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Robotic Automation Modules for Production


Full release of the unified control framework and API

To provide a stable version of the unified Skill Execution Control Framework and its respective API.

Full release of the SDK

A full-featured version of the SDK shall be released and elaborated by the module developers.

Revision of Developers Toolkit for Modular Automation Components

The physical interface specification and communication protocol specification is revised in the common developers toolkit.

Plug-in API of skills/modules Beta release

Plug-in-like integration of skills/modules allowing modules to access relevant configuration and run-time information from the execution framework.

Full release of RAMPup framework

Full-featured version of whole RAMPUP framework can be downloaded and installed with “one-click” including all features developed in this task. Documentation and educational material, i.e. tutorial videos and examples, will also be available.

Showcase videos of the developed Robotic Automation Modules

Showcase videos of the developed Robotic Automation Modules.

Developers Toolkit for Modular Automation

A revision of the physical interface specification and communication protocol specification is combined with similar deliverables for the Unified Skill-execution control framework and the interactive user interface into a common developers toolkit.

Module(s) integrated with the GUI, with

Module(s) integrated with the GUI, with summary of integration process, including advice for future developers to avoid pitfalls and unnecessary delays.

Conceptual prototype of web-based

Web-stores like the app-stores for smartphones has revolutionised how easily software can be brought from developers to consumers. In a similar way, it should be possible to exchange a flexible robotic automation module through a web-based portal.

Catalogue of generic Robotic Automation

Catalogue of generic Robotic Automation Modules available on-line.

Project Website

Project website providing access to all available information.

Final prototype of web-based component exchange portal

Final prototype of web-based component exchange portal.

Videos of industrial demonstrators

Videos of our industrial use-case demonstrators.

Physical Interfaces Specification

Merging of the modular automation cell developed in the Danish national project CARMEN and the modular automation concept applied by Elos Medtech Pinol, ensuring robustness and scalability.

Guide on integration with the GUI through

Inputs will be evaluated and a summary of the most important user needs and requirements will be presented.

Demonstration of hardware and software

Demonstration of hardware and software integrated modules for the use-cases.

Final GUI in use at industrial partners

Documentation: Description of functionalities and guides to usage of the GUI.

Hardware demonstration of first set of Robotic Automation Modules

Hardware demonstration of first set of Robotic Automation Modules.

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