Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MOBNET (MOBile NETwork for people's location in natural and man-made disasters)
Reporting period: 2017-02-01 to 2018-02-28
MOBNET will be a SAR system integrated within UAVs that will provide continuous monitoring of the affected area at low cost. Furthermore, it will be easily and quickly deployed, posing no risk to the life of the rescuers and PPDR services, independently of the heavy weather conditions, the malfunction of technical parts or human errors. Likewise, it will not require special training or qualifications to control the UAVs and will fasten the process of locating survivors in vast areas.
The main objective of MOBNET is divided into the measureable scientific and technical sub-objectives specified below:
• Highest timing accuracy in order to detect the mobile phones with a high positioning accuracy.
• Develop a mobile base station (BTS) to locate mobiles within 5m
• Develop a reliable datalink to transmit the location of the mobiles to the ground station used by the rescue services.
• Performance test of the prototype in real operational scenarios using a UAV platform
Multiconstellation and EGNSS positioning development: will investigate and develop the EGNSS module. DCT integration and positioning will investigate and develop the DCT module of the MOBNET system. A prototype to locate people under debris or within buildings will be developed.
Ground Station, synchronization and high level software: the development of the GS module as well as the synchronization and communication links between the MOBNET system’s modules. Develop the high level software to display the mission data over GIS data resources.
Test setup integration and validation: build a testbed so that the MOBNET system can be employed in a SAR operation and validate it against the end-users specifications
Results exploitation and Dissemination: the dissemination of the results of the project and for the interaction with the relevant standardisation
• High accuracy, in the order of meters.
• EGNSS based precision timing, in the order of 10 nanoseconds.
• Cost effectiveness and light weight.
• Easily and quickly deployed.
• Continuous monitoring of the affected area.
• No risk the rescuers’ life.
• Independent of weather conditions and noisy ambient
• No special training or qualification is needed to use it.
• Fasten the process of locating survivors
The MOBNET system will be the first system to connect UAVs with Digital Cellular Technologies (DCT) and European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNSS) to locate people within buildings or under debris in inaccessible areas. There is no SAR system wither in the market or in the scientific literature that presents all these features together. These features are required to meet the necessities of first responder services.