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Establishing of EEN-services for supporting the Key Account Management process in the SME-instrument and enhancing the INnOvation management capacities of SMEs – KAMINO

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - KAMINO (Establishing of EEN-services for supporting the Key Account Management process in the SME-instrument and enhancing the INnOvation management capacities of SMEs – KAMINO)

Período documentado: 2015-01-01 hasta 2016-12-31

The project activities were targeted to boost the participation of European SME in the SME instrument of HORIZON 2020 and to enhance the innovation management capacities of high innovative SME as well as to increase participation of SMEs in EEN support services and EU funding programs. The implementation of the activities has been organized in two work packages (WP).
On the one hand, the project gave accompanying services to beneficiaries of the SME instrument in the implementation of their project ideas and to organize a coaching for them within the WP Key Account Management (KAM) in order to increase participation and success rate for H2020 application efforts.
On the other hand, the project activities were targeted to the enhancement of the innovation management capacities of SME (WP2 Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity process: EIMC). Therefore, the innovation capacities and processes, innovation strategies and internal organizations of SME as well as their relation with innovation partners were assessed. Identified gaps and bottlenecks in the innovation management capacities were discussed and recommendation, inspiration and encouragement for measures and activities to overcome them have been given by the EEN consultants jointly with the SME.
Three partners – ATI Küste GmbH, Steinbeis Forschungszentrum Technologiemanagement Nordost and Technologiepark Warnemünde GmbH – worked on both work packages KAM and EIMC. The fourth partner – IHK zu Rostock as the coordinator of EEN M-V consortium – overtook formally the activities of the coordinator also for KAMINO.

Based on the results of the innovation audits, each EIMC client got individually advice aligned to their demands. Clients wishing to apply for the H2020 SME instrument were very closely accompanied due to the complexity of the application and the formal registration requirements. The main focus of the advisory activities was given to SME-support instruments on European, national or Federal state level, in particular for very young SMEs. Furthermore, access to finance was an issue raised by almost every client. Also, consultations related to the protection of IPR or to the improvement of marketing and sales activities were done.

Besides, two KAM-cases were accompanied: ”Bertha G” (phase 1 project) and “willpower” (phase 2 project) of the Gensoric GmbH. Both cases were very tightly accompanied by SFZ. While in phase 1 due to external and time reasons no coaching was possible, in phase 2 Gensoric identified with the support of SFZ even two suitable coaches. For more details please refer to the WP1 reporting.
In WP 2 (EIMC consultancies) 23 regional SME were assessed by P02 (ATI), P03 (SFZ) and P04 (TPW). Regional EEN seminars and workshops as well as direct contacts were used as instruments for identifying of suitable companies. Sometimes, requests from SMEs to other topics were used for the acquisition.

The three partners used the following tools for the assessments:
­- ATI-Go-Inno-Tool
­- smE-MPOWER Business

Based on the specific of the Federal State economy of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania –with its low concentration of small to very small companies– the identification of enterprises with innovation potential is connected with high efforts by the partners compared with other German regions. Long ways are necessary to visit the companies and to open up their mind for more innovation and internationalization. The fact that the main work force of companies in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania is largely tightly bound to day to day business activities complicated client support actions.

In summary, the project activities that had already been carried out had a positive effect on the companies and their ability and competence in the field of innovation management. The participants could work out solutions in all 23 cases and to influence the work of the respective partners positively. The complementary integration of EEN services to achieve the SME objectives and their active linkage were often decisive for the sustained success of the consultations.
As indicated in the PES the KAMINO partners delivered in the two-years-period 24 service packages, 2 KAM packages (WP 1) and 22 EIMC packages (WP 2). The differences to the planned number of service packages in both work packages are resulting from:
(1) Due to only 1 successful applicant from Mecklenburg Western Pomerania in the SME instrument in both phases 1 and 2 only 2 KAM service packages were delivered in the reporting period.
(2) Due to no KAM case in 2015-2016 Partner 2 ATI used the planned efforts from WP 1 (KAM) for the assessment and consultancy of 2 more SMEs in WP 2 (EIMC).
(3) Due to the rising interest of companies in the offered advising innovation services of SFZ has overachieved the planned number of 6 EIMC cases. Most of the cases are not finished yet. Based on the implemented audits the individual advice will continue during the next reporting period.

Impact for SME
• Detailed analysis of company’s status quo in terms of their market position, finance, personnel, innovation processes, internationalization, etc.
• Concrete actions (mentoring and coaching) being taken to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs
• More integrated service provision to the SMEs under COSME
• Major step towards business development for internationalization in the EU and third countries

Impact for EEN
• Promotion of EEN services and develop SMEs potential to further engage with EEN
• Improved collaboration with regional service providers for regional development support
• Learning from EIMC experiences and further adapt the tools to regional needs to improve the professionalism of the services
• Success stories of SME instrument will increase awareness of the program and EEN services