We have shown, by performing experimental evolution experiments under the high concentrations of antibiotics typically achieved in patients, that resistance evolves always first through a tolerance step. In other words, in all our experiments in which resistance to antibiotics evolved, the first mutations that fixed in the population were in fact tolerance mutations, and resistance mutations appeared only as a second step on top of the tolerant background. We were able to reconstruct the evolutionary trajectories in several strains and analyze quantitatively the separate contributions of tolerance and resistance mutations to fitness. Our mathematical analysis identifies tolerance as a key factor to promote the subsequent emergence of resistance. Therefore, preventing tolerance may impede the evolution of resistance.
These results prompted us to develop techniques to monitor the evolution of tolerance in patients. The Tolerance Detection test (TDtest) was then applied to monitor the evolution of tolerance in life-threatening blood infections. Strikingly, we found that tolerance evolves fast and the, similar to our results in vitro, promotes the evolution of resistance. These results point to new antibiotic combinations that could help prevent the evolution of tolerance and resistance.