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EUBrasilCloudFORUM: Fostering an International dialogue between Europe and Brazil

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EUBrasilCloudFORUM (EUBrasilCloudFORUM: Fostering an International dialogue between Europe and Brazil)

Período documentado: 2017-01-01 hasta 2018-07-31

The EUBrasilCloudFORUM Coordination and Support Action aims at establishing an organizational cooperation model that enables the EU and Brazil to formulate and develop a common strategy and approach for Research & Innovation in Cloud Computing in line with the priorities of each region.

Shaping the Digital Single Market (DSM) requires revitalising industry with a strong focus on cloud computing and the data economy. Europe & Brazil understand the potential global importance of the DSM, where both parties within EUBrasilCloudFORUM, agree that an open exchange with stakeholders is critical for building consensus amongst the regions and for delivering practical guides on how Cloud Services can help business and research activity.
The on-going evolution of cloud computing will radically transform business processes and bring about the most sweeping changes to the structure of the global economy since the Industrial Revolution. A structured channel as the EUBrasilCloudFORUM is needed to exchange views on the digital economy can support better access for consumers and businesses around innovative cloud services and solutions and maximise the growth potential of the digital economy.

Four main objectives have been set by the EU & BR consortium: 1) structure a community driven engagement forum for EU-Brazil policy and research and innovation dialogues; 2) deliver an EUBrazil Research and Innovation Roadmap and Action Plan related to cloud computing; 3) build a web based EUBR Service platform to promote and market the results from the EU-Brazil community as well as showcasing the success stories; and 4) organize and deliver focused EU-BR Cloud Computing Events.
To achieve its objectives, the project is organized around four Work Packages (WPs).

WP1 ensured an efficient and effective coordination and management of the project (including overseeing the quality of the work and results), based on a balanced EU-BR management approach and an effective cross-regional interaction. Of particular relevance, are the global coordination aspects, which require from both coordinators several alignment activities. Also, a set of quality assurance mechanism have been set since the beginning to ensure that the outcomes satisfy the relevant quality standards. Finally, a plan of work was defined to engage the members of the project advisory board on the activities being performed, particularly in what regards the design and validation of the EUBrasilCloudFORUM research roadmap and the advanced catalogue of services.

WP2 focused on the promotion of the collaboration and dialogue between policy support via programme management, researchers, and innovators from both regions (Europe and Brazil), focusing mainly on supporting the roll-out of one EU Brazil policy dialogue and scoping and establishing the Working Groups (WGs). In practice, the project has been very active with both the European Commission (EC) and RNP/MCTIC in the provision of materials for all of the Policy Dialogue meetings that have occurred during and even before the project commenced. Regarding the WGs, a dedicated group on “Future Scenarios and Research challenges” has been created and nurtured to facilitate two of the project’s objectives.

WP3 developed a research roadmap on cloud computing, including security aspects, based on a set of core concepts and following a well-defined process. It is started with identification of several futuristic scenarios. Then the work was developed on top of these scenarios and corresponding drivers that, once mapped with the state of the art, allowed understanding and identifying research gaps and opportunities that need to be filled. As a result, the research roadmap was devised, including the scenarios and drivers, analyzing the gaps and researchopportunities related to cloud computing, and proposing future research topics for the EU-Brazil (EUBR) collaboration.

Finally, WP4 focused on communicating the benefits of the EUBrasilCloudFORUM from both a research and business perspective, ensuring close synergies with R&D organizations, industry and SMEs, Opinion Leaders and pertinent initiatives related to the EUBrasilCloudFORUM topics. An overall communication strategy outlines the strategy for communicating EUBrasilCloudFORUM efficiently and ensures an effective engagement of project stakeholders. A first release of the project website was launched at the beginning of the project providing information on the project’s values, purposes, future tools & services delivered and major content related to EU-BR ICT International Cooperation. A web based "market place" has been incorporated, offering a concrete and practical list of success stories and services available in the EU-BR landscape. The project organized the third and fourth editions of the Cloudscape Brazil event, within the Brazilian Computer Society Congress (CSBC).
EUBrasilCloudFORUM directly contributed to the state of the art by defining a research roadmap on cloud computing, including security aspects, with the ultimate intent to extend this to a dialogue with actionable items for both regions. To define such research roadmap, EUBrasilCloudFORUM brought together a strong group of high level Opinion Leaders (experts) from Brazil and Europe, representative of the different relevant domains, including academia, industry, government, and standardization organizations. In practice, specific contributions of the project include: an analysis of the current gaps and research opportunities related to cloud computing, including security; a better understanding of the scientific capabilities of research groups in Europe and Brazil; the identification of collaboration needs and opportunities between Europe and Brazil; and development of a research roadmap focusing on the goal of eliminating research and infrastructural weaknesses both in Brazil and Europe.

The EUBrasilCloudFORUM project also helped to create links between the several projects under the EU/BR collaboration. Several open events have been organized, bringing together representatives of all the projects currently running (among other participants), thus allowing exchanging experiences and knowledge. In terms of the socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications, the project contributed to: i) create an improved knowledge of the frameworks for PPP on cloud and open data services in Europe and Brazil and delivery of a list of conditions favorable to the creation of links between Europe and Brazil; ii) increase the confidence of cross border take-up of international hybrid cloud systems, taking into account the evolving security, privacy and trust aspects of cloud computing; iii) raise the awareness by start-ups and SMEs of the market sectors strategic for the development of business on cloud and big data management and of the rules and financial instruments to improve it across the two regions; iv) raise the awareness for European actors of infrastructural bottlenecks and legal and regulatory constraints of working with Brazil and vice versa, as well as delivery of a call to action to government to overcome these barriers; and v) deliver of a set of guidelines for a win-win cooperation that could pave the way towards a growth of digital economies in both regions, i.e. boosting investments in Brazil and job creation in the European Union.
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