Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SoWHat (Solar Wind Heating and Turbulence)
Période du rapport: 2017-11-01 au 2018-10-31
Implications for Astrophysical Theory: One cannot either adequately enumerate or indeed, anticipate all of the instances across the vast canvas of plasma astrophysics where the nature of collisionless plasma turbulence may prove to be of interest. We wish to highlight one problem that has a long history and has recently seen a burst of activity. It is a long-standing question in the theory of matter accretion onto black holes whether and to what degree plasma turbulence, which is excited in the accretion disk by instabilities driven by the Keplerian shear and helps enable accretion by transporting angular momentum, can be thermalized preferentially on ions rather than electrons or vice versa. This has implications for the relative amounts of energy radiated out by electrons (and thus, observed) vs. swallowed by the black hole as mass (ions) is sucked in as well as for observational signatures of disks and their jets. Our findings indicate that, at least at beta~1 most of the energy arrives to ions scales whiteout being dissipated. Since the theory (or even a reliable modeling prescription) of energy partition in plasma turbulence is still being developed, this is a useful factual constraint to have.
Implications for General (Plasma) Physics: The peregrinations and rearrangements of energy through a system’s phase space are a recurrent motif of theoretical physics. Turbulence theory is explicitly constructed to describe the energy’s thermalization routes, which bridge the usually vast separations between its injection and dissipation scales, producing rich, multiscale non-linear structure in the process. In weakly collisional plasmas, these energy transfer routes are in a 6D phase space, with velocity space refinement (phase mixing) of the particles’ distribution functions in general as effective as spatial mixing in accessing dissipation mechanisms. It is perhaps noteworthy that, in the case of inertial-range turbulence of a magnetized plasma, one of these forms of mixing turns out unambiguously to be the winner: spatial advection outperforms phase mixing and makes a collisionless plasma resemble a collisional fluid. Those who believe in the universality of nonlinear dynamics might be pleased by such an outcome. For plasma physicists, this is a sobering reminder that collisionless dissipation processes that make our subject so intellectually distinctive are not irreversible until they are consummated by collisional entropy production—and an intriguing demonstration that nonlinear effects can sometimes hinder them in favor of more ''fluid-like” entropy-production mechanisms.