Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIRCLE (Coordinating European Research on Molecular Communications)
Período documentado: 2016-06-01 hasta 2017-05-31
The CIRCLE project has 6 objectives:
1) Harmonize heterogeneous islands of research in Molecular Communications across Europe by providing a structured research agenda through the collaborative specification and continual refinement of a research roadmap.
2) Stimulate guided learning for young researchers entering the area of Molecular Communications, through improving efficiency of knowledge acquisition in key disciplines.
3) Build a structured community across Europe of research leaders and collaborators working in the area of Molecular Communication.
4) Accelerate the exchange of knowledge and best practice between researchers with Europe and internationally, focusing on Molecular Communications.
5) Facilitate a staff exchange program between partners within CIRCLE focusing in particular on young researchers.
6) Reduce the barriers for entry into the area of Molecular Communications for high tech SME through the collaborative specification and continual refinement of an industry engagement roadmap.
- MolComML - A Molecular Communications Markup Language
- MolCom Simulator ToolKit (initial specification)
- Workshop on Molecular Communications (a venue for discussion and advancement of the european and international Molecular Communications community)
- A Molecular Communications code repository
- A CIRCLE discussion Forum for news, adverts, research challenge discussion, etc.
- An online focal point and presence
The expected potential impact of the activities carried out in CIRCLE so far is quite clear and well aligned to the objectives of the project. The infrastructure and activities that have taken place will develop critical mass within the Molecular Communications community to encourage stable growth, harmonisation of best practice, dissemination and exchange of expert knowledge, improved entry into the molecular communications research discipline for young researchers, encourage collaboration through staff exchanges in the 2nd year of the project.