CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Public website
Public website to host study results and explain the studies to the general public
2 roundtables with relevant stakeholders to allow in depth presentation/interrogation of project resultsAttendance at three industry conferences to present project results
Dissemination of project results to project partners from major European FC bus deployment projects
Review of available commercial models for deploying and operating electrolyser based hydrogen fuelling for bus depots in different markets
Development of the standardised report template
Dissemination guidelines for local and regional dissemination
First 6-monthly project progress report
6-monthly project progress report
Agreed definition of availability for bus depot fuelling stations and recommendations on appropriate availability enforcement mechanismsSummary one page ‘flyer’ describing the project to a new stakeholder
Common bus operator requirements for future tendering processes
High-level techno-economic report summarising the overall findings of the studies and the implications for large scale fuel cell bus rollout
Second 6-monthly project progress report
6-monthly project progress report
Final project reportProduction of a brief presentation summarising outputs from the project
Review of strategies to ensure adequate availability/redundancy of hydrogen fuelling
Recommendations with respect to design options to cope with planned growth in demand for hydrogen due to bus depot expansion
Business cases to support FC bus commercialisation
Review of RCS with respect to hydrogen bus scale fuelling
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