Periodic Reporting for period 4 - COSYN (Comorbidity and Synapse Biology in Clinically Overlapping Psychiatric Disorders)
Reporting period: 2020-07-01 to 2020-12-31
Using these samples as a starting point, we set out to uncover disease mechanisms of comorbidity as illustrated in Figure 1. Hereto we generated novel neuronal cell models by using micro-lithography to generate micro-islands of support cells (glia cells) to allow single neurons to grow and form synapses onto themselves in culture (autapses) as illustrated in Figure 2. We optimized and characterized these cultures in terms of in vitro maturation and synapse formation.
Many in vitro differentiation and maturation procedures had to be compared to find optimal in vitro models and be able to generate the novel neurobiological criteria that were required to elucidate mechanisms of comorbidity. We established a quality control pipeline with exome sequencing of all patient in vitro cell lines to identify any confounding genetic rearrangements that regularly emerge during re-programming of the primary (skin) cells and gene editing. To characterize the selected models in detail, we used patch clamp physiology to characterize synapse maturation and function in vitro and to standardize procedures of systematic analysis of synapses from the selected patients.
For the selected patient cell lines, multiple advanced neuroscience platforms were used to evaluate an extensive set of molecular and cellular parameters, and to identify alterations in synaptic biology in comparison with cell lines of control subjects (see Figure 3 for an example).
Furthermore, beyond the original plans of COSYN, we introduced modern genome editing (CRISPR/Cas9) to correct genetic variants in the patient cell lines or to recreate the same mutations in a standard laboratory cell line. These novel cellular models provide unique opportunities to European researchers to discover synaptic deficits associated with these rare genetic variants of strong effect and to build future cell models for compound screening and therapy design.
During the project, COSYN researchers have completed the analysis of the first genome editing projects (CRISPR/Cas9), in particular for STXBP1 and UNC13A. Mutations in these genes cause ‘SNAREopathies’, a complex mix of comorbid symptoms, prominently those related to ID and ASD. The extensive synaptic analyses provided new insights into the molecular functions of these genes and possible differences between human synapses and previously characterize rodent model synapses. These studies also form the basis for the analyses of engineered mutations in STXBP1, precisely mirroring the mutations detected in some of our patient samples. In this way COSYN was able to perform side-by-side comparisons between patient-own and engineered cell models.
Crucially, during the final phase of the project we have rigorously studied whether there is a medication that might help people whose lives are severely impacted because of genetic accidents compromising the synaptic gene STXBP1. A first patient was treated with a rationally selected drug, and promising effects were reported (Figure 1). This was the central goal of COSYN – to bring the power of modern team science to patients with otherwise untreatable diseases.
In conclusion, the COSYN project was crucial next step in “decoding” the genetic findings via intensive focus on the clinical and molecular comorbidities of ID, autism, and schizophrenia. We succeeded in all our major aims.