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Efficient microgeneration combined with food cooling systems in trade, crafts and service companies

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - COOL POWER (Efficient microgeneration combined with food cooling systems in trade, crafts and service companies)

Período documentado: 2015-03-01 hasta 2015-07-31

The project intends to commercialise an efficient microgeneration technology combined with food cooling systems in trade, crafts and service companies. The innovative core of microgeneration is an ORC cycle operating with a significantly lower inlet temperature between 30°C-50°C that allows for utilising heat from cooling systems or other waste heat sources that have not yet been used due to the absence of an applicable technology. The system offers higher electrical efficiency (15-18 %) and higher flexibility to different inlet temperatures than comparable systems. Compared to state-of-the-art technology COOL POWER works with super low temperatures and in a low power range (30 kW). In this spectrum no alternative proven technology exists today. The system also works with higher inlet temperatures of 75°C through the usage of a simple three way valve.

The objective was to prepare the COOL POWER market introduction thoroughly by identifying special concerns, risks, and IP issues and transforming this knowledge into a reliable and sustainable business approach. The specific objectives of the feasibility study were:
o assess the feasibility of supply the super-low temperature µORC to the specific target groups,
o investigate several regional/national markets,
o identify specific technical and regulatory requirements,
o explore distribution models and exploitation routes,
o prove of technical and economic viability in a final report,
o Creation of a detailed business plan incl. an assessment of ROI and an risk assessment.

The business idea remains unchanged. The waste heat market offers large growth opportunities in many areas. Energy efficiency measures are promoted European-wide and companies’ responsibility for more sustainability increases. All that facilitates market introduction after having successfully proven the technology in different applications. This technology opens a tremendous range of new application opportunities of distributed, sustainable electricity generation based on recovering waste heat.

For financing we will apply for SME Instrument Phase 2 funding.
The feasibility assessment was dedicated to prepare the commercialisation of the super-low temperature ORC based μCHP system and elaborate a detailed business plan. In particular it

• identifies market areas, target countries and the specific target groups
• develops exploitation routes for fast European/international commercialisation
• identifies potential pilot customers for product demonstrations

As a result of the feasibility study the technology was technically improved to allow operation in hotter regions (Southern Europe), but also to cope with climate change effects. We investigated the details of customer needs and expected market structures, proves the technical and economic viability of the technology and prepared technical requirements, product documentation and data sheets. The market segments were refined, set and prioritized. Target countries in Europe with high market potentials were identified. An assessment of local competitors, products, markets, regulations and strategies, as well as the identification of potential partners and stakeholders has been realised. We found two strategic cooperation partners for future commercialisation and identified various potential pilot customers for future demonstrations. A costs and benefits analysis, updated growth figures and a marketing and exploitation strategy derived from our activities. A European patent has been filed for IP protection.

Our detailed analysis have led to the conclusion that COOL POWER has a high exploitation potential and can be used in many other applications and markets beside food cooling.
The results of phase 1 are very encouraging to move the technology towards a TRL 8. The market interest has been confirmed in various discussions with potential pilot customers from different market segments.

The μORC system offers the unique opportunity to implement microgeneration in target markets with cold food storage, incl. food processing, food and beverage retail and service providers, and accommodation, which are producing considerable amounts of waste heat and which are potentially counting for ~10 % of the energy consumption in Europe. The commercial potential corresponds to 2.5 million installations in Europe at the moment. The developed technology directly contributes to European societal challenges such as reducing the consumption of fossil resources and the emission of greenhouse gases and it facilitates low-cost and low-carbon decentralised energy generation. Moreover it contributes to the implementation of the Microgeneration Resolution of the European Parliament (2012/2930 RSP).

The economic impact and company growth perspectives of this project for HKL are very large and imply a valuable investment in a new production facility. The vision of HKL is to become market leader for microgeneration solutions on the European market, with the ambition for global expansion. The strategic objective is to be an innovation champion in the field of µCHP. The project is a logical consequence from the current production of cooling devices for data centers and the recent R&D activities.

The technology can also play a vital role to support grid integration of variable renewables. The major three applications that receive first priority in the exploitation strategy are: combining COOL POWER with cooling units, with solar energy plants and to integrate COOL POWER in industrial processes.
Super-low temperature ORC process