Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SOCRATIC (SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals)
Reporting period: 2017-01-01 to 2018-02-28
The Social Innovation Process of Socratic launch the possibility to citizens and also to Universities and educational orgs, NGOs, companies and Civil Society Institutions to address social challenges and promote them to find the best solutions. The SOCRATIC Social Innovation Model is designed to build solutions in an open, transparent, ethical, sustainable and inclusive manner. You can create your own challenge or be part of the challenges of others. SOCRATIC allows you to connect and collaborate with organizations from the moment you create the challenge or have an idea to solve it. Invite other people and create your own action team.
SOCRATIC is an integrated solution for the innovation process rather than separate items or services, enabling agile social innovation processes. Each activity is supported by a specific service in the platform. SOCRATIC also implemented a Global Observatory about Sustainability challenges.
Partners: Fundación Cibervoluntarios (Cybervolunteers Foundation, Spain); The Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen GmbH (ATB, Germany); The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Norway); SINTEF, Norway; FARAPI, Spain
Goals: The main goal of SOCRATIC project is to provide citizens and organizations a collaborative space where they can identify innovative solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.
SOCRATIC facilitate the participation of citizens, organizations and Civil Society in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by reaching the following:
● Creation of a common understanding of the social innovation concepts and the advances related to digital platforms that support social innovation
● Validation of the SOCRATIC concept and Procedure:
● Generation of different kind of data sets, metadata and related information along with the validation and assessment stages of this project.
● Provision of a broad spectrum of collected data
● Definition of the first steps of the SOCRATIC innovation process: Preparation, Prompts and Ideation.
● Development, definition and validation of a digital platform as well as the stimulation of the social participation on it by an active communication strategy
● Generation of a new social methodology and disseminate it
● Ensuring security and privacy of information and data collected
● SOCRATIC Full Prototype validated:;jsessionid=BwRTn+qEZyZG8Z1a4c-wJ-OF.undefined?0
● Project website Final Version:
● SOCRATIC Methodology Workbook Final Version:
● Assessment report:
● Plan of Exploitation and Dissemination of the Results Final Version:
● Platform in Spanish to run Pilots experiences and CiberPlus Pilots in Spain lead by Cibervoluntarios: “CiberPlus”
● Experts in Teams pilots lead by NTNU in Norway
● Demonstrators (Booth in English and Spanish)
1 English
2 English
3 Spanish
● To deeply analyse the state-of-the-art of innovation methodologies, especially those related to social innovation, Social Collaboration Systems and Knowledge creation and management, and the innovation scenarios of the pilot organizations where the project results will be implemented and tested.
● Based on that, to describe the user requirements and define the system concept
● To develop the practical methodology workbook for those agents involved in Social Innovation and which are going to implement/participate in the platform; to design the landing page of the platform, including the Global Sustainability Challenges Observatory; and to design the intelligent services of the platform, including those services providing support to the whole Social Innovation Life-Cycle and the Social Media Monitoring Services
● To produce an early prototype for early testing and inputs for further refinements; to implement the system components; as well as to test the validity of the approach using the early prototype; and to fully integrate all the elements in the refined SOCRATIC Platform.
● To validate the platform and methodology; and to assess the results from the perspective of the end-users.
● To lead a Europe-wide dissemination activity to maximise the impact of the results from SOCRATIC project; to lead an exploitation strategy to facilitate the successful exploitation and take-up of SOCRATIC results; to lead a strategy for standardisation of SOCRATIC project results; and monitoring market trends, opportunities, industrial and manufacturing needs, etc.
During the second half of the project, the focus beyond of the state of art was the engagement of citizens organizations and entities of the civil society with the Full Prototype platform, through pilots experiences in Spain and Norway.
Impact of SOCRATIC pilots experiences:
The project has involved two pilot experiences lead by: one European NGO CiberVoluntarios Foundation, coordinator of the consortium and a group of Young Social Innovators and Students from the “Experts in Team” program of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU-EiT). Both entities performed actions with different approaches, but with a common tool, the use of IT to empower citizens and achieve specific SDGs.
Impact of the activities in Spain:
• 14 Workshops in different cities of Spain from October 2017 to February 2018
• 260 people registered on the CiberPlus platform
• 7 organizations, educational centers and universities involved
• 87 Challenges created by the Ciberplus community
• 37 ideas generated to solve challenges
• 5 actions (solutions offered)
• 6 business models created to support the sustainability of the solutions
Impact of the activities in Norway:
• One Challenge Owner: Norwegian Autisme Society
• 30 social innovators students
• 5 final solutions into prototypes:
• Social Inovation Contest in September 2018 with a Hackathon and a final pricce of 1.000 Euros to the best prototype proposed:“CalmMe”