS sites.