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Astronomy Fellowships in Italy 2

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AstroFIt2 (Astronomy Fellowships in Italy 2)

Período documentado: 2017-09-01 hasta 2020-08-31

INAF, the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics has proposed AstroFIt 2 in order to support transnational brain circulation of young researchers, by means of 18 Incoming Mobility 3-year fellowships to be issued in two calls, each of 9 fellows, to be carried out at the 16 INAF Research Centers across Italy. INAF is internationally renowned for its excellence in science and technology, therefore AstroFIt-2 thus gave young researchers the possibility to expand their careers.
AstroFIt-2 has been built on the success and experience acquired by FP7 COFUND AstroFIt (GA 267251). AstroFIt 2 has resulted to be even more attractive than the previous programme, considering that in 5 years INAF recruited 24 experienced researchers for a total of 630,5 person-months, corresponding to >97% of the funded person-months (648).
The AstroFIt 2 website ( is online since September 2015 (M1). It includes individual web pages set up, in which all fellows have the possibility of presenting their projects and results.
On September 18, 2015 the AstroFIt 2 1st Call was published in the AstroFIt 2 website, and widely disseminated on several websites and mailing lists. 103 applications were received, from 21 different countries, confirming the great interest in the programme from the international astrophysical scientific community. A Selection Committee, composed by 7 internationally recognized experts in astrophysics, two of which not working in Italy, was appointed.
A total of 36 candidates received a ranking above the threshold and their names are in the final ranked list published on March 21, 2016. All applicants received their individual evaluation report produced by the Selection Committee.
The awarded fellows were given 45 days to accept the fellowship to be started within 6 months from the award.
The first fellow was appointed on September 1, 2016, on month 13, as scheduled.
On May 19, 2016 the AstroFIt 2 2nd Call was published. 62 applications were received from 26 different countries, thus confirming again the international relevance of the programme. A new Selection Committee was appointed and a former fellow of the FP7 COFUND AstroFIt was included in this 2nd Call Committee. At the end of the evaluation procedure, 56 candidates received a ranking above the threshold and their names are in the final ranked list published on November 4, 2016. All applicants received their individual evaluation report.
The first 2nd Call fellow was appointed on March 1, 2017.
In conformity with the principles of the Charter & Code the selection procedure of the two AstroFIt 2 calls have been transparent and smooth, demonstrating that is possible to include international participants in the Selection Committee, to respect the scheduled time for the evaluation of proposals, to give the fellows an adequate period of time for accepting and starting the fellowship, to provide fair employment conditions and to contribute to their career development.
3 Annual Meetings of the AstroFit 2 fellows have been organized:
Presenting their project during the Annual Meeting was a very effective opportunity to enlarge and diversify their collaboration. In fact, some of the fellows discovered to have common scientific interests and started novel collaboration activities between them, with natural positive feedback for their respective projects.
During the Annual Meetings, as well as through any other communication activities, the fellows had the opportunity to present their suggestions to the Board in order to improve the programme.
The Board of AstroFIt 2 considers a success of the programme the number of fellows (2 in the first reporting period and 7 in the second one) who were awarded a permanent or prestigious position in a National or International research centre, and for this reason resigned before the official end of their fellowship.
From September 2017 to August 2020 INAF recruited a total of 6 fellows in addition to the 18 fellows originally planned, as soon as at least a 12 months fellowship was available due to the resignation of former fellows. The ranking lists of the 1st and 2nd Calls had been taken into consideration.
Overall, the AstroFIt 2 fellows produced a total of 231 papers, i.e. more than 1 paper every 3 months, published on peer reviewed refereed international journals, well demonstrating the scientific achievements of the programme.
The AstroFIt 2 project has proved to be successful in reaching and exploiting its main objectives:
• Brain circulation: young research fellows, of various nationalities, coming from different countries had the possibility to exploit their experience, get in contact with new research environments and groups, also proactively triggering, and paving the way to, new international collaborations, with positive outcome for the parties involved;
• Networking: the AstroFIt 2 fellows had also the possibility to widen their research network environment, at all levels: involvement in new scientific and technological programmes or activities, opening new horizons for their project(s), participation to new professional experience and activities;
• Access to data/facilities: becoming part of one or more INAF Research Centres, the AstroFIt 2 fellows received positive benefit from the access to scientific data archive and analysis infrastructures, technological and laboratory facilities, ground-based and space-borne observatories, accessible by INAF scientists;
• Dissemination: the AstroFIt 2 fellows had the possibility to be active part of all INAF dissemination and public outreach initiatives thus significantly widening the dissemination of the results of their projects.
The fellows have been included in all INAF communication means (general mailing lists and exploders, dedicated group info distribution systems, etc). In such a way they are continuously informed about training activities, workshops, grant opportunities as well as dissemination or outreach activities both at national and international level. Fellows have also full support from INAF Media office and staff, which give them the opportunity to better disseminate their project outcomes and scientific activities.
Each fellow received a dedicated budget of 6000 EUR/year to freely invest on their project and future developments, collaborations and career. Questionnaires filled in by the fellows as soon as they completed the fellowship proved that allowance received was considered fully adequate.
For two years after the end of fellowship all AstroFIt 2 fellows can fully collaborate with INAF, use the INAF facilities and have at her/his disposal any research fund not spent during the fellowship.
After the AstroFIt 2 fellowship, a total of 9 fellows received a permanent position in the academic sector of which 7 at INAF research centres, 1 fellow accepted a prestigious position in the private sector, 10 fellows accepted post-docs at prestigious European academic centres (including 1 at INAF) and the remaining 4 are evaluating offers. In conclusion, 15 fellows had the opportunity to reintegrate in their homeland Country in Europe, 2 other European fellows decided to move in a different academic institution in Europe, 2 of the 3 non-European fellows decided to continue their research activity in Europe.
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