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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Accellerating CCS technologies as a new low-carbon energy vector

Resultado final

Communication plan

Comminication dissemination and exploitation of the results will be taken care of in WP5A detailed communication plan will be developed and agreed upon by the consortium latest by month 3 This plan will define the targeting groups and type of dissemination Calls and outcome of the calls will be published in both national and international channels via the usual channels of communication A webpage for ACT shall be developedACT will collaborate with a number of ongoing CCS initatives organisations and bodies and will try to use their weppages for announcing Calls and results of calls

Summary Report 3rd Knowledge sharing workshop

For the 3rd workshop we are aiming to bring together the researchers with representatives from industry We assume that at this point in time the first results from the research projects will be available which could attract industry representatives and could give input to the projects in regards to the needs and usefulness of the results for the progress of industrial CCS activities

Call text, guidelines and evaluation criteria for additional calls

Call text and the guidelines for 2nd and 3rd Call should be decided upon no later than month 28 and 52 In planning of these call texts data from the 1st joint call and ideasinputs from workshops with researchers industry and other stakeholders should be taken into account These joint calls should not overlap with H2020 calls but comply with suchThe Call text guidelines and evaluation criteria shall be fully announced to the reserach community

Summary report 5th Knowledge sharing workshop

The last workshop will try to summarize the results from the variety of CCS projects funded within the ERA-Net and review the cooperation activities between the researchers from the participating countries. The workshop will also aim to review remaining knowledge gaps and discuss potential follow up activities.

Final evaluation report

The final evaluation report will bring together the main results of the work performed within the granted projects An important part of the deliverable will be to ensure access to all public publications from the granted projects This will be arranged in a suitable way probably not in print but through the Internet

Summary Report 2nd Knowledge sharing workshop

The second dissemination workshop will be linking ACT to the other European CCS activities such as pilot and demonstration projects and CCS related networks such as CCS GeoNet

Summary Report 1st Knowledge sharing workshop

The first workshop is aimed bringing together the consortium partnmers and other CCSactores as a side event to the IEAGHG meeting or the GHGT13meeting in Lausanne Switzerland in November 2016 If will also be valuable to have projects which have been invited to submit full proposals enter stage 2 evaluation to matchmake with partners at this workshop

Call text for first joint call

Call text will be defined based on the topics already agreed upon as outlined in the proposal and in Task 21The call text will be addressed to cover to types of projects 45 big ones and up to 8 smaller once

List of project to be funded

Using the ranking list and agreed list of projects for funding will be made available

Evaluation criteria for first joint call

The selection of projects to be granted requires a twostage approach The proposal will be evaluated against 1 excellence 2 impact and 3 quality and efficiency of implementation Subcriteria will be used within each of these evaluation criteria to help to differentiate between the projects 1 EXCELLENCE Clarity and relevance of the projects objectives Credibility of the proposed technologyconcept including transdisciplinary considerations where relevant Credibility of the proposed project approach Ambition and innovation potential eg beyond the current state of the art2 IMPACT Expected contribution to the reduction in the cost of carbon capture and storage Expected impact on Work Programme LCE18 objectives Expected ability of the project to enhance innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge in the European carbon capture and storage industry Future market deployment potential of the proposed innovation Projects ability to strengthen the competitiveness and growth of European companies by developing innovations that meet the needs of European and global carbon capture and storage markets and where relevant deliver these innovations to the market Strength of the proposed research data management exploitation and dissemination plans including IPR management proposals where relevant Any other environmental or socially important impacts3 QUALITY and EFFICIENCY of IMPLEMENTATION Coherence and expected effectiveness of the project plan including the appropriateness of task and resource allocation Strength of management structures and governance procedures including risk management Capability of the project proposer and partners to deliver the project and to commercialise the technology further

List of projects to be funded after the 2nd and 3rd joint calls

For the 2nd and 3rd joint Calls the list of projects to be funded will be available by month 38 and 62 respectively

Summary Report 4th Knowledge sharing workshop

The 4th workshop will be aimed to look and discuss the lessons learnt from the first calls and the progress made within the projects to advance CCS Based on interaction between researchers industry and other stakeholders during the workshop we will be able to prepare the 3rd call to be able to maximize the benefits form this joint action

Guidelines for first joint call

The procedural details of joint calls will be defined in the Guide for the first and second stage proposal application to be developed within WP2 The same guidelines will apply to all joint calls whether cofunded by the European Union or not They will include the followingEach joint call will be set up according to a standard procedure Each third party proposal must include at least two independent partners from at least two of the countries participating in the joint call All proposals must be submitted electronically Each partner of a granted project must sign a contract with its national funding agencyThe overall handling of a joint call including its definition management of the evaluation process and subsequent monitoring will be undertaken by WP2 WP3 and WP4 as will be set out in the guidelinesClear communication by national funding organisations about maximum funding in total as well as per project is necessary to avoid budget cuts at a late stage Funders should publish funding ceilings and the type of project costs they expect to fund

Evaluation report on results of communication and dissemination

It is of absolute need to reach the groups you want to reach before a call but also of great importance is to evaluate the comminication done throughout the ACT periode An evaluation of the communication and dissemination of results to the various target groups national wise and internationally will therefore be performedDissemination to partners of the ACTproject wider community of CCSactors ERALEARN and further ERAstakeholders should be done

ACT Website

"The ACT Website will be a dynamic communication and dissemination platform for the ACT project itself and for the projects financially supported through the ACT initiative. The website will be structured to meet internal and external communication needs. There will be a password protected area, allowing Consortium members to keep track of the progress of ACT, share confidential documents, and manage aspects of the project and joint calls, and a public area with unrestricted access as a key tool for dissemination to potential users of the results and technologies addressed in the granted projects. The website will contain a database with results from ACT funded projects. The target group includes politicians, regulatory authorities and the general public. The data base will be run under the scope of ""open access"". In order to increase the visibility of the ACT Website, and to avoid duplication of information, the ACT Website itself and parts of its contents will be referenced in other existing websites. "

Database with ACT results

The website will contain a database with results from ACT funded projects The target groups include researchers politicians regulatory authorities and the general public The data base will be run under the scope of open accessIn case industry will share data for scientific use these will be provided via the ACTdatabase

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