Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ELOXIRAS (Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry)
Période du rapport: 2014-10-01 au 2015-03-31
ELOXIRAS feasibility study has been focused in: explore its technical feasibility in close contact with different end-users from key countries; evaluate its commercial market potential by analysing the RAS market, analyse IPR in order to protect its exploitation; and define the business plan.
Customer survey analysis: RAS market analysis shows a high volume with an estimated CAGR of 14%/year, mainly on 3 species selected within key European countries (gilthead, seabass, turbot). A customer questionnaire delivered to RAS European customers has identified KPIs of their process: water treatment, O&M costs, and needs. Investment and O&M costs are critical to be overcome with Eloxiras performances.
Demo studies: Two demonstration actions have been selected within two current production sites to be developed on phase 2, in order to reach a real condition tests (TRL 8).
Business plan: A gradual market introduction as 0.7% to 7% in six years projection within six countries over 3 species selected. Conservative business plan will reach more than 500 Eloxiras modules sold with revenues >11M€.