Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BI-MARK (Clinical validation of the CD32b biomarker on the European market)
Período documentado: 2015-05-01 hasta 2015-09-30
The objectives of the feasibility study was to find and contact researchers/clinicians for conducting retrospective and/or prospective studies, as well as to refine the business model for the commercialization of the biomarker assay.
The feasibility study has also resulted in a deeper understanding of the CLL market, CLL treatment regimes, user needs, regulatory considerations and reimbursement of diagnostics. Based on this knowledge the business model has been refined and a more detailed business and commercialisation plan been developed.
The resulting business plan together with the work plan for clinical studies will form the base for a phase 2 SME-instrument application.
A robust clinically validated biomarker assay for CLL and rituximab treatment will provid clinicians with a clinical decision tool to effectively manage treatment and increase access to novel targeted treatments for patients. This will serve to improve patient outcomes and contribute to sustainability of the healthcare system in Europe and beyond.