Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CliniSenz (CliniSenz(TM) - A Cost-effective Biosensor for Automatic Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring)
Reporting period: 2015-06-01 to 2015-11-30
To this end we have secured our feasibility study by evaluating several aspects of the system including further development and production activities, requirements for the clinical study, commercialising and launching the CliniSenz™ system. This has also given us the opportunity to establish third party collaborations for this project and future projects.
Senzime AB has executed a feasibility study that verified both the technological and practical viability of the CliniSenz™ system. We have also determined the economic aspects of such innovative concept that is novel to our target customer segment and assessed that such a system like CliniSenz™ will be more cost-effective for the health care system.
We will – in collaboration with our partners – assess CliniSenz™ in the context of clinical evaluations as well as further development. This will lead us to the production and commercialisation of a new product in the market and supplement our product portfolio. Our challenge is to cultivate a new medical technical product that can visualise biomarkers widely used in clinical practice to describe both normal and pathological conditions in patients whom are of need of continuous follow-up of important physiological parameters such as glucose. Our project will bring better health outcomes while contributing to the sustainability of the health care system.