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REVEN-X1: Automatic Vulnerability Detection in Binary

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REVEN-X1 (REVEN-X1: Automatic Vulnerability Detection in Binary)

Reporting period: 2015-07-01 to 2015-12-31

TETRANE is a French start-up, created in 2011, specialized in Cyber Security. It aims to help anticipate hacking in order to improve the overall consumer’s confidence in connected devices. TETRANE’s solution is a product that automatically discovers, characterizes and helps solving nearly any software flaw that could be exploited by malicious hackers. In March 2015, the innovative company won a SME Instrument Phase I with the project REVEN.
The objective of the feasibility study for TETRANE was to measure the potential of the REVEN’s technology in terms of technology, business opportunities and commercialisation. The subsidy awarded by the European commission has given us the possibility to:
• Define the industrialisation strategy;
• Develop our expert network;
• Perform a complete market study;
• Identify new business opportunities.
During our 6 months project we developed a strategic industrialisation plan in order to launch TETRANE’s solution and reach new business opportunities. Considering that there is a significant market interest in TETRANE’s solution, defining a strategic industrialisation plan is a key point for the development of the company and extremely important to reach the market and start selling the new solution. However, the novelty of our technology forces us to gain trust from our potential customers and end-users by proving them its efficiency. In a first phase, our communication regarding our technology will be limited in order to protect our innovation, a matter of strong concern for TETRANE. After defining those points, we have elaborated an industrialisation plan by:
1) Positioning TETRANE’s solutions within business opportunities identified;
2) Identifying goals and objectives to reach industrialisation steps;
3) Setting-up the actions to implement our industrialisation plan.
At the European and international level, TETRANE has widely communicated about his solution and the potential of its technology has been recognized from several groups of experts. In that way, TETRANE insure its technology’s dissemination but also the feed-back of Cyber Security specialists.
The achievement of SME Instrument phase I gave us the possibility of establishing a proof of concept according market’s needs for industrialisation and a market validation to better analyse the impact of its devices on its customers and on its commercial development.
The work has been leaded in order to establish the business development of REVEN® which represents the only answer to a growing social issue: cybersecurity for critical infrastructure and loss of revenue due to cyberattacks.
After the development of the REVEN solution and the feedback of the early users, TETRANE has proved its performance with the Hackers users and wants now to adapt this product for software developers.
The market segmentation of TETRANE products corresponds to the different needs of customers and the use they will make of the REVEN. TETRANE defined three customer segments to address successively. This segmentation also corresponds to REVEN products’ level of maturity.
After the SME1 program, the REVEN developments reach a higher level of TRL 7 because its demonstration in a particular market segment. TETRANE is expected to reach of level of TRL 9 with a product adapted to the business opportunities identified, at the end of the industrialisation plan for the next 3 years.
Screen shot_REVEN solution
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