Periodic Reporting for period 2 - COLUMBUS (COLUMBUS - Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth)
Période du rapport: 2016-09-01 au 2018-02-28
• COLUMBUS assisted the European Commission in piloting the ‘Information Sharing Platform on Marine and Maritime Research’ by providing them with more than 400 Knowledge Outputs (KOs) collected from the Oceans of Tomorrow projects.
• 967 projects were reviewed
• 338 projects identified as being potentially relevant
• 208 Knowledge Output Tables completed (one per project, containing multiple KOs).
• 1,779 Knowledge Outputs (KOs) described.
• 1,238 Knowledge Outputs validated and made publicly available through the Marine Knowledge Gate.
• 246 Knowledge Outputs prioritised.
• 61 Knowledge Output Pathways developed.
• 58 case studies of Knowledge Transfer activity.
• 53 stories of Knowledge Transfer activity with 48 available publicly.
• Analysis of existing Knowledge Transfer mechanisms in national funding agencies including assessment of potential limitation due to State Aid Regulation.
• Overview of if (and how) identified needs of marine and maritime sectors in Europe have been met by the Knowledge Outputs selected by each Competence Node in COLUMBUS.
• Screening key European marine observations data and information sharing platforms and the applicability of their resources considered;
• An overview of FP7 projects relevant to major marine and maritime regulations: Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Marine Spatial Planning Directive and revised Common Fisheries Policy and blue growth sectors
• Three annual conferences held
• A European Parliament event was organised
• Three internal capacity training workshops
• Two external capacity training workshops
• Six brokerage events were organised:
• Two videos produced
• Guide on the use and sharing of marine observations and data by industry
• Guide on Maritime Sensor Technologies for the European Market: Research, Development and Implementation.
• COLUMBUS dedicated exhibit at Nausicaá aquaria, Centre National de la Mer.
• Marine Knowledge Gate update and upgrade.
• COLUMBUS Blue Society Knowledge Transfer Handbook
• KT Recommendations for European and national funding agencies
• Uptake of the COLUMBUS Knowledge Transfer methodology by European, national and international funding agencies.
• Legacy activities resulting in several approaches, requests for collaboration and cooperation