Within FRAGNET, the different aspects of FBLD have been studied in separate Work Packages (WP). Whereas WP1 (management) and WP2 (training) focused on organizing the network as efficiently as possible, the other WPs focused on scientific progress. In WP3, new fragment libraries were developed, including novel 3D fragments and reactive fragments that can make covalent bonds with the target proteins. The libraries have been made available for (future) screening activities. In WP4, novel screening technologies and novel target classes were evaluated. Amongst others, this has resulted in applying novel biophysical screening approaches and using orthogonal screening approaches to study emerging drug targets like intrinsically disordered proteins and a variety of proteins having allosteric binding sites. In WP5, computational methods were developed that are able to guide FBLD projects, leading to several new protocols for exploring fragment-protein binding and for fragment hit evolution. Amongst others, this has resulted in approaches and protocols that are available for the broader scientific community. FBLD applications were studied in WP6, leading to new biologically active compounds and the characterisation of novel biologically relevant targets. Finally, WP7 focused on business and innovation processes in pharmaceutical sciences. Using amongst others bibliometric analyses, questionnaires and interviews, these studies explored the origin and development of FBLD, the role of individual researchers and their career development as well as the role of public-private partnerships in drug discovery.