This project will develop a novel thermometer based for intracellular temperature sensing application. Success will bring real-time high-resolution probing and imaging of temperature within living cells to the research community; this can promote novel insight about the pathology and, in turn, help establish a powerful tool in terms of its potential to support early diagnoses and therapies in a broad range of disease areas. In this respect the RULE-THERM project aims to contribute a foundational development of a technology with potentially wide applicability. The project brings together a talented young Fellow with a strong nano-science background and an internationally growing group of researchers at Aston University with expertise in diamond-based materials, which offer excellent biocompatibility and thus have a great potential for cellular interface.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinateur
B4 7ET Birmingham